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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. I know - it is really sad. And I cannot watch the Kitchen - the screaming, the stupid jokes, the fake friendship. At least imo.
  2. LOL - over 20 years a woman bought the queso to work and we all loved it. I called it her bean dip and she kept saying "there are no beans in it!" So a guy and I named it Her No Bean Bean Dip. It was good - but, that was a very long time ago and I never had Velveeta before or since and I am 70. OTOH - my dish was 7 layer salad.
  3. I cannot wait for 3 days of HT's - especially after the G20 and Junior's problem!
  4. IIRC he said he no longer does any wedding cakes and his business is down 40% as a result.
  5. Nicolle Wallace will be on MJ tomorrow.....excellent. Hope the discuss Sarah Huckabee Saunders too since Wallace was W's WH Director of Communications.
  6. LOL Chicago - and pretended (or missed) kicking KG in the butt?
  7. Two of my most favorites moments on the show were when EH crawled into sh lap. And when she had the audacity to ask Obama "where are the job!" When she was selling clothes on QVC made in China. my first tweet ever was to EH as I was so incensed with her question. But there were more - her morning meetings with Geddie, calls from Hannity, refusing (as a busy mommy) taking a call from Chelsea Clinton. Or being so excited riding the bus with Palin and chatting on the show to a video of herself in one jacket creations (kinda if Jackie-O) and commenting on Palin's clothes which were then a hush hush subject. Odd though - EH was full of laughs from me and Jediblahblah is disturbing and annoying. Hey - how about EH hating the fist bump between the Obama's and then gave Michelle one on the show. Good times!
  8. Two of my most favorites moments on the show were when EH crawled into BW's lap. And when she had the audacity to ask Obama "where are the jobs!" When she was selling clothes on QVC made in China, my first tweet ever was to EH as I was so incensed with her question. But there were more - her morning meetings with Geddie, calls from Hannity, refusing (as a busy mommy) taking a call from Chelsea Clinton. Or being so excited riding the bus with Palin and chatting on the show to a video of herself in one jacket creation (kinda of Jackie-O-ish) and commenting on Palin's clothes which were then a hush hush subject. Odd though - EH was full of laughs from me and Jediblahblah is disturbing and annoying.
  9. I just don't want Whoppi thinking she takes care of her families healthcare and then can't understand why she can't get a return of her money for herself eventually if she dies in her sleep. Actually I would love to know she provided her family with a Tech school education or college. Or didn't. The fact that all should contribute to health care through their adult lives for the generations living seems to confuse her. Or a hospital stay can cost a quarter of a million for a 20 day stay. Like car or house insurance....until it happens and insurance helps them out.
  10. I am always surprised Jed is so gleeful every day., I really don't get her background - teacher, writer for Brietbart, FOX guest. Libertarian one day, Conservative the next, and finally a Moderate I doubt Jed is a favorite with the crew or panel- especially making out in front of Sunny's kids. She is fortunate to be seated next to kind Sara. And on the other side of the table from Whoopi, Sunny or Joy. Fortunate that Nicolle forged her way - because she has her own show now - unlike Elisabeth or Candace (politically). Jed has crushed her reputation for being so sexual in tv and yelling, and trying to make a point while saying "I agree" but carrying on and deflecting. And then laughing like a hyena. I'm not sure anyone on the panel has agreed with her.
  11. Sigh. Yep BW was all over Bloomberg. Fine I guess. It was when she was all over Castro and especially the kind and gentle Assad (that was handsome too) that sent me over the edge.
  12. Sigh. Not like FN is really promoting her show. Not when they can promote their Ree/game/reality/Guy crap.
  13. Man, when Sunny mentioned how the Muslims protected the driver in London for the police Jediblahblah sure shot her several dirty looks. Go Sunny! Not sure what Jedi was annoyed about.....perhaps that Sunny jumped right in before her, lol.
  14. I know! and then Jediblahblah defended just keep talking.
  15. It seems to make sense to me....the hosts were there, KK was there. The news meant they would be preempted so they probably just taped her interview....and it will be aired Tue in the middle of their live show.
  16. I sure hope Kim does not get more than 5 minutes like Trevor did the other day.
  17. That's great! Btw - which Emeril's meatloaf did you choose?
  18. Yep - not a good thing for a friendship and one that started as most likely a mentor. I'm sure neither feel great with the rumors and I hope something works out well for them.
  19. I doubt it Medicine Crow. IIRC - it was Maddow that had him on her show all the time and he finally got a show of his own. And were fast friends too. IMO his show is okay although up against Cooper (here). But if the rumors are true I can see how they would both feel very badly about this. Although Rachel could very well rate better than Cooper. I really like him but am tired of his guests and the number of them constantly talking over each other. With the exception of Ana Navarro. But Hayleigh, Paris, and Lord really need to be gone. OTOH - perhaps they can back him up to Greta's slot - and that would be fine with me and he'd be home for dinner.
  20. As far as making the bed when a guest - I take off the sheets and pillow cases and remake the bed with the bedspead/comforter whatever so the room is presentable until the laundry is done. Which for a lot of people and especially with multiple guests is not that day with or without help. Can't stand Ramona, especially this season.
  21. I agree Medicine - thing is she seemed to me so troubled about it as in questioning her own opinion. It was her concern about it rather than her conviction that made me think she is struggling with the subject. And is seeing the subject in a new light. But maybe I was already concerned about her comments about being personally attacked since she joined the show. WG could care less, JB ignores it, Jedihugemouth says bring it on! Sara - not sure about how she is taking it. But lately it seems to me she is more informed and confident so perhaps she takes it in stride. Oh well - enough of me "protecting" Sunny. She can take care of herself.
  22. (little voice here) - maybe Sunny will educate herself on this issue. I think it is definitely possible.
  23. Sunny surprised me a little today about the birth control issue. But I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt because she sounded a little uninformed yet really a tad tormented about the issue in the sense that she really wants/needs to reevaluate her position. I think if her daughter, ie, had a medical reason like many outlined above that she would see it another way.
  24. I remember way back then when Joy would toss out Monica jokes. But it was way back then. I didn't like it either. LOL - Walters didn't either. That long ago. No reason Chelsea should bash Trump - and she was on the show to promote her book. A book about women that as girls believed they could do anything. And did. I love I have 2 nieces that learned that early! And really appreciate how Hillary and Chelsea promote young women. I like their views although I do watch a lot of news shows daily. Seems to me this is not one overall with all the other topics, and guests, and selling, and entertainment they highlight.
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