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Everything posted by wanderingstar

  1. Aaron: I'll cover you. Cole: Don't do that. Ha! What a team those 2 made. Alternate reality Ramse was cool. I guess we now know how much long-term damage all the splintering is doing to Cole.
  2. I do too, mostly because I don't find it charming at all. Cicely Tyson is everything. That scene of Mama braiding Annalise's hair took both me and my sister back. Great work from both actresses. Michaela went from relief last week at seeing Nate arrested for Sam's murder to guilt at seeing an innocent man be framed. It feels logical to me that she'd change her tune once the reality of things set in. I like Wes too. I've liked him from the first episode. Yeah, I want to smack him now and then, but then that's true of most characters on this show.
  3. I have to say, the Cookie/Lucious reunion was everything I'd hoped - from the reminiscing to their brief slow dancing to their urgency when they got to the bedroom - I just loved all of it. Now, I still think Cookie needs to steer clear of him long-term, but their reconciliation was wonderful. And my heart SANG when Anika caught them.
  4. I agree, JAYJAY1979. One of my frustrations with this show is that the elements of a top-notch drama are in place, but the writers seem determined not to take advantage of them.
  5. After the most recent episode ("Out Damned Spot") I am seriously coveting Cookie's fur coat.
  6. Forgot to add that I enjoyed the mob guy. Him flirting with Annalise was amusing.
  7. This episode packed quite an emotional punch - especially the Jones/Ramse scenes. I was surprised that Cole killing Henri was revealed to Cassandra so quickly. I liked seeing her reaction, and I wonder how much friction it will cause in their relationship. I'm intrigued by the idea that Jones & Co. caused the virus by trying to stop it. Loved the ending, and next week looks really good!
  8. Aaaaah, me too! All of their scenes are just electric. But yeah, I don't know if I want them back together permanently. I don't like that he just cut her out of his life when she went to jail - a sacrifice she made for him and their family. I can't wait to see how this all plays out.
  9. MY PEOPLE! I was deeply underwhelmed by that movie - and by Anna Kendrick in particular.
  10. "Cable." "Just basic." Yeah - I chuckled at that little exchange.
  11. I liked that scene too. And I agree with Annalise - she and Connor have quite a bit in common. I have to admit, I'm not liking Hannah. She's coming across as obnoxious, unhinged and just plain annoying.
  12. Yes! I just saw that ep, and the kid says, "I don't need a lawyer." Once again, I screamed at my TV "Yes, you do!"
  13. Annalise, you have some serious explaining to do! I screamed at the TV when the police came to Apt. 2B. The COTW blew by me, except for the defendant's family applauding Annalise in court. That was just funny.
  14. It's really the only thing that makes sense, though this show doesn't seem terribly concerned with making sense.
  15. I love a good bonkers awesome hot mess of a TV show as much as the next person, but this show has ceased to be the good kind of hot mess. Now, it's just a cringe-worthy mess, and I have second-hand embarrassment for everyone involved.
  16. Where can I get a fur like the one Cookie was wearing in the family dinner scene? I loved this episode. I was surprised when I looked up and it was 8:55. The hour flew by and I didn't even notice.
  17. I admit that I may be a little too excited about Derek Luke being in the next ep
  18. I liked him and found myself hoping we'd see more of his character. Maybe Jamal will record another song there?
  19. I've liked her in the Hunger Games movies. But her performance in American Hustle grated.
  20. Paul was one of my favorite ADAs - along with Claire and Connie. I enjoyed his character immensely. That said, the few times Paul returned, he was very definitely on the defense side of the aisle.
  21. I've never wanted to wear animal prints of any kind. Until Cookie Lyon happened.
  22. I downloaded "Keep Your Money" from the most recent episode "Dangerous Bonds." Loving it!
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