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Everything posted by beesknees

  1. I'm not so much on the hate train when it comes to MJ this episode. I give her a total pass on her messy apartment right now because she has more important (and bigger fish to fry). Why can't Tommy clean the damned apartment? His arms and legs broken? Why can't they hire a cleaning lady? They can afford it. I sympathize with MJ because what happened to her dad also happened to my grandmother (although my grandma's situation was a little more extreme). My grandmother was fine and getting ready to be discharged from the hospital. We were over the moon. The next day we went to visit and she was in a coma. It was like WTF? times a million. We wound up having to pull the plug. I'm not hating on Asa so much either right now. All this grilling about getting married/not getting married. Asa's in a committed relationship so I don't see what the huge problem is. Just because people get married and have kids doesn't mean people don't get divorced after the fact. If Asa and her SO are happy that's all that matters. I know many people feel Asa's shady and not transparent while she expects others to keep it real but at this point I don't think half of this cast even likes each other anymore. GG hasn't spoken to Reza/Adam in a year. MJ and Asa haven't spoken in several months. Asa hasn't communicated to any of the "friends" until she's 5 months pregnant so are they all really friends anymore? I sure as hell wouldn't wait 5+ months to tell my very best friends that I'm expecting. Nope.
  2. OY. This was Sri Lanka all over the place (for me). Ugly, ugly Americans. I was so embarrassed the entire time I was there I could not stand it.
  3. Whatever Carole had wrapped around her body reminded me of the sheer curtains my grandmother used to have in her living room.
  4. I laughed so hard when she said that. It was the best line of the night. Go Rosie! GO!!!
  5. Giving me life. *Dead* Now on to other things. Poor Russ. Paola is showing her true colors and I was getting really pissed off watching what was unfolding when they all went out for drinks and Juan? (the best friend) was shit-talking with Pao translating. I'm glad Russ walked off. Pao didn't even have the decency to excuse herself and go after Russ to reassure him. No bueno, chica. No bueno. It's all about you, Paola. It's all about you. At least Russ (or as Pao frequently refers to him, Rose) gets that aspect of their relationship. Paola? mi amor my ass. It's just really me, me, me, isn't it? Chantal's fiance (can't remember his name, Dominican Republic kid) - well, I have a soft spot for him 'cause every time he speaks it reminds me of Ricky Ricardo and I just want him to say "Luuucy, I'm home!" However, what I don't find cute is that he's sending large sums of money home to his family every month. I read somewhere (another forum site?) that his mother is an attorney? Don't quote me but if that is really true it's beyond messed up. Sure it's a cultural thing, sure send money home if your parents are struggling financially, but I don't think this is the case.
  6. Yep, I was thinking this too and the same goes for Alexi (or whatever his name is). Doesn't Alexi have some kind of medical background (EMT or something?). What's wrong with him picking up his phone and googling Tourette's? Damn, during the commercial I reached over, picked up my phone, typed in Loren's condition and found a list of 50 facts I needed to know, including - roughly 1 in 100 people get it, predominately males, is potentially passed down, no known cause, swearing uncontrollably is only found in 10% of the patients... (and I'm reciting this list from memory a few hours ago). Oh, there were medications that are used, 2 different types of treatment plans, I mean, C'MON man... I knew a helluva lot about Tourette's before the show even came back on after the commercial break finished. And what was that? like 3 whole mins.? Naw, we see you! The viewing audience is not stupid. For some reason Alexi REALLY MAKES ME FUCKING STABBY. He's so over the top and positively exhausting with everything. I would hate to be married to that guy. My question to Alexi would be - if the relatives on your side of the family were prone, to say, breast cancer, don't have kids because they could possibly wind up with with it? Tourette's isn't a GD death sentence you moron, it's a manageable condition. Alexi's mom needs to pack his fucked up, gaslighting, over-controlling, mysogynistic, ass in her suitcase and take him back to Israel after the visit.
  7. This is absolutely why I cannot stand this show. I find it difficult to watch at times. I saw an episode once where Ree mixed a can of diced Rotel tomatoes and Velveeta cheese. Voila! We have con queso dip (or some such nonsense). I was like "Okay, I'm out". Why are TPTB allowing her to do stupid things like that? Dumping and pouring two things together and calling it a recipe? I don't get it. And don't get me going on that stupid ever-present perma smile of hers. Hmmm. I'm sure that topic has its own thread somewhere.
  8. Damn. Mahammit sure like picking up dat phone and calling him some 911. GTFOH. I see a lot of unnecessary tying up of county resources that could be better spent elsewhere. (Just sayin').
  9. Christ on the cross. We rented a house about 10 yrs. ago where the previous tenants had cats that urinated everywhere (i.e. -the linoleum floor in the kitchen, parts of the living room, and very weird - oddly enough, something to do with the ceiling area of the finished basement). According to the other tenant, the cats used to roam and crawl around in the basement ceiling?? Whatever shit the landlord did to temporarily mask the smell of urine duped us in the beginning (maybe it was because hubby and me were not cat people?) but damn. Every spring (when things started to get hot and slightly humid) I'd be smelling straight up cat piss. When summer approached, every time I turned on the central air, surprise!! it smelled like straight up piped in, STRONG cat urine. It was so strong I wanted to gag and it gave me a headache. No bueno. I bitched, the landlord made excuses and we promptly moved.
  10. I loved watching Bethenny and Lu snowboarding. Nailed it. Well said, Breezy, Well said.
  11. Yep, he'd have to get a butt load of private students to make it worth his while. Private students is where the money's at.
  12. Yeah, talking about how crappy her swill tastes. I took SK to a party once and the hostess wound up asking me at the end of the night if it was okay to pour the almost full bottle of SK down the drain, BWAHAHAHAHA. We drank every drop of alcohol in that house and the Skinny Girl bottles I brought were the only things left standing.
  13. Awwww, I was rooting for these two! I hope they got together permanently. Update for me please! They made a great couple.
  14. OY. A fucking Skinnygirl snowboard ... Sigh. Enough already. Bravo needs to be blacking that logo out. I don't care what Ms. Frankel needs or wants. The viewers don't want to see that shit. (Neither do her fellow cast mates). Stop shoving that SK bullshit down our throats.
  15. Luna, Nooooooo !!!! ;) (I say this because we live near an historical octagon house that has 57 rooms!)
  16. I admit I'm old but I thought most airlines won't allow you/highly frown upon pregnant women flying around/after 8 months because its too high risk? Obviously I have that all wrong.
  17. Well, frankly, because of people like us.
  18. Dead. Literally falling on the floor laughing. Skimmed over that right quick and busted out laughing.
  19. Well, maybe Craig "told" Naomie he wanted to add "landlord" to the list of male model, clothing designer, attorney, bourbon purveyor, etc. and, Naomie, le sigh, wearily said "Yeah, sure Craig". I think Naomie knew Craig was looking around half-assed at houses but then when he actually closed on one Naomie was super shocked and surprised when Cam told her he actually pulled the trigger and purchased a home. When Naomie saw Craig's new house she seemed genuinely happy and impressed with the house as a whole during the walk through. Gizmo surely seemed to love it. He ran right up the stairs like he owned the joint and was scoping out his new bedroom! Feline literally tore up those stairs! On second thought, maybe the reason Naomie seemed genuinely happy for Craig was because she was secretly hoping Craig would just move into said new house, build a new deck there and leave her the hell alone.
  20. Right, but Naomie wasn't even in Craig's life when he was doing all that heaving drinking, lying about graduating and not telling people he lost his job at the law firm due to partying, was she? That was before he got with her? Did Craig start chewing tobacco after he met Naomie or before that? Some posters up thread mentioned Craig played baseball in HS or college? There is a HUGE culture of dipping/chewing where baseball is concerned with young people, high schoolers, etc. It is prevalent in my community. They're trying to get the kids to chew gum as an alternative but good luck with that. Zero takers and the kids continue to chew. It is so disgusting and gross. I don't understand where Craig is lying to Naomi all the time. About what? To me it seems Naomie likes things just black and white, one does this, this, and this, you stay in said lane and don't ever veer. Life doesn't work like that. Sorry, honey. It seems that Craig's varied interests really bug the shit out of her right now and it drives her positively insane. I know Naomie wanted Craig to take the bar like yesterday but isn't the bar only given certain times per year? What's Craig supposed to do? He has to wait in queue just like everyone else. I guess Naomie wants Craig to phone the powers that be and tell them to make a special snowflake exception for him to speed up the process of him becoming an attorney because his GF is super agitated and wants him to hurry up? Things are not flying at warp-speed right now and Naomie's hella agitated? I wanted to go back to school last year. I missed the application process deadline in my field of study by 3 weeks and had to wait an entire year before I could apply and be accepted into my program of choice. I was super pissed and have been spinning my wheels (school wise) for basically a year now. I have to wait until the fall of 2017. Was I mad? Sure, because now I'll graduate a year later than anticipated. Set back yes. End of the world in the grand scheme of life, no. I know Craig has had some setbacks regarding his career (due to substance abuse) but damn, life throws us curve balls. Some bigger than others. Craig fucked up BADLY, took a time out and went back home to Delaware? to live with his parents, re evaluate, dry out, and course correct. He did that and has not relapsed since. Craig is back on track and I'm sorry it's not fast enough for Naomie but well, life. Sometimes it gets in the way. The point is, forward motion, even if it's not at a constant break neck pace. Hell, back in the day I wanted to complete my university degree in 4 years and it took me six, Why? Because shit got in the way and I had to deal. Sometimes one step forward, two steps back, you know what I mean? I don't want to be a Naomie hater (I know it sounds like I am). I do like Naomie. I admire her work ethic, she's very beautiful, poised, and educated. She's very driven. Craig is just too much of a free spirit for her. They are not compatible. You hit it on the head Sunnybebe when you said Naomie seems like she wants to punish Craig for disappointing her. OY! I wrote a freaking novel and your one sentence said every.single.thing I was trying to convey.
  21. Okay, so I know I'm going to get dragged here and I know I'm in the minority but I just don't get where all Naomie's anger toward Craig is coming from. I get it, he's not pounding away at traditional 9 - 5 job right now but that is temporary. Soon he'll be pulling all-nighters cramming for the bar and he will get a job. So what if Craig's taking some time off as a house husband of sorts before he gets back into the proverbial rat race. Why is Naomie so perpetually pressed about that? As long as Craig pays his half of the bills (he has Bravo income and I assume is generating some kind of income from his rental property) why is Naomie hating? Their house looks clean, Gizmo's being well looked after (and being pulled around in a wagon no less!), Craig takes care of the outside yard/property and even built a deck on Naomie's parent's house (which I'm sure adds dollar value to their home). Where is all the vitriol coming from? Naomie acts like Craig is some scumbag loser that contributes nothing and is making her do all the financial heavy lifting (i.e. - financially supporting him 100% which I highly doubt is the case). So what if the dude spends money on power tools to enhance their physical surroundings. Craig could be out in a bar every single night (#Old Craig) pissing away all his money on booze/drugs with Shep, coming home at 3 a.m., sleeping the entire next day away and nursing a never-ending hangover and have nothing to show for it. But Craigs's not doing that. Craig mentioned to another cast member earlier this season that instead of wasting money in bars all night he uses that party money to buy a new power tool every week and does something constructive and creative with that. Sober, I may add. I give Craig credit for this because he had a huge problem with alcohol/substance abuse in the past and he turned that around. Many cannot turn it around. It is a lifelong struggle. Naomie complains about Craig and wonders what he does all day (he's at home creating, staying out of trouble and being a cat dad! You know right where he is). Naomie could be lying awake in bed every night tossing and turning at 4 a.m. wondering where her man is, what he's doing and who he's doing it with. No ma'am. I lived that life with my ex husband and it was a positively excruciating experience I wish on no one. Back in the day I wish I knew where my partner was, tinkering in the garage working on maintaining our cars or out building a gazebo in the backyard. Naomie doesn't have it that bad. Really! So what if Craig wants to put his money toward a sewing machine and create things to make their home a more inviting place to live. These things that Craig is doing is all temporary and he has many years left to work once he gets married and has a family. At the end of the day, no one put a gun to Naomie's head to get her MBA. It was a conscious choice on her part. I'm sorry Naomie's tired and dragging ass working 12 hours a day right now but the MBA was her conscious choice, no? just like it was Craig's conscious choice to stay close to home now, lie low, until he has to study his butt off to take the bar. I suppose Naomie will complain about that as well when the time comes? (Craig has already passed the bar in real time but you know what I mean!) I think Craig and Naomie should split now so they can remain amicable, stay friends. They have no children. They went to couple's counseling yet cannot stop putting each other down in public as well as in private. Time to cut bait and be done with it. Sometimes when I look at Naomi looking at Craig I can just see the physical disgust in her face. Naw, they need to part ways. They are two attractive people, each with a lot to offer someone else. Apologize for this rant being so long! Commence Craig haters and tell me what I'm not seeing and what I'm missing!
  22. I was only half watching but why did Debra's fiance have such a bug up his ass? He seemed pissed from the get-go. Did Farrah do something to him that I missed? Grandpa Claus seemed mad at everyone but Sophia.
  23. I swear I cannot get into this show (and I really want to like it because its right after Southern Charm). I was just waiting around for the guy (Nelson? or .....) to say "Haile Damn Noe!". The commercial they played over and over for that cracked me up. I walked around for a week shouting that in response to whatever anyone asked me. The blond chick with the short hair and big shiny forehead grates. I just want to powder her face. The entire cast is so unmemorable I didn't even try to remember names. I just have this show on for background noise. There is no way this show could be renewed for next season could it?
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