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Everything posted by beesknees

  1. What the hell is going on with her choppers? Did they always look that odd?
  2. I've been stabby about this before but I want the producers not to be on camera (ever) and have the show go back to it's old format. I don't even LIKE any of the producers - they're all ass kissers. I'm sick of TM continually breaking the 4th wall. The ONLY time I am REMOTELY interested/amused is when Farrah gets into it with the producers.
  3. BWAH ! HA HA HA!!! Yeah, definitely co-sign on all of this. BTW, is Greggie a part of this monstrosity this season? I mean, damn. In the upcoming preview clips Albie looked sooooo tired and sooooo over the "We need to find you another GF" crisis he out right looked a tad disgusted.
  4. Right? I mean, as a parent I probably would be happy if (for a time) my child would stay in his room, safe, and out of adult matters while I was running around like a psycho trying to find my other missing, kidnapped for ransom child. I mean, one cannot win in this situation - not the parents, not the kids. People would always Monday morning quarterback. Hindsight is definitely 20-20. If Burke was a child who got frightened easily and routinely avoided intense conflict I can buy, that as a 9 year old, he would stay in his bed in order to feel safe until his parents came and got him. I don't get why that is such a stretch. It depends on the kid's personality IMO. I have more than one child. When I think of my own kids - yeah, one would have come running down at 9 yrs. old wondering what in the fresh hell was going on and asking a million questions to the point that we would have to tell her "Go up to your room and stay there until we come up and get you" but my other child, no ma 'am. Straight up Burke. So which child would would be exhibiting "normal" behavior? For me, both. Each according to his/her own personality.
  5. OMG - what the hell happened to Caroline's hair? In one scene she looked like the Little Dutch Boy. Her hair has aged her 20 years. I cannot believe this POS show is dragging on for another season. I didn't watch the show but I caught an upcoming preview clip where Crittofer and Mommy are shooting bows and arrows STILL trying to make that "Find Albie a GF" happen. NOOOOOO!!!! Albie just needs to come out of the closet already and get straight with his parents. That would probably be one of the most genuine and profound scenes this show could ever air. If Albie is gay what's so bad about that? You know Mama Bear Manzo will defend him at any rate. She may be disappointed in the beginning but I think she would eventually come around. Isn't one of Caroline's brothers gay? and I thought she was okay/accepting of him. The Manzos have zero going on with zero storylines. They showed a clip of the upcoming season and it looked like a ton of clowning around, straight up bufoonery, embarrassing stupid shit. And then there was fucking annoying Lauren screeching at the top of her lungs into her phone (sigh) ..... Yeah, I'm out. Well, I was never in actually.
  6. He was a deckhand. I like to remember him as the the "Poor Man's Matthew McConaughey".
  7. Me too. If Captain Lee ever jumps ship this franchise will be dead to me. Dead to me ...
  8. While I don't think Burke (or the parents for that matter) killed JonBenet (and I'm probably in the minority here) I was freakin' creeped out by Burke's perma-smile to the point where I was actually talking to the TV. I am also wondering why Dr. Phil hasn't suggested Burke take a polygraph test "to clear himself" because as we all know Dr. Phil has JACK TREMARCO, the finest ex-FBI polygrapher in the free world on his staff! The only reason I can fathom Burke and his father gave interviews recently is because they are innocent, maintain that, and will probably be done giving interviews after this 20th anniversary. Didn't Mr. Ramsey say something to that effect? I could not imagine in a million years that if I was suspected of murdering some one (let alone a family member) and was truly innocent how I would get through life and some how try to put the pieces back together with everyone suspecting me/unjustly judging me for the rest of my days. Seriously, though. I would probably go insane or commit suicide. I don't think I could live under that black cloud. Burke is young. I wonder what he does for a living (job-wise). Does he have a significant other? How does he cope emotionally with so many suspecting him of killing his only sibling. Horrible cross to bear if one is innocent. I am interested in Burke's personal back story. If it was me I would probably change my name and try to move out of the country (but in this day/age it probably wouldn't help anyway).
  9. Man, I just thought of one of the old episodes where the girls were trying to bust out a half-sister? who had $60,000 + sitting in the Order Bank (the girl won a settlement in a car accident?) and the bank didn't want to give her her money and close out the savings account. Now I get that the bank couldn't produce 60K in such a short amount of time but trust me, effing cult or not, they play with my money? Oh Hell No, I'd be shouting shit from the highest roof tops, getting advice from a real attorney and threatening to expose/sue that fake ass bank (and all the ugly FLDS money secrets) along with it. I'd go to the local news station. You wanna open a can of worms of epic proportion? Uh, okay. (I'm fantasizing here of course!). I wish there was a group of highly skilled attorneys who would devote/volunteer some time to educate FLDS/Order members on things they can do when trying to escape/leave the cult. I wish there were attorneys who would volunteer time to represent the women and children in court and sue the Kingstons right back since the Order is always having their team of attorneys go on the attack.
  10. Kate is on WWHL tonight. What did she do to her face? Looks different. When they showed her from far away I didn't even recognize it was her. Her eyes look different?
  11. No. He was airlifted back to Sacramento, CA and never heard hide nor hair of him. His parents did thank me over the phone though. The guy was severly burned over a large portion of his body and wound up permanently paralyzed. I did find out about him being paralyzed while he was still in the hospital.
  12. I would assume because Vicki was saying how badly her neck hurt and at one point didn't Vicki say she couldn't feel her legs (or feet)? Maybe that's why her shoes were removed at one point?
  13. OMG. This times a million. Thanks for saying what took me so long to get across ineffectively. This is the type of behavior I try to drill into my children on the regular.
  14. Yeah, I see your point but I'm not so much an "eye for an eye" person when it comes to the more potentially major stuff. I am more in the "do unto others" camp but I can see how so many people would be "I don't care if he/she was air-lifted to a hospital or not. I got zero fucks. Don't like em, don't care."
  15. Heather told Meghan and Shannon that during the phone conversation didn't she? She told M & S that Vicki's clothes were completely cut off her and she only had a paper gown, no clothes, etc. and that she was completely alone. I do see what a poster up thread commented on (that Vicki had a production crew probably following her to the hospital so there actually would be some people present with Vicki). I do give Meghan props for apologizing to Heather as well as Vicki. She redeemed herself there IMHO.
  16. Oh yeah, I totally get that (my situation may not really compare) but Shannon & Meghan didn't know in the beginning that Vicki was just in the ER for a couple of hours to have a few tests. They were told by the other ladies that Vicki had been in a very serious accident and had been air-lifted to a hosp (vs. Tamra's situation where she was transported via ambulance to a local hospital). Meg & Shannon were also told Brianna was very ill back home and no one knew Michael's contact info. I dunno. It's some BS. They could have had a drop of compassion for a fellow human being (if nothing else, even if they aren't close friends with Vicki) and torn themselves away from the all-important golf game for a bit. Yeah, Vicki's sitch turned out not to be as critical as initially thought but in the beginning the other ladies didn't know that. In the beginning it appeared serious and Meg and Shannon didn't have two F***s to rub together. Shannon was even grinning on the golf course like it was all some big joke while Meghan snarked out the mapquest misinformation.
  17. HAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, Farrah probably did say "gay" bag. OY.
  18. I say shame on Shannon and Meghan. I was also in a situation like this (I was on the Meghan & Shannon end). The person that wound up in critical condition (he hated my guts - he got fired from his job and I was his replacement - I met him and spent a whopping total of 30 mins. with this man in my entire life, plus the guy made thinly veiled threats toward me and I was all like "What? Huh?"). I wasn't a friend of this man, not even an acquaintance. Basically a stranger to me. Anyhoo, we all lived in a foreign country at the time. Our employers didn't visit the guy, nor co-workers, no friends for the entire time this man was in critical condition in the ICU. The guy was in intensive care for more than 2 weeks and the doctors performed a serious surgery on him to boot until until the guy was flown half way across the world back to the States. He was petrified and frightened. His parents were of modest means and could not afford the air fare to the country where we resided. I visited this person every single day, phoned his parents to let them know what happened (because no one spoke English) and paid for the long-distance phone charges (which were astronomical back in the day). Brought (and bought) the man items that the hospital requested (different hospital customs /system than in the U.S.) Now did I like this guy? No, not really. In fact the dude was somewhat creepy and freaked me out but I still showed up, suited up. I was there for a fellow human being because, you know, compassion. Trying not to toot my own horn but what if the tables were turned and I was sitting in a hospital with no one? I just could not abandon a person who was alone like that. Even though Vicki's situation turned out to not as bad as initially thought the minute I would have heard the following - "Air-lifted due to neck injury, clothing being cut off and having no clothes (only paper gown), BEING ALL ALONE, our other friends not being able to go BECAUSE THEY WERE ALSO IN SAID ACCIDENT and were a several hour drive away" I mean, god damn, I think I could stop my golf game and head over to the hospital for an hour or so. Just me?
  19. You know what was weird? (I never pay attention to detail) - but when they cut to the scene of Farrah waddling Simon's "day bag" (whatever the hell that means) out to the trash, initially the bag was black, no? Then when they showed the producer handing Simon his bag through the car window it was a light camel color. I dunno. Maybe he had several bags.
  20. A tad off topic but Farrah was on "The Doctors" today (old episode from last year?) and was getting raked over the coals for letting Sophia wear make-up to school if she chooses. I guess the principal phoned to complain and Farrah got into it with him/her. Also, Farrah got a butt implant consult from the plastic surgeon on the show and he told her no butt implant(s), just do upper glute exercises to fill out the top of her butt. Farrah did not looked pleased with his opinion. At all.
  21. Gosh. I don't know what to say - I feel so badly. Just watched the latest episode where the girls tried to rescue "The Insider". :( No, just no. Made me feel so badly when one of the girls (don't know names) had a panic attack in the car while they were on the way to rescuing "The Insider". Awww, broke my heart. Just to hear the recollections of having to work in a BEEF SLAUGHTER HOUSE at 8-9 yrs. old (Did I hear that correctly? I think I had an out-of-body experience at that point) and then to hear about the sexual abuse/beating flashbacks. No. Just no. Why the fuck hasn't the government cracked down on this shit? C'mon. The government has known how polygamist groups launder/hide money. Don't even start with me on the sexual abuse. I know this show can be pretty fake? at times? or maybe manufactured drama is the phrase I want to use. However the abuse is real. Women and children are neglected and abused. I hope (if nothing else) that this franchise sheds light on these problems and the government can intervene in some way. Too naive? Too hopeful am I?
  22. I think maybe Kathy and Rosie tried to reach out to Tre while she was away at college but they got iced out just like Melissa did. Joe was really being a dick with Rosie and you could see just how hurt she was. Rosie supported Joe while Theresa was away and he was all up for that but as soon as Tre came home he tossed Rosie to the side. That has to hurt.
  23. Floved me some Melania this episode. She has redeemed herself in my eyes. The genuine caring and sweetness with Nicholas and of course the episode where she was sitting on the kitchen floor in the fat sumo wrestler outfit saying she couldn't get up has reeled me back in.
  24. Yeah, right? And I'm glad Joe didn't sugar coat things. The book signing .... OY. I feel sorry for Kathy and Rosie (and I may be in the minority). Tre's gonna punish them and continue to punish them. I didn't get what Theresa was saying about family stabbing her in the back and saying mean things while she was away at camp/college. They flashed back to Kathy and Rosie's mom saying something to the effect - When you do bad things it catches up with you. Theresa's panties are all in a bunch over that? Pfffft. Give me a break. What Rosie's mom said is true, no? Kathy and Rosie showing up for the book signing was super desperate but desperate times call for desperate measures. Theresa was ignoring them so I guess they decided it was worth a shot showing up at the book signing. The way Joe treated Rosie was a little shocking I thought.
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