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Everything posted by beesknees

  1. Regarding the luge. Maybe I'm too old but I remember a luge at a party once. If I remember correctly, we just put our glasses underneath the spout and drank it like a super iced cold shot. Bwah! I guess we were doing it wrong. I mean, you're supposed to stand in line and put your mouth directly on the spout where the person before you put their mouth? Yikes. I did see Bethenny wiping the tube off but .... Those who have luged like the HW's in last night's episode weigh in (or mouth off?) I need to know deets! As to Bethenny's stupid product placement party, er, Christmas party! hell, you just KNOW she used that party as a huge tax write off right before the end of the year. I see you Bethenny! I would take Dorinda's Christmas party a million times over before I'd walk into Barfenny's shove-it-down-your-throat crapfest. WTF? Is this a Christmas party or a trade show? The other housewives must be exhausted with all the SK cheap shit lobbed their way. Look what the SK gift bag did to Kelly Ben Simon! I have purchased some SK products in the past and brought them to parties, etc. Epic fail on all counts, every time. I think I mentioned once before that I went to a party (girls night in just like the commercial says!), brought 2 bottles of SK alcohol (and I use that term lightly). Everyone hated the SK. Not only was my 2nd SK bottle the only thing left over (everyone consumed everything else, every single alcoholic thing) but the hostess asked me if it was okay to pour the nearly full bottle of B's swill down the damned drain at the end of the night. Bahahahahaha! I bought the SK because it was on sale (plus a coupon) and I did want to try it. My local grocery store manager said they had a hard time selling it. Yeah, it was vile. Much better tasting light calorie offerings out there for sure.
  2. I DO fast forward through 90% of Landon's scenes unless they include Kathryn or T Rav. That is the one and only reason I don't watch this show in real time. I only DVR it. Geez, I was thinking the same thing and I thought the dad said $20,000 not 200k!
  3. I am reading this in my best "Sweet Brown" you tube voice. Know dat!
  4. MITCHELL'S !!! Thank you ivygirl. I wish I could buy you a double-scoop at this point (of course one scoop would be your choice and the second scoop, well, you'd have to spin the wheel!)
  5. Carole grates. How in the hell did she not get into the dim sum!? I mean, if not just for the sake of bite-sized, portion control! Jules Weinstein would approve. Dim sum is the best way to try new things if one is not adventurous. Plain chocolate at an asian ice cream store? Now that's a fucking sin. I still dream about the asian-run ice cream shop (Sunset /Outer Sunset District in San Francisco) that had about 30 different flavors of exotic and fun ice cream flavors - green tea, tarot root, etc. Couldn't make up your mind? Then spin the wheel! I floved that place. Forgot the name. The fact that Carole lives with a chef makes me think even more that Adam's just with her for exposure/TV time/career advancement and not that much into Carole as they both would like us to think. JMHO. Sexy salad indeed.
  6. I am so pissed off that NeNe and her new Tamar Braxton-assed face is returning that I'm not going to watch next season. Nah, I gotta be out. Thanks Bravo for screwing up yet another franchise. And anyway - is it just me or did NeNe swear she'd never return to RHOA no matter what, no how, no way. (This was back in the "Glee"/Ryan Murphy days). I thought she said that with absolute conviction. I also don't want to see dumb as a bag of hair, plastic-altered, huge veneered rabbit lookin' teeth, waxed face that is Kim Zolciak. Oh yeah, and wasn't Kim another dip shit that said there was no way in hell she would ever return to RHOA. Eff both these back tracking bishes. They must REALLY NEED THAT CHECK.
  7. I, for one, do not have a problem with a dick shooting out diamonds. I just want to go on record for saying that. (I'll see myself out now, thank you)
  8. I'm going to get roasted for this but what was up with Avery's face tonight? I'm talking about the area between her eyes. She looked like a cross between someone with a Frankenstein forehead and fetal alcohol syndrome. I couldn't stop staring to the point that I was missing the dialogue. I don't remember Avery's face looking so odd and puffy like that. My friend immediately said botox injections that have not settled down yet (she gets them regularly). At 22 yrs old? I say no but the look (whatever it is) is unnatural.
  9. I really love this show. I wish there were more episodes. Cannot stand Shaz (is that her name?) She was a horrible fit for the series and I'm glad she's now slunk off into the night after only two episodes.
  10. Hee. I laughed. I know it is So dead Wrong but that dog looked so pissed ...
  11. Oh yes, cosign on all of this. Ramona is purely foul.
  12. I cannot decide who I loathe more - Ramona or Bethenny. Seriously .... I hate them both. And Bethenny can GTFOH with her waltzing/sauntering out the door every time somebody looks at her crooked. Bish, you're on a reality show. You're getting paid to film and argue. Stop running away and earn that check.
  13. I'm going to get real petty. I cannot stand Dr. V's weird, deep, radio voice. It grates. I also cringe every time someone says "Dr. Ish". When I was growing up my mom used to say "Oh, ish!" when she was referring to something unpleasant (a.k.a. - "Oh yuck/yucky!") There is a special place in hell for Farrah. I am not joking. She has to be one of the most hated reality stars in the history of ever. I feel sorry for Chad Ocho. Kudos to the production person/staff member who thought the horse shit was the ideal gift for Chad's POS ecxuse for a mother. I hate her almost as much as I hate Farrah's fake over blown diaper ass.
  14. They showed him briefly but there is a new dog now, Harrison. Giggy 2.0?
  15. This. A thousand times this.
  16. Forgive, but can someone update me on the ryan cat murdering thing? When the heck did that happen?
  17. Really hating Sierra's behavior. Rude, rude, rude. The way she acted on the fishing trip was beyond disrespectful.
  18. YES! Shop vac and step 2 would be about a bazillion gallons of straight bleach poured all over the floors.
  19. I wish TPTB would have Marcus focus more on the business end of things and less on the armchair psychology aspect of it all.
  20. Yeah, didn't the gay deckhand (Oh, he was so sweet - I forgot his name) get a surprise visit from his fiance? Didn't the fiance come aboard and surprise the deckhand? Deckhand's name was Dave?
  21. Hate being so superficial but WHAT IS UP with Sheri's hair? I think I may have ranted about this before but those fucked up, ratty, lopsided ponytails. Ummmm...... Sheri is too damned old to be wearing ponytails for one, and two, has this woman ever gazed into a mirror? Brushed her hair? She looks like a big demented, busted rag doll. She has bed head times a thousand. It's hard for me to take her seriously because she physically looks crazy.
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