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Everything posted by beesknees

  1. Kaiser roll totally adorbs in his wedding outfit. I LIVE for Watson (who looks like a little old man). Okay, was it just me or was David wearing some kind of a lace-front wig or hairpiece at the wedding? They showed a close-up of David hugging Kaiser and David's hair looked so fake and odd. Ink jet black at that. There was also a shot of David standing in his tux and it looked like a straight up helmet on his head. Hmmmm. Inquiring minds want to know. Guess I'd better hope over to LSA 'cause they will be tearing him a new one if that's the case. I see Roxanne's keeping it classy as usual. Ummm, was Nova's kindergarten in a strip mall? I'm glad Devoin finally told Brianna where it hung. Why can't Nova go to Devoin's house? Is there something I'm missing from a past season. The ONLY reason Brianna's not getting serious about taking Devoin to court for child support is because she knows a formal visitation schedule will be set up regarding Devoin/Nova and no way does Brianna not want to be controlling that situation. I see you Brianna ....
  2. Yep. This. I was thinking of this too. I lived overseas and men in the country where I lived, well, wealthy men would pay about $100 US for a pair of well "used" white cotton child-like looking panties. I used to think - Good Lord, what am I busting my hump 60 hrs. a week for when I knew a few university students of mine who were selling their panties for big bucks online.
  3. My question is sort of stupid but how is Sean getting all those goods into Haiti without Customs shutting that @#$% down? You cannot just go into a foreign country with 3 thousand pairs of undies or 200 purses or pairs of shoes and not have to fill out massive paperwork for an importing/exporting business. Customs does not want people selling stuff on the sly, illegally, and you cannot enter a country with a million items of the same thing (i.e. - more of some thing than you would need for your personal use). I'm not articulating myself properly but, for example, if I'm going to Haiti for a month visit I do not need to bring 900 pairs of undies with me for a 30-day stay so Customs will know I am bringing those undies in to sell. Even bribing, third world countries don't usually allow this (and I know 'cause I lived in one for many years). I lived in a country where the average bra size was an A cup. I was a DD and literally could not find bras ANYWHERE. So, when I would go home to the States I'd buy a lot of bras for me and my friends and bring them back overseas. I ALWAYS got my stuff held, confiscated by Customs because they thought I was going to sell them. I dunno. Maybe different countries have different rules.
  4. Because it can't be said enough - I ABSOLUTELY HATE THE NAME LUX.
  5. I like that Javi/Bri pic actually. They look good together. In real life not so sure, but the pic is adorbs.
  6. Why does Asa's baby need to come to the studio to physically breastfeed. The hell? Has Asa never heard of a breast pump? Breast milk via a baby bottle once in awhile? Switching off is good for the baby otherwise Asa will have a nightmare on her hands when her baby refuses the bottle, preferring 100% of the time feeding via an actual breast. No ma'am.
  7. Fucking Asa. She should just not come back next season. If she doesn't want her personal life on TV she needs to get off the reality TV show she agreed to be on. I used to really like Asa but the pregnant Asa made me FF through every single one of her scenes. Pregnant Asa was truly insufferable. For everyone. Mike and Shervin and their painted on beards. Don't know what to say about that. Looks like they took eyebrow pencil and just went nuts or something. Loving that Vida and Tommy are getting along so well. It's nice that they walk their dogs together. Oh Snap, and Vida just took down Asa in short order. BWAH AH HA AH HA!
  8. OMG this made my morning! as I'm trudging off to school for 2 big exams and 11 hrs. of BS with day and night classes (sigh). Who the frick goes out of the country right before giving birth? I'm looking at you Kwhale. (Okay, that was a typo but I'm keeping it. BAH! Fits.) Um, couldn't Karl have gone on vacay another time? Another place? A mini vacay or something closer to home near water? I mean ... So stupid. The nurse looked miffed trying to explain the obvi. Why was Kailyn so sunburned? She is irritating me. When the camera panned down to her fat ankles you could see her lobster-red sunburn line against snow white skin where her sandals had been. Looked highly painful on top of everything else. DUAL CITIZENSHIP ?!! Boating to Cuba or the DR? TFOH. I.can't.with.this.bitch. Brianna's fake shelf ass in those uber tight shorts. Naw, girl. Just no. Luis cannot, cannot win. Not now, not ever, not never. No man will ever prevail as long as Roxanne breathes on this planet. Know that. Roxanne hates every man. Every man. We get it. It must be exhausting walking through life feeling like that. Roxanne poisons her daughters and Nova with that BS. Roxanne needs intense therapy. Devoid. The poster that called Devon "Devoid"... Perfection. Jace just breaks my heart. He tells Jenelle yet again he doesn't want her to marry UBT yet knowing he's not going to be heard when all is said and done. Fucking Jenelle grilling Barb over Jace's medical care. Bitch you just went back to court regarding Jace. If you wanted to be consulted or be in on Jace's medical treatment/care why didn't you request that and have it written into the court order(s)? You certainly could have requested that via your attorney and I am sure a judge would have signed off on it. Still loving the Roll. Yeah, Leah, it's ingesting not digesting. I'm in school with a girl who's in the process of getting her nursing degree and English is her third language. She has only been speaking English for about 6 years and she runs circles around Hilbilly Holler. Agree with posters who feel Leah was, er, mood altered during some shots/scenes in this episode.
  9. Oh, yes. I went up north this weekend for colorama. (Hee). Does Jextella know what I'm referring to?
  10. Reza's self-financed play was PAINFUL. Reza and Adam have a shit relationship (another thing's that's painful). They should not have kids. I.am.so.fucking.sick.of.Asa. She was only on the screen for a hot minute and that was a minute too long. Sorry, I may be in the minority on this. Mike telling Adam to shut up had me rolling. God, the food at the ball/party was to die for. More food porn please. I'd rather watch an hour of the cast members cooking Persian dishes that what they're showing.
  11. Siggy is obnoxious but why am I the only one that agrees with Siggy that tossing the huge cake across the restaurant was waaay out of hand and super disrespectful?
  12. Good Gordon, what a sad state of affairs when we are all whining and caring about the FOOD PORN only and could do without each and every cast member. I say MORE FOOD PORN please! Oh yes, and the way that female concierge was incorrectly pouring the champagne was a true sin indeed.
  13. I really hate how TPTB casted the crew this season. I love me some Below Deck but the entire crew is just a BIG yawn this season. What the hell were they thinking? I only care about Kate and Captain Lee and Kate needs more interesting contemporaries to snark on. I hate all the new people. I take that back. I don't care enough about the new cast members to even be hating on them. I'm just disappointed. I want to snark on the Eddies, the Kellys, the Kats, and BSC Rockys ... Those people. Chef Ben. What? Four episodes in and I am still hanging on but there's nothing to hang on to. Truly disappointed. I hope the new replacement crew member they showed in next week's previews is someone I can be interested enough in to keep watching but I doubt it.
  14. And doesn't deserve Tommy. She is becoming Vida 2.0.
  15. Hating dumb-ass Lydia sooo much I can't even articulate my feelings. Hate stupid-ass Peggy even more. How in the hell did Peggy go to UCLA even for a day? Seriously, the woman doesn't even have the basics of the English language down (and she's been in this country since infancy, so there's no excuse). If Peggy graduated from UCLA then I can't ... That certainly doesn't bode well for UCLA if that's the case. And Lydia with the balls-cutting off/castration vs. vasectomy thing. I see you Lydia! Your stupid uneducated ass DID NOT know the difference. Quit trying to play it off like you were joking. You're just dumb as a bag of hair, that's all.
  16. Superficial and somewhat off-topic but the way Nico sounds when he speaks is a little off=putting for some reason to me? English is his first language, isn't it? Uggh, for some reason when he speaks it really bugs (and he's from my neck of the woods/same part of the Midwest). I never seemed to notice it last season and maybe it's just me. Driving me nuts.
  17. And then Malia lies trying to minimize the damage by saying her "boss" which makes everyone go "Oh". Now if I was a crew member and someone told me they had sex with the captain I'd be like "HUH? WHAT?"
  18. NOOOOOOO. Poke it out? I don't even know what that means. The grossest thing up until this was when Adam asked Malia if he could smear that butter-like or frosting like substance between her butt cheeks an episode or two ago. I usually fold laundry or do other mundane chores while watching reality TV so I'm not exactly sure. I'm usually numbed out when watching reality TV. In addition to that, Malia's got some nerve getting all verklempt and teary-eyed when she talks about what the rest of the crew thinks of her. Yeah, they think you're a ho. Oh, and Malia - you told fellow co-workers you fucked your boss on your last boat. Well, if you fucked the captain wouldn't that be fucking your boss's boss? Maybe it's just me, but if you're a deckhand and you screw your boss wouldn't you be effing the bosun? The captain is the boss of the bosun, no? Therefore your boss's boss.
  19. Adam is the most insecure, cringe-worthy douche ever, I mean EVER. That scene at the bar when he was gesturing about, telling Malia that he and Hannah were gonna go back to the boat so "he and Hannah could get it in" or get it on or whatever the hell he was trying to convey... OY. I felt true second-hand embarrassment for him. I wish I had one of those foam bricks that one can throw at the TV! I need one of those. Needy much? What did he have to go over to Malia, get right up in her face and announce all that shite? What Adam should have done is sat quietly in the corner with Hannah, had a soulful kiss, and the two of them quietly get up, hold hands and walk out of the bar together saying nothing to anyone. Then EVERYONE'S jaws would have been dropping to the floor simultaneously. All the jaws. Taken ALL of Malia's thunder away. Malia would have crapped her pants because she still loves the feeling of Adam wanting her and she's trying to string that shite along for as long as she can. Dip shit Adam. He played it wrong and blew it. The crew would have been talking about Adam and Hannah for days on end if he would not have felt the uber-insecure need to broadcast all the deets to the crew. The one thing I will say that made me howl was (in the very beginning of the episode) when Adam was running around the town streets/square acting liken a drunken fool. He was gesturing, high-fiving. It was cold out and everyone had jackets on. I was thinking why the hell is Adam running around with one damned mitten on, high-fiving people? Christ. Then I thought - that's a really big mitten is that an ... OVEN MITT? Hah! And it was! He's a chef using an oven mitt to high-five people. I though that was a little brilliant. I was thinking - where did Adam get that oven mitt from? The yacht? But why? Did he bring that mitt on purpose or ....? I laughed at that when I got up for work this a.m. to make coffee. I saw my kitchen oven mitt hanging and it made me giggle.and knew I need to get a hobby or something.
  20. I got about 3 Asa girlfriends in my life. Super obnoxious and emotionally exhausting! Small doses, small doses ...
  21. I did this once in a bar between a relative and some drunk stranger and I got knocked the eff out. I was on the floor seeing stars. Swirling stars just like in the cartoons!
  22. I feel for you and sorry for your loss(es). It is waay too much in such a short time. The amount of grief is crushing. When MJ's dad passes (whenever that may be) it will like losing two parents in a sense because Vida's ass is perpetually, emotionally MIA and that will never change. I was taking Tommy to task because I wanted him to clean the house while MJ was tending to her dad but when he screamed at Vida saying "We've been at the hospital!!!" I was like *duh, of course*. My apologies to him. Tommy seems like MJ's only family right now. I also give MJ a pass for being delusional according to Reza. Hey, how does Reza know what MJ's dad's health status was the day before? He wasn't there. Dad could have been cognizant, alert and talking, etc. Conditions can change in 24 hrs. as some have posted here and when that happens loved ones are totally blindsided. I know I was. I cannot believe MJ even went to Mike's party. She knew she had to film but if it was me I would have been numbed out and drinking my ass off too. Then to top it off MJ had one friend who had new life inside of her and was glowing (all good things to come) while MJ's only loving family member was in the twilight/sunset of his life and winding down. Now, on a shallow note: Sherv's Australian GF makes me incredibly stabby. She seems nice as a person, however her blond hair is so insanely distracting in regards to her complexion, eye color, etc. This personally irritates the shit out of me so much I just have to FF through her scenes. And DITTO times a million to the poster directly above me who said that Reza was making MJ's illness all about him. POS. Typical. Well, if there's a silver lining in regards to his narcissism it lies in the fact that he made up with GG (for now, until they need conflict or a story line again) is a step in a positive direction. I loved GG's attempt at apologizing with her little "people" (are they worry dolls or ??). That seemed very genuine and pretty cute.
  23. I was happy to see that GG seems much calmer this season and is trying to do positive things to curb her rage/anger issues. Hope I'm not veering off-topic but did GG ever reveal WHY she is so angry? She was (or still is) in therapy so what's the deal on all of the knives, etc.?, lunging at people, always talking about kicking someone's ass. Does GG's anger stem from her RA or what? I never did quite figure that out. The parents seem supportive, the family seems nice. I know GG and the sister (Leyla?) have problems but ... Ouf. And When GG was apologizing to Adam at the restaurant he was being quite the little bitch. What the hell was that all about? I was so disappointed that Adam was being so nasty. I sorta wanted to pull a butter knife off the table at that point and hit him upside the neck with it. Dog bite indeed. (I kid, I kid ...)
  24. I get the whole Persian/cultural baby out of wedlock thing but Mike cheated on Jessica (and wasn't that when they were married?). Reza cheated on Adam at his bachelor party (oral sex or some nonsense?). The guys are hypocritical whores. Asa may not be married but she seems like she's being faithful to her SO.
  25. Korean style chicken feet are really good (at the soju tents if they have those around anymore) but daaamn, I was thinking the same thing "WHAT? No plastic gloves with those feet? Huh?" That made me think Pedro's mom was just effing with them and wanted to watch Chantel's family squirm as to how to eat them properly. There is no way in hell I would put up with Pedro sending that much shit home per month to the DR. Nope, Not. I can see sending money/stuff home if the family was beyond dirt poor but this gravy train's gonna be never ending. Know that. Why can't Pedro just send gifts home for birthdays and XMAS. The monthly gift grabbing's too damned much. Culture be damned. Chantel needs to run away. As in fast. This relationship won't last.
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