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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. Was Lucy the name of the ship, the AI or both?
  2. Ron Burgundy was a horrible episode. It was strange that Stephen's suit changed colors and even the band had different members in it at times.
  3. Most of the time protection details stay outside. I figured he stopped the pizza guy at the door, ate what he thought was his portion of the pizza and brought the rest to Joan.
  4. I googled that Hawaii has around 137 islands and I think they are pretending that they are on one of them.
  5. It is probably pretty hard to do a daily show unless you are really committed to it. You have to spend a lot of time in the writer's room with the writers and your guests to make any of the jokes flow naturally.
  6. I could be wrong but I think all the Supes are members of Vought. Vought creates them and has a contract with the parents that the Supe child will join Vought. Vought creates a hierarchy system where the top Supes get the major cities and all the others go to different cities based on how good their powers are. A Supe morphed into Madelyn, blackmailed the Senator, then morphed into a schlubby guy. The real Madelyn comes out to explain the deception.
  7. Heh Heh, She said taints. I thought it was strange that Sherlock said to Watson that we need to have a private conversation and they moved from one room of the brownstone to another. Oh my God, they killed Sherlock!!!!!! No wait, he's over there. Marcus, widen the search for Sherlock's body to the canals of Italy. Is "Chemo" slang for "Tiger's Blood"? How does an old man with cancer, can barely move and has one month to live, kill 3 assassins, chop them up and then burn them up. I can barely find the strength to take out the trash once a week (and I don't have cancer). What did Odin promise that guy? I thought for sure that Sherlock would add some fake people to Odin's "kill list" to trip him up.
  8. If they would just get some "Buck Rogers Spandex Space Suits" even the slow creeping away from Space Zombie scenes would have been "Amazeballs!".
  9. I don't think Roven is his father in a biological sense. He sought out Roven after watching Roven kill his mother, probably became Roven's apprentice while Roven was alive and was still able to see/talk to Roven now that Roven is dead.
  10. Sunday, August 11, there will be back-to-back episodes of Instinct. So plan accordingly.
  11. At Home With Amy Sedaris is getting a 10 episode third season.
  12. I definitely wouldn't mind the Vatican hiring Danny and Lexi and forcing Father Chuck to go along as an authority on the subject. Father Chuck just needs to lose the Boston accent. Gwen and Shaw show up to help for some reason.
  13. Was anything that they did even remotely recognizable as what police officers do. There were a lot of guns for being British police. Bish seemed to be flirting a lot with Nell, I thought he wanted her as a girlfriend, but it turns out he was already in a committed relationship. I am sure that all Jonesy had to do to steal Bish's girlfriend, Sophie was show Sophie some video of how Bish acts around Nell.
  14. Unless you have another kid or a use for that particular room, I could see nobody in the family wanting to go in there.
  15. The fourth season of Mr. Pickles will be airing sometime in December.
  16. I was kind of wondering why Ed Roven was hovering around Seattle, it seems like his teacher, his young student and best girl were all still there.
  17. Every script ends with whatever the kids are investigating is destroyed by a huge explosion and nobody every mentions it again.
  18. Episode 10 Why would you take out your phone and then decide it is better to just scream at the top of your lungs for help. Sad, since they just showed how well dialing 911 works and the person didn't even give an address. How did Avery get the Police car and his car to the swamp?
  19. It would be funny if all the Grail members were descendants from the original 12 disciples of Jesus Christ.
  20. I never thought that one cadet would die from somebody nibbling on her shoulder. Put the zombie in a bunny costume and the cadet in a carrot costume and you would have had the most adorable death ever filmed on television. Was there really a war or just two rival corporations with great PR departments vying for market share? Why is Jax the only student with a roommate? As many students as Jax has gotten killed, there should be plenty of empty dorm rooms on campus.
  21. I thought Anna Silk would have a better role, she deserves a better role. I am guessing that Anna Silk will not be in Season 2.
  22. I think it is if you try to use the WORD on people with bad intentions then bad things will happen to those people, even if you tell then to do good things. The pilot was a good person and he continued to do good things. The child robber and the feuding neighbors were "bad" people and bad things happened.
  23. What exactly happened to make Herr Starr's ear fall off? It looked like a gun shot did it, but that probably wouldn't make a clean separation.
  24. I was wondering the same thing but I'm not sure where or how those bird things attach in the body. I was trying to think more about it but realised the whole absurdity of it. This is a woman for whom time has no meaning. She can move her body so fast that it's like time stand still. And we learned in this set of episodes that she can also slow down time in her vicinity, so she could make effectively freeze those zombies and then shoot them with super slow bullets. So why couldn't she have slowed time down so that the bird couldn't enter her mouth? Especially once it was halfway in her mouth and she saw what was happening? Also, couldn't Daisy use her seismic force powers and quake the bird out? She surely has enough control over her powers to be able to use them with precision. Yeah! She could have given herself an uppercut and bit it in half!
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