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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. Maybe if the blogger was doing something a little more creative with the bodies, like if there were little knick-knacks all around the house made from dead people. I thought the holes in the mask were poorly done. A mask is not very creative or useful. You want to use every part of the human.
  2. Philo is not a considerate lover, he thought Vignette was having a glowgasm, but she was actually checking her cell phone.
  3. I thought the time Philo and Vignette spent together would be longer. I thought they would be fighting side by side to show she had combat skills. I guess Vignette learned her Werewolf fighting skills after Philo left.
  4. I wonder if Philo owns her for the next 2 years or did he free her.
  5. I am not exactly sure what Tobin's plan was. Better to hide, try to steal some dead guys armor or try to toss something into the fire to cause lots of smoke. That archer seemed to be a terrible shot, considering that was his job.
  6. It would be interesting to know if a precedent for this was established when The Colbert Report followed The Daily Show. Yes, the did it with the Colbert Show, The Nightly Show, and The Opposition with Jordan Klepper. It is a common practice.
  7. It was mentioned in the beginning of this episode.
  8. I really don't think everything they have shown on the TV show could have happened in 160 years. Meeting a another alien species and having a war with them. Leaving the Earth, having it completely recover and then moving back. Moving to several different colonies, making tons of clones, people developing telepathy, tons of space faring crafts. That all seems a little much for just 160 years.
  9. I thought the fight scene was pretty good, maybe not good enough to show it in it's entirety twice and eat up a quarter of the show good, but well choreographed good. Of course she could have just killed the guy before he called for his guards, but where is the fun in that. Of course there was a fire fight that lasted long enough for Atria to run all the way from where ever she was to Thomas' room before it ended. Yet nobody else saw it or alerted the proper authorities, including Atria. The climate conference was in 2039 and the current year is 2199. I think the great migration was 20 years after the climate conference. So roughly 160 years has past. Maybe Jax not ageing is linked to the portal. Harland Fried founded Parallax and the current president of Parallax is using cloned body parts to extend his life. I wonder how long you can live like that, possibly forever? There was a scene were Regan Fried tries to kill her father, I wonder what his name is?
  10. I could not believe how long that scene was, and the whole time I was waiting for something to happen. It was worse than Jesse begging some Dweeb to rent him a car, which went on way too long as well. It almost makes you wonder if Jesse was supposed to get T-boned by those trucks he keeps narrowly avoiding. Can someone tell me why Jesse was trying to hotwire/steal a car, what happened to his rental car that he couldn't drive that instead?
  11. Pretty sure she was the one on Elementary that was sexually harassed by the Police Chief.
  12. Wow, I thought for the final season they would have removed all the filler, could they have spent more time showing Jesse driving in a parking garage. This season is heading nowhere and at a snail's pace.
  13. There were indications the Dylan was still riding his motorcycle, his motorcycle helmet was on the table while he was giving the lecture and the motorcycle appears at the police station so that Lizzie can borrow it. That don't seem like the smartest thing to do when your vision is coming and going and when you know you are experiencing visual and auditory hallucinations. The MRI scene seemed totally implausible, how did Pasternak get the rest of the staff to leave an important medical procedure without rising major alarms. This last episode barely made any sense, from the crime to the people investigating the crime, it was a jumbled hot mess.
  14. Shouldn't you wait until they cancel it first?
  15. The original Aleister Crowley was born in 1875 and died in 1947 at the age of 72. I have no idea the time period this show is supposed to take place in. I am surprised that Thomas Wayne is already a Billionaire, you would think he would take more precautions for his safety with all the violence going on around him. Why isn't he back in America enjoying the good life? I had figured that it was something that he did in England that would cause him to have his vast fortune.
  16. They probably flipped the video to better fit within a visual aesthetic.
  17. Treadstone premieres on USA Network on October 15th at 10 p.m. ET/PT.
  18. Season two of The Purge premieres on USA Network on October 15th at 9 p.m. ET/PT
  19. They are Qureshi arms dealers on a ship with 4,000 unarmed prisoners, how lucky can Dutch get?
  20. Where exactly is this island located, since Episode 9, "The Hohenzollern Collection" mentions old tunnels used for Japanese weapons during the war. The police station puts all of it's old cat ladies on the night shift.
  21. COMING TOGETHER – Zed (guest star Reece Ritchie) waits for Talon (Jessica Green) after a mysterious disappearance. Tobin (guest star Aaron Fontaine) faces his despised cousin while Gwynn (Imogen Waterhouse) makes Tobin an offer he can’t refuse. A surprise visitor to the Outpost interrupts a royal ceremony. Anand Desai-Barochia also stars. The episode was written by Jason Faller & Kynan Griffin and directed by Milan Todorovic (#207). Original Airdate 8/22/2019 @ 8pm It was very strange to see an episode with hardly any Talon in it. Nitpicks include: An arrowhead that looked like the modern commercially produced ones. Half-assedly putting out a fire in a forest. I can see Smokey crying behind a tree. Zed left half of his stuff behind running after Talon. Tobin wash your hands before eating your french bread pizza. I liked that the cure of plaguelings left absolutely no ill effects. If they can cure all the plaguelings, they might have themselves a sizeable army. I liked the Munt finished his kidnapping of Naya even though she agreed to come with him.
  22. According to Wikipedia, 3. 24 "Into the Breach" August 27, 2019 25 "Overwhelmed" August 27, 2019 26 "Nevermore" August 27, 2019
  23. That was funny and awesome. And then Eugene comes out of the hole, all, "Okay, fine, let's go with this." Is it odd that it was daytime on both sides of the world? Since the Masada Summit was to plan how to cause the "Apocalypse", The Saint of Killers might have saved them a couple of steps. It depends on how long it took them to fall/walk/climb from Texas to Australia.
  24. I mentioned the possibility of Pilar having a backdoor last episode, is the show smart enough to link Parallax's spying through Pilar to the thieves that destroyed/altered the data of the "black box". Pilar needs to get a cybernetic butt plug to fill her backdoor, maybe one that vibrates to let her know that intruders are trying to gain access. Pilar having the code for the Parallax backdoor, could make for some interesting story lines. Random comments about the episode: Jax smart enough to find the backdoor code in Pilar programming. Yeah Right! Why wouldn't every human have small cybernetic enhancements like auditory, visual, and memory. You would think that human friends that have cybernetic enhancements would be sending messages to each other all the time, how was Jet able to fake it. Were they going for the WestWorld vibe where the nude robots have zero sex appeal (Thandie Newton not included). Did the acting and directing allow Pilar to have zero sex appeal when nude or is it just that Pilar has zero sex appeal whether nude or clothed. This is funny considering that Pilar, Jet and Xander claimed Pilar was desirable this episode. Now everybody in Jax's crew has an adversary that wants to turn them into a slave, one physically, one mentally, and one physically and mentally. Ralen's adversary could be everybody at the academy that is not Zatarian or that guy from the space pirates that was hooked on drugs. I think it is about time they let us in on what Jax really is, so they can widen the character base.
  25. The guests seem kind of redundant since there are 3 and they hardly get to say anything. More than half the show is Spade bits where the guests don't participate. Spade should either reduce the number of guests or give them more time.
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