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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. I am surprised that Gar couldn't modify himself to "cheat" during blindfolded combat. Bats have echolocation, Sharks can sense electromagnetic fields, and Snakes can sense infrared heat. Raven should have also been able to release some black mist that might allow her to detect when someone was in contact with it. Starfire should have used her spaceship to travel from Chicago to San Francisco. She could have been there in seconds. The team should have suited up, they didn't even bring weapons. How many people were surprised when Dick slapped Robin to the ground? How many people were surprised when Robin was captured?
  2. Filming for the second season “NOS4A2” began in Rhode Island on Sept. 9 and is expected to continue until the end of January. AMC TV show “NOS4A2” back in R.I. to film Season 2
  3. I finally finished Season Two and my verdict was disappointing. So many plot lines started in Season One were completely ignored in Season Two. I would go so far to say that only the first 3 episodes were important for getting us back to normal and then everything else was filler. Maybe the last 2 episodes might have advanced the story line marginally, but I doubt it. The comedy was pretty weak and showed they could stretch the show out for as many seasons as Netflix is willing to pay for although I don't think many people would care to watch.
  4. I think they are short term positions until they have time to elect a suitable political candidate. They are trying their best to show they are the right people for the permanent job.
  5. I was hoping they would throw in a previous season recap, but I think I remember roughly where they left off.
  6. That is a wonderful start, If I was writing the show, here is what would write for the rest of the season. Naya will probably run back to the Outpost to warn Gwynn - and Gwynn will probably throw her in jail. Naya tells Janzo about the new weapon. Janzo, Naya and Elinor creates a wonderful counterweapon but will only use it if Gwen, Alton and Tobin agree to declare the Output a sovereign nation and then leave the Oupost and never come back. Janzo figures out that they are bombs when they are sealed and rockets when you poke a hole in them, so a skilled archer shoots them and they fly into the enemy army, destorying them. Gwen, Alton and Tobin heads out with their army to fight "The Three". Next season Alton locks up Gwen and Tobin and takes control of the army (lets see how they like being locked up).
  7. Gwynn is becoming a little too full of herself. Janzo and Elinor had pretty good ideas that probably saved the outpost and they were thrown behind bars for their effort
  8. Season 2 has arrived. They was a small recap episode and then I watched episode 1. I did like the "Loose Skoonce" mention. It was pretty late so I will watch some more tomorrow.
  9. I thought it was the because when she opened her eyes, she was staring right at a light bulb. The fact that people who are dying say they see a blinding light. She saw a real light and claimed it was Jesus. A give props to the lady that kept her eye open with all that red fluid in there.
  10. I had a good laugh at the retro intro, especially some of the computer generated logo graphics. I liked the aerobics scenes which were good for establishing the time period. I hope the kids at camp are not too young. The ones they showed from the past were weird, dressed weird, looked weird (didn't really look like kids), I couldn't really get an idea of how old they were, I thought some of the bodies looked middle aged. Were there male campers in the past camp, were any of them attacked? My favorite character was the garage owner, oh well, I guess I need to pick a new one, maybe the lady mental institution doctor. At least they gave that Emma Roberts a good bashing.
  11. After a 4 year hiatus, Black Jesus returns with a third season. Sept. 20th at Midnight on Adult Swim.
  12. ‘L.A.’s Finest’ Season 1 Draws Solid Viewership Numbers For Spectrum As Season 2 Production Begins Season 1 had over three million viewers. L.A.’s Finest goes back into production for Season 2 on September 16.
  13. Stephen could have saved the bit by saying the pizza box had a hole in the bottom. #MovingParty
  14. Tulip and Cassidy have been living together for months and the first time they have sex, Jesse comes back the next day? Awkwaard! I still can't figure out how they get their car from continent to continent. I wonder what country Tulip, Cassidy and Humperdoo were living in?
  15. Not a lot of Alfred, Thomas or Martha in this one.
  16. After the explosion Cat couldn't identify her attackers because her dress was over her head. They must have been Garbage Men because they threw Poppy in the back if the truck like a sack of trash.
  17. Not nearly as enamored with the series as other on the board seem to be. I did like the white neighbor lady that calls the cops with a running commentary every time she sees a black person.
  18. What if the species went extinct, and someone brings them back. If then somebody else decides it was a mistake they were brought back. Which one is right?
  19. You were looking at that scene as it was today, instead of through the lens smeared with "Vaseline" they used to transport you back "however" many years to when Cat was at peak "Cat-ness". Back in those days Wyatt would have never flirted with the Lady Cop or Eastland's daughter if he was dating Cat. Oh, you mean FBI guy, I don't understand how Cat blew up his relationship. Deputy Governor Lady couldn't seem to figure out who he was in love with. Every woman on the island seems to get an "inferiority complex" whenever Cat is around. Eastland's daughter appears to be an idiot, Eastland should send her to the mainland and let her live the heiress life.
  20. What was the reason the virus was in the fog?
  21. Anybody else see that huge smudge of makeup that Poppy left on that guy who owned his own island's shirt after she gave him a hug. Erasing the video of Petra handing the guard a gun makes everything Petra did go away. The prison didn't have a copy, the guard didn't say where he got the gun, all the police who watched the video no longer remember it. Why would the police allow Cat, who was suspected of breaking people out of prison, walk around the evidence cages of the police station, which seem to be completely unguarded. That scene makes you wonder why Cat had to break into the evidence cages at night that one episode when she could have just walked in at any time during the day.
  22. Piety did it to herself, whatever it was.
  23. Of course he has a first name, what do you think he was raised in a barn? Um.... that's not important, his whole name is Agreus Astrayon. https://carnival-row.fandom.com/wiki/Agreus_Astrayon
  24. That wasn't a handwave for me, those two have been very close political rivals for longer than their children have been alive. Don't forget that the son might have been fathered by either of the men. I am sure at home he probably vented to his wife, mentioning every rumor and unsubstantiated claim and hired investigators to verify them all. If you want some worldclass handwaving explain to me how the only way anyone can tell if Philo is a half blood is to ask him and they will accept anything he says. He says he refuses to go to a doctor because they would figure it out, but nobody else seems to want to go there. It is a crime after all and they are the police.
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