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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. I think carrying a briefcase might be classified as a torture device and she would probably need to have it handcuffed to her wrist. With a backpack you would have to rip off both her arms to steal it instead of just one arm for a briefcase. That makes backpacks twice as secure.
  2. She was portraying that she was drunk/ or was drunk in that scene (either way would work) hence the odd behavior. Is she a method actor?
  3. You mean this guy? http://www.tvmaze.com/characters/645246/pennyworth-lord-longbrass
  4. Nebraska, and his first name is not Thor, the guy just calls him that because he is blond and muscular.
  5. If you are looking for something that is woman positive, you should probably skip this one.
  6. You really wouldn't need the help of a criminal psychologist (Alan Cumming's character) when somebody kills someone when robbing a liquor store.
  7. Clint was a member of the Dixie Mafia and a cousin of Roller's. Clint told Roller that Uncle Daddy killed his father. Uncle Daddy told Roller that Clint shot at Desna when it was really Toby. Desna and Roller kill Clint. Toby tells the police that Roller killed Clint.
  8. Does anybody know who Toby was with when he shot at Desna?
  9. Season 2, Episode 6 "One-of-a-Kind" I liked the idea of several artists working under the same name. I am not sure why all 3 didn't seem to have the same amount of financial wealth. 3rd guy just seemed to be an art installer, if he had owned an art installation company, that would have worked better to explain how he might be able to sneak in/piggyback a few guerrilla art installations in very secure museums/institutions while performing real art installations.
  10. Not sure why Quiet Ann didn't realize that letting her brother tell everybody that the Governor is corrupt is what caused Arlene's death. Period.
  11. That memory flashback definitely occurred before Myfanwy went to the school for EVAs. Myfanwy was right at the place where her powers first manifested, where she zapped her father and people realized that she was an EVA.
  12. It seems like a major flaw if none of Gestalt can function when one of them is having sex. They seem to flustered by any flirtatious act. Myfanwy's sister had to be lying if she said they took Myfanwy when she was 12 years old. You would think the alleged sister would have the facts relatively accurate. Myfanwy was drinking beer in her recovered memory. I wonder what powers the big boss and the wheelchair lady have?
  13. Without getting all of the stretchmarks that might turn Ben and Maddie off during their three-ways.
  14. Not really a big fan of shipping but I would put Dutch with Johnny (and if they are feeling kinky, Zeph) and I would put D'av with Delle Seyah Kendry and Aneela along with Jaq.
  15. Too bad Mack hadn't given Yoyo that Ball Gag he got her for a Getting Back Together present. She might have been Shrike proof.
  16. The show purposely tried to make you believe that D'av was The Lady when Dutch calls him Johnny and D'av didn't notice and with the Nanoosree-18 incident.
  17. Maybe this is why Brian(?) broke off from the main group, there will be less questions when his wife gives birth to a full mermaid.
  18. The entire cast lacks the passion and energy you see on other TV shows.
  19. I think that Jemma doesn't know where/when in time Fitz is. I wonder if adding new or fake S.H.I.E.L.D. protocols would help their situation since the Chronicoms used these against them. I am not sure if new or fake S.H.I.E.L.D. protocols would alter what happened when the Chronicoms attack (I will never understand how time travel works). The simplest solution would be to rig the room that the Chronicoms landed in with a jump drive and send the Chronicoms back to their planet a year before it is destroyed so that they can warn their people and make an escape plan (which I think is what the Chronicoms wanted in the first place).
  20. Not sure where you are but this board has seen up to episode 8.
  21. Would Zombies in space need air, water, bathrooms. shielding from cosmic rays, protection from extreme heat or cold. You could freeze them and then thaw them out once you reach your destination.
  22. I wish May had of dove onto Sarge's arms while he was holding the sword over Izel's chest. It would have solved so many problems.
  23. No wonder Izel's flight suit was so baggy, she had her ceremonial robe and all that jewelry on underneath. She should have taken out that ugly flight suit the minute she landed on Earth. Yoyo's super speed disappoints once again. A Chronicom LMD of Coulson would be a Silicoulson, a Chronicoulson, a Roboulson? In the preview for the next episode (before they showed the next episode), they showed May standing and holding the sword. Way to spoil the surprise, show!
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