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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I like him too, for some inexplicable reason, but I seriously think he should donate his brain for research when he dies. There's a lot to be studied there.
  2. Exactly. Completely counter to his already-developed character. Oh well. Discussion for another thread I guess.
  3. Do people really only have mirrors in their bathrooms? All these inane selfies taken in bathrooms. I hate selfies period. Oh, and get off my lawn while you're at it.
  4. She deserves much credit for what she accomplished, as others have said, due to her age and without any real exercise regimen. I hated running even when I was a lithe youngster. I am neither now, and though I would like to and plan to become more active, it won't be running. Best of luck to you in your endeavor.
  5. I have a knack. A knack for being located directly adjacent to loud, squirming children, at nearly every restaurant we patronize. Part of me realizes that these are uncooked people without social skills. The other part of me wishes that parents didn't have the ill-conceived notion that their little Johnny or little Suzy is the single most precious child ever produced. If your child is crawling across a filthy restaurant floor, while crying or worse, then it's time.to.go. Ask for takeout containers and hit the bricks. Tip: Feed your spawn before you leave home so that your kid doesn't convulse from hunger before our very eyes. If I'm in a family restaurant, then I really don't have a right to expect only adults near me. But if I'm in a restuarant that is listed in Yelp or Google with four or five $$$$$, and specializes in high-end cuisine, then I shouldn't have to steel myself for the eventual screaming from hell coming from the high chair (the one they had to dust off and haul up from the basement) at the table next to me. Kids have to learn how to behave in a social setting, yes, but start them at McDonalds please, and only move on to the next level when they've passed that test. As for weddings, I'm not a fan of children in attendance, but I do understand it if they're family members, and the bride and groom haven't expressed a desire for their ceremony to be childless. My step-daughter is still peeved (won't admit it) that I asked her not to bring her 2-yr old to my wedding. We have a great relationship and I love my grandchildren (now 28 & 25), but I wouldn't do it differently even now.
  6. I'm regularly amazed (read annoyed) by people who endorse or sell potions and lotions under the guise that it will renew, refresh, and shave years off our faces, while these same people have clearly had at the most, surgical intervention, and at the least, a standard monthly appointment with a cosmetic dermatologist. Just get away from me with yer damn lies.
  7. I owe Estelle Parsons a big, fat apology. I really thought she had died. 90 years young. Sorry Estelle, you go ahead with your bad self!
  8. Exactly! I was jumping up and down with the idiocy of that. One day - ECT, next day - all better, released from psych hosp., and on to court. Ridiculous.
  9. How fitting, lol. I actually have an almost visceral dislike for Keane. I can't imagine, even for the sake of "art", what the hell this character is even about. She's been given nothing to work with imo. I'll repeat that she just resembles a school marm at a gulag. With bad skin.
  10. At least the Frannie thing is handled. Seemingly.
  11. Carrie: "I think I can be useful." Wasn't that last week's episode?
  12. I have participated in several marathons as well, but for me, I didn't find them particularly difficult. Well, maybe just the constant pausing of the DVR so that I could take bathroom breaks. Wait...we're not talking about binge-watching Bravo programming are we?
  13. I have a little devil girl that does this also. Hubs and I have always considered it as her way of drawing attention, you know, negative is better than none, lol.
  14. I like her mostly, and thus far have overlooked her tendency to devolve emotionally and whine like a much younger girl. I don't try to harshly judge people only because they're born into wealth. If it couldn't be me, it may as well have been her.
  15. Of course. I personally haven't seen it, or had it inspected, so all of that remains to be seen.
  16. So sorry @Sandman87. As with most, been there, too many times. Our only comfort is to know that we performed the most loving act possible for our friend, in the face of and despite our own misery, so they suffer no more. Hang tough~
  17. I mostly feel the same. Ashley likely went after Thomas as a means to an end. You know, low hanging fruit. If she watched more than a couple episodes of Southern Charm, she learned that Thomas was an easy mark. It is a different form of what every one of these reality show cast members have done. Saw an opportunity and took it. Whether her goal is fame or fortune, she has that in common with the rest of them. Those that already have a fortune, apparently sought fame or they wouldn't be involved in a messy reality show.
  18. Since I am going to be gifted this lovely townhouse, I will of course have plenty of equity to apply towards catching up on maintenance and reno. See? No problems.
  19. Which came first, the weight gain or the potentially lucrative deal to hawk diet food? I know what she says, but am I going to believe her or my unhealthy skepticism? https://pagesix.com/2018/04/13/shannon-beador-launches-healthy-food-line-after-weight-issue/
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