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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I had the same problem over many attempts...then I gave it to the slow-cooker gods, and voila! Seriously, it's slow cooker or never again for me and whole chickens.
  2. Our local Humane Society posted this in honor of National Peanut Butter Day. 😏 Honey Oat Peanut Butter No-Bake Dog treats from DogVills The no-bake treats are perfect for the kids to help make. Ingredients: 1 cup of oats 1/2 cup of peanut butter 1/3 cup of honey 1/3 cup of peanuts Stir all the ingredients together in a large bowl, then chill for half an hour. Once chilled, roll into 1-inch balls. Store these treats in your fridge!
  3. @Writing Wrongs So sorry to hear about dear little Mylie. It hurts like hell when you love them so much, that you'll do the kindest thing possible for them. Peace~
  4. I remember the old ERA stain remover tag line: "Protein gets out protein". So I guess you can smear peanut butter on it.*** ***Note - don't spread peanut butter on it. 😄
  5. And he's all the better for it imo.
  6. Reza ran through his Shah's money and moved to SC did he? 😀
  7. Okay, I wondered if maybe they weren't nationwide (US). I'm in the Great Lakes/Chicago-ish area, and don't remember them at all.
  8. If you all talked about this, I didn't see it, but that Nike print designer should get their walking papers. Horrible, awful print and clothing designs. Guessing the competitors don't hav a choice but to wear them. I'm sure the sponsor/endorsement money is too big to refuse.
  9. Two things. I must have been doing too much advancd r&d on a future in legal cannabis merchandising (I was), because I don't remember this brand. At all. One had better have a high and tight posterior to carry off ^that style.
  10. Exactly. We are probably talking about the same item. Though this box doesn't have the word 'Space' on it, other images, while showing this item, are labeled as 'Pillsbury Space Food Sticks'.
  11. I seem to remember a product called Food Sticks. A cylindrical phenomenon, packaged individually in paper wrappers. As a kid we thought they were fun (I do believe they were marketed as a spaceman product), but my memory is that they tasted just north of vile, lol. I remember the chocolate and maybe a peanut butter or butterscotch flavors?
  12. GPs, in my experience, are merely screeners, gathering information to determine which specialist to send you to. Healthcare distributors, managing insurance and medicare requirements; document managers.
  13. x 1000!! Or the now permanent "If this is an emrgency, hang up and dial 911". Arggghhhh!!!
  14. I didn't realize until reading about this latest development, that AB & the cinematographer were merely 'setting up the camera shot/shots'. If that is true, then there was absolutely no reason for him to have his finger or thumb anywhere near the this makes it go bang! parts. No qustion in my mind that is completely negligent, but whether or not that rises to the level of manslaughter isn't for me to decide. Thankfully.
  15. I sort of remember that too, it was passed off as 'hormonal', but now the general consensus is that certain foods (chocolate among them) can cause inflammatory responses throughout the body, skin included. A quick search will lead to articles about this.
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