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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Before Onyx died last year, my 2 had been together for 16+ years, since they were cagemates at the local shelter when they were 6-ish wks old. I have a couple of photos of them laying/sleeping against or very near each other, but it was not the norm. Perhaps ^those two are doing so as sort of security, since they are in a newer environment. Hopefully it will continue, but it may not.
  2. I don't disagree. If folks would pay attention to the signage, it would be a smoother commute, lol. Same folks who will sit at a 4-way stop until everyone within 1/4 mile has gone in front of them.
  3. Running red lights is chronic in my area. It has continually gotten worse over the past 5 years. I happen to believe that it is a by-product of alternate direction traffic signals; where north/south first gets a turn arrow, then the straight lanes proceed, then the east/west does the same. Not saying it's justified, but since everydamnbody is in such a fking hurry, they choose to run a light rather than face the wait. Roundabouts, at least in our area, are not the answer unfortunately, since the vast majority of drivers are completely befuddled about how to maneuver through them.
  4. Something funny my hubs says when someone doesn't use their turn signal (and I invariably bitch about it) - "They know where they're going".
  5. These kit kat photos are everything! cutest-kitten-in-the-world-who-is-living-the-good-life-and-making-us-a-little-envious
  6. From the horse's bear's mouth, so to speak: tass.com/sport
  7. Real question - do people actually enjoy that LA Coliseum racing? While I admittedly am not a huge fan of the short tracks, this seemingly micro track with odd pit locations, etc. is pretty much unwatchable. In fact, I watched maybe 25% of the first race, and none of the 2nd. I assume that Nascar is trying different things in an effort to stop the hemorrhage of fans, but I'm not sure ^that is the answer. Apologize if this has been discussed already. Also curious as to what you all think of T Stewart in the booth?
  8. Using "the claw" to place (or remove ftm) a drinking vessel is extremely poor form, and shows not only a lack of self-awareness, but a lack of training. Always should be handled around the body of the glass, or by the stem. Back in normal times, I would have asked for a replacement when a server violated this rule, but now, the unfortunate climate in our culture risks that your beverage comes back with unknown um, violations having been done to it. Now I would simply return it and ask that it be removed from the bill. Since I can no longer actually afford to eat outside of my own home, it's not a problem. Ah the joys of modern life.
  9. ESPN's got some work to do to make another broadcast like that to be remotely watchable for me. The constant (not so) background chatter from the 400 people they had mic'd, drowning out the moderators... If it is an event meant to reward the players for a productive year in which the fans found them vote-worthy, then that's fine. It appeared that the participants had a great time. If it is an event meant to entertain veiwers thereby making money from a broadcast...not so much. Some of it was okay, most was not from my perspective. Clearly, this event was designed for 20 & 30-something urbanites. All others need not tune in.
  10. @peacheslatour - As an FYI, the EVet sold me a bottle of a product calld Zylkene, a natural sort of mood booster. I gave her one per day for most of the 30 dose bottle (held a few back just in case as it's not cheap - about $30 I think). I believe it did help. Avail OTC. zylkene-for-cats
  11. Just keep your eye on her. When we lost Onyx last summer, (she had been pretty ill for the final year of her life), Pearl seemed okay at first, then about 10-12 days later, I had her at the emergency vet. Left with a diagnosis of gastroenteritis, which I believe she induced by not eating. She turned her nose up at everything I gave her for probably 2 weeks, eating just enough to sustain herself. She eventually righted herself, and is fine now. In fact she is thriving, and has become an almost entirely different cat. Onyx was the alpha, and miss Pearl has now found her voice and her new role in the family.
  12. Holly Rowe, who has decades of experience interviewing coaches, says to Scheyer: (paraphrasing mostly) "you have been involved in a lot of these games, but tell us what is different about being the headcoach in a NC/Duke game?" Me: um, being a head coach? 🙄
  13. Confession - As someone who knew TR was a broadcaster now, but didn't really pay attention to which voice blonged to him until recently, I rally don't hate his work. I will admit that, especially the last couple of games, after I started paying attention, he did get rather um, animated. I have always appreciated Nance's profssionalism and adeptness, but I can see where the suits might want someone with a different energy alongside. Just keep TR away from the Red Bull.
  14. Let's face it; most of what occurs on Bravo 'reality' shows and in the media (usually leading up to a new season), is producer-driven.
  15. I'm new to this notion. Please to explain~ tyia
  16. I am inclined to think she was under the care of mental health professionals, court-ordered or not, and likely with the appropriate medications on board. If those are the factors that aided in the appearance of rationality and clarity, I would highly recommend that she return to that regimen. Her children deserve nothing less, nor she. I hope I never see her on a television program again. Mostly for her sake.
  17. I am unfamiliar with him, but considering your statement, I found the following, from his attorney (Shaffer), to be...interesting: “It was a rush to judgment,” Schaffer said to Pelissero. “They’re dropping the charges first thing in the morning. I really feel that police have an obligation before they file charges—because of the damage that can be done to the person’s reputation—to do their work. They should be held to a higher standard. Because I don’t play with people’s lives.”
  18. It's not the size of the car, it's the chase in the dog!
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