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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/general-mills-recalls-four-gold-medal-unbleached-and-bleached-all-purpose-flour-varieties-dated
  2. Be grateful for the free stuff, and offended that you have to wait 6 months to do it all again. p.s.: "Anti-aging" = death 🤔
  3. We had a neighbor who went into full cardiac arrest (and died). There was an ambulance, the rescue engine, and two or three police cars. I was told that when a full arrest is dispatched, anyone who is available responds. The chest compressions can be quite taxing, and they wish for as much help as possible. I believe the police officers were the first on scene.
  4. Welp, my man Jordan managed to pull defeat out of the jaws of victory yet again.
  5. EDC = Electric Daisy Carnival, an event where EDM (Electronic Dance Music) is featured. Think synthesizers and *thump*thump*thump. Below hits its stride about a minute or so in.
  6. Our normal temp is in the 50's, but this isn't a record high (but close).
  7. I just want to know what kind of freezer wizardry you all are employing, to be able to fit glasses, plastic or otherwise, upright or prone! 😆
  8. Another 'not a pet' video, but darned fascinating (at least to me). https://www.facebook.com/OfficialRFDTV/videos/607383327960127
  9. My local branch can actually create the new card on the spot. That is an important convenience! Perhaps yours can also do that?
  10. An old retail trick. Put the most frequently purchased items the farthest from the door, requiring one to traverse the entire store (and hopefully pick up a few more items) to get what you need.
  11. My husband and I have been tossing around scenarios about whether or not Tiger will WD. I've no doubt that he wants to, perhaps more than he ever has or will, but I'm thinking he will try to gut it out. I'm looking for a game-time decision on that. I hope this experience gives him pause to think about his future. I feel he either has to play more, or not at all (competitively). He has nothing to prove, and even he has to think now that he will not catch Nicklaus' major record. He likely works harder than anyone to rehab his body, but age does not make it easier, nor does rain and +/- 40 degrees. I would hate to see him finish his career by limping off into the sunset with a 50 on some back 9 somewhere, but he is dangerously close to just that.
  12. I had a cat that would rub on the oven door, and sit and stare at the turkey cooking. I've also had ham lovers. 😻
  13. Just about all the folks in this post are struggling, with Rory officially not making the cut. Wild. Super impressed with Sam the amateur. I'll be silently rooting for him, lol.
  14. I'm not suggesting it not be used, just seems like I've been hearing it with much more frequency of late.
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