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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. Oven baked baby back bbq ribs, pan sauteed sweet potatos & onions. Mighty fine.
  2. Because I'm a bit too lazy to research in addition to inexperienced about such things, I can't say if these substitutions make sense, but I thought I would share nonetheless. A couple seem they would change flavor profiles, but as to the seeds, I don't know.
  3. That's where I am on the issue. My hubs says it all the time, whereby I will respond something smartassy like "when did you join the team?", but I don't find it an unusual thing, nor offensive.
  4. Somebody needs a trim! (Not my kit - an unattributed photo)
  5. I've sort of been on Team Giselle, because the inference is that he reneged on a decision to retire, derailing whatever life plan they had made, though we can't know that. Let's also remember that he has a broadcasting contract on ice with Fox which will pay a metric ton of money, though undoubtdly less than a year on the gridiron gaining a foothold on CTE would. I don't think we can even consider income in the story of those two cash cows.
  6. lol No doubt! I know the world changes every couple of generations, but it sure seems that this latest batch of adults want a complete do-over of all the things, whether or not warranted. Yes, I hear my father talking.
  7. I actually have an app (MS OneDriv) that is shared across my devices, but for som reason, it isn't updating >>transferring photos so that I can just get them from my PC. If you don't have a cloud app like that, you can attach a USB cable from your phone to your PC and transfer them to your hard drive. And now I have officially gone over my head in this convo, so I hope someone will check me if I'm giving garbage info, lol.
  8. All my cell photo files are too large to post here. It's annoying. I use shrinkpictures.com to reduce them, usually by the 50% option. I've never posted here from my phone (they really should have an app, wait, do they?), so I send the photo to myself via email, then save to my PC drive, then reduce it, which creates a download file. It's a lot of rigamarole. Perhaps someone else has a less figgity way of accomplishing this task.
  9. One could argue that any individual deserves to make their own employment choices (that is what we're talking about here, employment), and when they choose to retire from same. One could also argue that when a key member of a family unit, that individual right becomes lessened. He chose to make a family with one, arguably two women. He voluntarily walked away from the first one, and it appears stood by while the second one walked away from him. His children however, didn't get a vote, and that's the rub for me. He put himself and his wants/needs over that of his wife by all indications, and it's not a far walk that he did the same to his kids.
  10. ICYMI one-of-the-biggest-comebacks-in-nfl-playoff-history-and-al-michaels-and-tony-dungy-sounded-asleep-or-possibly-dead-the-entire-time
  11. What’s the difference between Gisele and the Bucs? Gisele knew when to move on from Tom Brady.
  12. Hadn't heard that was a possibility. Hope it's not true.
  13. Hubs and I talked last night about how little actual tennis is shown vs all the yapping by people who aren't even in Australia. I have very little interest in what Chris McKendry and James Blake have to say, when I can't watch a damn tennis match. As much as John McEnroe annoys me, at last he has a lifetime of experience to yap about from his New York penthouse, and he only yaps while covering a match. The excess studio chat coupled with endless interviews with players who say the same thing 10x over, are making this coverage unwatchable, and it's only day one.
  14. Baked chicken parmesan with bowtie pasta yesterday Egg/sausage/potato casserole for breakfast, chicken dumpling soup for main, chocolate brownies for guilty pleasure. No exotic garnishes or accompaniments to report. We are carb-loaded for bear!
  15. I actually do too! I included it as it's the antithesis of a neutral summer palette.
  16. It's a good thing for this^ bride that I'm not invited. I would give my apparel a great deal of thought for her special day. Yes, I'm that friend. She would need another budget line item for Excessive Photo Editing.
  17. When the current generation was evicted from The Womb, and every day after told they were everything the world needed. Oh, and Instagram. Gotta photograph well for The Gram. Might be someone needing to be influenced.
  18. Not saying he should retire, I wouldn't presume to do that, but the reason could be the 79 trips around the sun. I mean, not everyone can be Jim Nance (81 trips).
  19. I hate that we can't share sm videos (easily) anymore. Or is it that I just don't know to do it? lol 😉 facebook.com/watch
  20. I don't know, I think she may be past the point where a couple "God dammits!" and a "she's as worthless as tits on a boar hog" would have any therapeutic value.
  21. ESPN's tears - they nourish me.
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