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Everything posted by CletusMusashi

  1. Everyone's already infected. Unless they've changed that rule too.
  2. I hate Grouchy Guy. The character he's playing actually makes decent points, bu the actor sucks.
  3. Her people are totally gonna turn him into a donkey-cyborg or something stupid like that, aren't they?
  4. Eugene, I've missed you. Which says quite a bit about the rest of the show.
  5. Supposedly this episode is called "Morning Star." Hopefully that means that King Zeke shows up and kills all the stupid whisperers with a morningstar.
  6. That's one thing we can check off our bucket lists. Negan flogging the shaved dolphin.
  7. That's what I needed right before "Walking Dead." More silly tear-off masks.
  8. I'd be happier about this if he were actually gone. But he isn't. He'll still be there, in a different location, screwing with Natalie's game.
  9. The Mole People helped him. They're going to be next season's big villains.
  10. And there's also some dialogue about it that got edited. "Why do they give us such heavy vests? I mean, who even makes vests this big? Who was this gigantic thing intended for, anyway? Bigfoot? Seriously, what are the odds that somebody that big is even still running around alive any more? And... there's a giant murderer standing behind me right now, isn't there?"
  11. This was infinitely better than last week. Not good. But better. I mean, I couldn't even re-watch last week's. I turned it on while I was waiting for this one, and I sort of spot-watched a few scenes and there, but mostly just accepted it as a lost cause. This one? I might actually re-watch tonight, if AMC ever stops cramming up the late night Sunday line with random shit nobody asked for. FPP and Rosita were the stars, no doubt about that. Honorable mention goes to Daryl, but his moment of awesomely kicking ass quickly devolved into a half hour of Alpha slurring and mumbling in a dark garage.
  12. I wouldn't even call it specifically double-tapping. If you take someone down with a head-shot, and it's one of those episodes where the writers think bullets are rare and valuable and hard to replace, then, okay, fine. But anybody who seems to be dead from a body-shot, even if they're your best friend, still needs you to hit the brain if you don't want them coming back as a zombie. One way or the other, Beta was guaranteed to continue to be a threat.
  13. Who did Chris piss off at AMC? I mean, really, the only time most people have any interest at all in watching him fan-gush is right after they've seen the new episode themself. Now he's being cock-blocked with a different show every week? And if the first half of "Dispatches" was any indicator, nobody is going to still be tuned into AMC by the time Chris comes on. Watching a stupid show like TWD? Yeah, some of us still do. Continuing that stupidity with another, even stupider extension of that same show? Yeah, maybe. Sometimes. But first sitting through an hour of something boring and unrelated just to eventually see Chris jump up and down on the couch giggling at Kirkman's catch-phrase of the week that we were already starting to forget about an hour ago? Yeah, not so much. The only effective lead-in to TD, I fear, is the actual topic show itself. Otherwise it's just a very bad, lonely show crammed into a forgettable time slot.
  14. So this is the ep where they go crazy? As in, like, they were normal before?
  15. How big a tunnel did Beta dig? Was there a left turn at Albuquerque involved?
  16. I'm too far from the TV to read subtitles, but, honestly, I don't really give a fuck what Alpha is saying to Lydia.
  17. Lydia should have run off with Henry and saved everyone so many problems.
  18. They probably couldn't hear anything over Negan and Judith.
  19. Maybe he just doesn't want to try to keep a big-ass hat on in combat. I wouldn't. But, if he does die, I'm sure it will magically change sizes to fit Coco.
  20. Better yet, just have Negan stand outside and monologue about the entire thing.
  21. Hey, there was a halberd in the background! People are finally using complex polearms!
  22. Actually, Alpha kept Mary alive. Rick would, in all probability, not have. Not defending Alpha here. Just saying Rick's followers tended to die pretty stupidly as well.
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