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Everything posted by CletusMusashi

  1. Worst case scenerio, if Noura loses this season, they can always bring her back for "Survivor: Arkham Asylum."
  2. Stay tuned for power-mad Noura! This ought to be fun!
  3. Remember when the challenges were intrinsically relevant to the season's locale? Now we've got Rube Goldberg carnival games.
  4. It is kind of dull. Here's hoping for a bitter jury!
  5. Noura has no residual junior high issues at all...
  6. Too bad none of the chickens found nullifiers. They seemed to like Janet.
  7. So nice that they took Dan out of the reunion yet we keep stopping the show and hearing from Trump...
  8. Lauren is gonna kick ass in that fire-making challenge. Her weave looks flammable as hell.
  9. yay! Tribal council. This ought to kill half an hour.
  10. Yes. But remember, Tommy is used to fourth graders.
  11. Either he's trying to team up and bring her to the end as a goat, or he just doesn't want all his possessions set on fire while he's gone.
  12. I can't see Dean not making final TC. So I guess best case scenerio is the jury all show up drunk and vote for Noura, just to screw with everybody. Oh, wait, actually... what if he wants to bring a goat so badly that he gives her one of his idols... and has to play the fake one for himself? That could be epic!
  13. God damn it, Jeff. Could you possibly scream about "bags of balls" any more?
  14. Maybe Dean will hide all the advantages in his shoes and then Noura will toss them into the ocean.
  15. And I think there's another deleted scene that they cut from that one, about 45 seconds in, where Sandra beats the hell out of the cameraman whose lens was glued to her ass.
  16. Great take on Maxie Zeuss. I didn't even know they'd cast Will Sasso, but loved the voice work so much that I had to stop the episode and google who it was. Wonderful choice. I also like making Clayface more of a pompous Sideshow Bob style character. I wonder how many DC characters Tudyk has played now? Does Kite Man actually stand a chance with Ivy? I'm sure she wouldn't respect herself afterward, but she does seem to be somewhat interested. We've also heard her second admission of love for Harley, but I'm not yet sure she means it the 90s cartoon way. It may have been meant as a "stop shipping us" schtick. Don't know, don't care... or at least am not pre-emptively invested in which way it goes. Love the characters either way. Lex Luthor just openly goes on TV as leader of the LoD? I would go nuts trying to figure out how this world works if I weren't so busy enjoying how goofy and fun it is. This show is dodging those questions exactly the same way "Futurama" did: by being too fucking funny to analyze.
  17. I would agree somewhat that the spinning was less of a handicap for Noura than the others. I mean, she's used to being rather dizzy.
  18. Probably a lot of corporate lawyers figuring out how they should play it. Contrary to popular belief, not all contestants are created equal. If you throw a wealthy talent agent out of the game for something that is detrimental to his reputation, you can expect a lot more of a legal battle than if you threw out, say, a hotel doorman or coconut vendor or whatever, if they were to do the same exact thing. They did want him gone, I have no doubts. Jeff certainly wanted him gone, for getting pissy with him in TC and trying whatever that simultaneous intimidation/gaslighting schtick was. But they weren't sure the beancounters that actually run the show would approve of them getting rid of him. Until they were certain. Because keeping him had become an even bigger liability.
  19. I love that Noura's big evil scheme of vengeance was to simply elevate Dean's shoes about six feet off the ground in plain sight. While ranting about it maniacally, of course.
  20. I would say that Dan is the problem.
  21. I didn't want to see Noura go, because she's hilarious. But I was down with it, just because I like watching good game play. And Elaine was absolutely ruling that debate until she mentioned the dead mother. Yeah, no way was Lauren looking to compete with that. Meanwhile, in other news, Dan finally gets kicked out for being a serial groper, and all Tommy has to say about it is "But, that's inconvenient for me." And Dean gets his mind blown by Rob and Sandra telling him that he needs to worry about what the jury think. Because apparently that's news to him. Dude, they're sitting right there! How did you not realize this?
  22. "Cats" looks like absolute nightmare fuel. Is that what the play is like? Yeesh.
  23. "What's an extrapolator?" "Anyone who wants dialogue this week."
  24. Alien ships are here to take everyone to safety. Sure is a good thing there are no paranoid racist conspiracy theorists who hate aliens on this show, right?
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