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Everything posted by CletusMusashi

  1. Hasn't Carol gone through sewer tunnels or anything? I feel like this should have come up before.
  2. Negan falling onto his ass into a pit full of Uncle Fester turds should have me laughing, but I'm bored.
  3. Once the cave switched over to a little bit of red lighting it wasn't so bad. At the beginning, when it was just a little bit of blue lighting, that wasn't doing shit.
  4. Somebody said something to somebody about how they shouldn't have gone off by themself. I have no idea who, though.
  5. Thank god there's a deaf girl there. It's the only reason Daryl turned the lights on.
  6. Something else made a thumping noise! Oh! And a couple of other things did too! I feel like the actors could have just stayed home and this entire scene could have just been one person growling and another one banging things against the wall.
  7. Hey, somebody just hit something! My favorite action-packed radio show has returned.
  8. Interesting point. I mean, I'm sure lots of them have their own lair. We certainly saw Joker's a few times. But, was it actually established that Riddler was an LOD member? I assume he is. I mean, there has to be some kind of legal team keeping a hideout that obvious from getting busted immediately. You'd think locating his secret lair should be a bit more Dan Brownian.
  9. I'd rather they hadn't done the Ivy fake-out, since a. It didn't fool anyone anyway, and b. It took my favorite character out of a good chunk of the episode. If they just wanted her sidelined so Joker could go a little bit longer without getting his ass kicked, they could probably have done it in a slightly less ham-handed way. Joker losing his memory solves the Bruce problem, but I don't want him to lose his personality. Maybe the personality doesn't really require memory of his past? That could be their nod to the "multiple choice origin" trope. I was gonna give this series one more re-watch and then cancel until it came back for season 2, but if it's gonna be that short a time period then I probably won't bother with a one month cancellation.
  10. So this season ended with "Cataclysm..." sort of. Are they going to do a variation of "No Man's Land?" And... how will Joker handle knowing but not wanting to know the identity of Batman?
  11. My favorite thing about the Tony ladder was his "Top that, Yul!" Um, didn't you just see him get the exact same type of fruit down using a much simpler, safer object? And the part where he made everybody else cary the stupid thing while he walked behind them and called marching count? I mean, you just know that most of them were only playing along because they wanted to see him fall on his ass!
  12. Danni was a good vote choice. I disagree with those who say that she was no threat to win, because the reason she won her original season was by not being a threat. Everyone else on her tribe was voted out instead of her, and she wound up in front of a jury full of her own allies. And a vote for Rob is kind of like a vote for... I'm not gonna go to recent here, because wounds are still sore, but let's say Ralph Nader. People voted for Ralph, because they wanted to, without really believing he as going to win. If you want to vote for Rob, you can, but you'll do it knowing that other people want him to stay longer because he's usually great in challenges, or useful around camp, or pleasant to converse with, or will be a useful meat shield later, or will bring them to the end as a goat, or they've been hypnotized by him, or even simply because they want to snuggle up to him at night like Ben. There are some people who you can throw a vote at one day and make things up with them the next. But a lot of Rob's political strength lies in his propaganda. He will figure out who voted for him, because he both interrogates and reads people very well. And then he will tell everyone "I can't believe how untrustworthy he/she is. We had an alliance. And, you know, it they're willing to lie to one person like that then they'll do it to anybody. Do you really want to keep people around who'll just turn on their friends every time the wind blows?" And he'll say it so persuasively that the people he's selling the idea to will agree, just as strongly as if those same exact thoughts are forming in their heads independently. Even if you're immune to his mojo, you're surrounded by people who, for the present at least, want to keep him. And a lot of what I've said also applies if you vote for Parvati, because she'll have Investigator Rob and weasely street informant Ben looking into who voted where. She's a better target than Rob, though. Despite all the "Oh, Parvati is one of the greatest players out there" schtick, there was only one season in which she (mostly) called the shots, albeit with Cirie also helping, and that was against a cast in which fifty per cent had never even played the game before. In her most recent season, the only person willing to work with her was Russell Fucking Hantz, for christsake. Just go into your Parvati vote knowing that, after she's gone, you will be a target of Rob's propaganda machine. He pretty much has nothing to do out there all day besides condition people to be his minions. I wonder if his powers also work outside the game. I mean, I shudder at the thought of raising four kids, but if they all obey him like Survivor players do then it's probably awesome. "Hey, kids, I need some spare change. Go rob a bank for me." And the bank is so honored to be noticed by him that they brag about being "Boston" robbed, Now, Danni versus Ben, you could debate that one all day. In the end, what made sense for most players was to look at the two probable outcomes and decide which one seemed more advantageous to them personally.
  13. That tribal council reminded me of the "Community" episode where Annie lost her pen.
  14. God, they're beating their catch phrases into the ground. It's like Seinfeld.
  15. Please. Enough with the Cops R Us schtick. An alliance of two does not get a name. If Earl and Yau Man didn't get a name, neither do Tony and Sara. I did enjoy watching that ladder silliness though.
  16. Coming up: Jeff: So for this challenge you take a bag of balls of wave your balls around at all the other balls, and the winning team blah blah balls blah blah... worth playin' for? Absolutely Everyone: No thanks. That challenge sounds like it might take half an hour, and if we spend that same time looking for immunity idols we can probably find twenty or thirty of them.
  17. I'm gonna say that, although Grace's skills are quite impressive, Anissa was the winner of that sparring match. Got to give her a few extra points for getting through the entire fight without any of that rather amazing cleavage falling out. If she wore that top while fighting crime, she'd never have to worry about bad guys running away again. They'd be lined up around the block surrendering.
  18. Has anybody at all been able to stream this? My internet seems to work fine on every other website. Just, suddenly, not the DC one. And the fact that when I looked for a pirate stream of it they all stopped at Episode 11 kind of has me really wondering.
  19. He needs to grow some stubble ASAP. I don't even care where, just... SOMEWHERE! Between the bald head, the clean-shaven face, and the strangely hairless body, he looks like an enormous creepy baby.
  20. I didn't want to start right out saying that Rob deserved to come back and Amber didn't, because it sounds sexist as hell, but based on the level of play we just saw from both of them... yeah, I'm gonna say it now. Plus, Rob has won the game without Amber's help, but Amber has not won the game without Rob's, so if it's either/or I do lean toward just Rob. That said, however, Rob has been on the show so many times now that if they'd wanted to just leave him and give Amber another chance, fine. I mean, she did win once. I don't dislike her or even think that she only rode Rob's coat-tails. And without the giant target on her back, she might be able to play a better game than we just saw. Mainly, they should not both have been cast. Whichever one gets "voted out" is still able to keep helping the other one from Monkeyshines Island, and it's an absolute no-brainer that they will, because they and they alone have a built-in immunity to the "no prize-sharing" rule. I did chuckle at her pre-game comment about wanting to beat Rob again, but, even if she had, it would be just like last time she beat him. If they're both living in the same house, raising the same family, then he is still going to benefit from a big chunk of that two million. It's not fair to the other players to have a rule that big that only applies to most, not all, people. And that is why I would like to see her actually out of the entire game as soon as possible. I have no need for a whole 'nother subplot devoted to one more person helping Rob win. At least Jeremy earned a guardian angel through actual social skills. Even if Amber and Rob secretly hate each other and are planning a divorce as soon as this game is over (unlikely, to say the least,) it is still in the direct financial interest of whichever one is in exile to maximize the other one's chances of victory. Between the marriage loophole and the crappy island twist that nobody even likes, Amber's presence is not a good thing for this season. Even people had understood the writing on the wall and voted out Rob, then Amber would automatically have a guardian angel instead of being one. I could go on forever, but it'd really just be me saying the same thing over and over.
  21. Oh, it certainly is. And the funniest part is that I heard a few people getting very angry about it. Because they had no idea what the punchline was and felt cheated. Because they were not among the fifteen people in the world who have watched this cartoon.
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