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Everything posted by CletusMusashi

  1. This has been fun so far. obviously we're due for either a cave scene or a Negan scene.
  2. Hey, after last week, don't knock it. At lease even with BV we could still sort of see something.
  3. You know they're all thinking "Hey, could be worse. At least we didn't get Negan back."
  4. Poor Daryl. That blood must must be almost as disorienting as having all of your hair brushed forward over your eyes. He does have sonar or something, right?
  5. I'm about ready to change his name to Father Big Balls.
  6. I'm kind of with Rosita. There aren't that many of these people, and you know that they're playing spy games. When you get a chance to smack one of 'em down, go for it.
  7. I would appreciate FPP's skepticism a bit more if he had any reason left to assume that plausibility has any relation to the TV show on which he lives.
  8. No way. That scene was hard enough to watch with two eyes, much less with thousands.
  9. Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised to see that one pop up. He's usually much more critical/ analytical.
  10. "Quick, Sarah, hand me the shark-repellant Cop Spray!"
  11. Since when it is wise to send a message to people that you're plotting against them?
  12. I just wanted Adam gone. he's such a weasely little SNL-skit character.
  13. Just wait until he decides to show her up by constructing the world's flimsiest undersea ladder.
  14. Usually the bookend episodes are kind of good. What the hell?
  15. This wasn't even good enough to follow with "Talking Dead?" No. I guess it wasn't. Very well, AMC, you win this argument!
  16. Hopefully all the whisperers are too busy watching Alpha spank Negan to surround and massacre them all.
  17. How long is this episode? Is there still time to check in on Eugene?
  18. Ok, this is fucked up as hell, but at least it's not boring!
  19. I was actually surprisingly close in my guess as to what they were saving the lighting budget for. I wasn't SERIOUS though! Holy crap.
  20. Deus ex abandoned cave dynamite? Please tell me there's a coal-car race coming up too.
  21. These masks are so stupid. I'm starting to kind of love them.
  22. But where did all the zombies go for half an hour? Did he put on "Sponge Bob" to keep them busy?
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