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Everything posted by CletusMusashi

  1. Was it legally justified? No. But, then, I'm also pretty sure that tying someone to a chair, beating them, forcing them to plead for water, and using a staple gun on their neck instead of calling an ambulance are also illegal. If I judge Batwoman by legality alone, I'm going to be upset every time she illegally enters any place and looks for evidence without a warrant. Cartwright wasn't just a dick. He was a monster. The only thing Kate should feel bad about is that there is now one less fun villain on her show.
  2. When I saw what the opening scene was, I instinctively cringed and starting getting ready to yell at the TV "Was your name MARTHA?" in my gravelliest Batfleck voice, but it actually wasn't bad. I don't like flashbacks, I don't like dream sequences (drug-induced or otherwise,) and I don't even really like Kate's father. Usually. Yet the whole thing was so well written that I loved it. The potentially weak parts avoided being cliches by not phoning themselves in, and the twists were horrifying! Bad pun or not, this series is delightfully batshit.
  3. I know she's not Kryptonian. I just couldn't remember what her race actually is, because it doesn't get mentioned much any more. I was too lazy to look it up, and didn't want to say something like "whatever Nia is," because that might sound like I was making a crack about something else entirely.
  4. I think one of the effects long-term exposure to yellow sunlight has on Kryptonians is that it makes them extremely naive and optimistic. Apparently it does not have that effect on Nia. I certainly never sided with the bad guy, but I think it was an interesting choice not to make the victim more likeable. I mean, fine, she wasn't a violent piece of shit like him, but she did seem to be lying about everything she could on her profile. I'm not saying that means she deserved to be assaulted, I'm just wondering, out of the maybe eleven people who needed this week's message explained to them yet are still watching and presumably enjoying Supergirl, how many of them walked away saying "Well, maybe if you weren't such a liar the whole thing never would have happened." So I'm just not quite sure how I feel about the writers' choice there. Making the victim noticeably imperfect might add a slight layer of realism, but there's only so much realism you can add anyway, because it's still a Supergirl episode! I do give Yvette credit for dismissing Brainy as a weird little man, Brainy for still helping behind the scenes, Jeremiah for being a character who I guess apparently still existed, and William's extremely cloying actor for sleeping with whoever he has to, however he has to, in order to keep getting written into scripts, week after week, whether he's actually wanted on the show or not.
  5. Now I just want to watch EoE. Most of the interesting people are there.
  6. Please vote out one of these two so I can stop watching bitter exes instead of tribal council.
  7. Gee, I wonder what product sponsored this episode.
  8. Eating all that salty peanut butter would make me both dehydrated and constipated. Here's hoping it does the same thing to Mr. "I know that peanut has some nutritional value and am therefore a genius."
  9. Who cares? Rooker beats Hardwick any day of the week.
  10. Fuck you, show! I said "talking!" I bet her lips taste like zombie leather and worm juice.
  11. There'd be so much more sense of peril if I didn't feel that the two main antagonists are going to be talking to each other for a week.
  12. Still not a brain- destroyer in real life. The eye socket has little pinholes in it for nerves and blood vessels, but overall that inner "bowl" is solid bone just like the rest of the skull.
  13. I found it pretty unlikely that piece of wood would penetrate a human skull anyway, so just knocking himself out on it struck me as a rare moment of realism.
  14. Too bad he didn't stick around as a zombie. We could have called him Earl Grey.
  15. Two Days From Retirement Man is totally about to have a heart attack and eat those kids, isn't he?
  16. I hope nobody from AMC explains this episode to Chris Hardwick, so it's just an hour of him and the guests sitting around as confused as we are.
  17. How did the big battle episode turn into whatever the hell this is?
  18. So are they planning a musical episode? 'Cause... I don't think I would ever recover from that.
  19. No way in hell do I believe that Carol is feeling secure enough to still have all that long scraggly hair.
  20. Maybe the masked guy was a "Sons of Anarchy" fan.
  21. On a show where zombies practically grow on trees, that was way too much work.
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