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Everything posted by CletusMusashi

  1. God fucking damn it. And now he has to get every idol and fire token on the island, just so he can give them to Michele and Wendell so they don't end up on the same island as him again.
  2. Points for making puns like a Batman villain. I wish they'd all do that. "Wendell-eaving gonna start?"
  3. Fuck these two and their drama. How weird is it that the fact that I want Yul to win is only the extremely second reason that I don't want him voted out right now?
  4. Apparently yes. But I'm not sure if they ever stopped sniping and playing head games with each other long enough to actually have sex.
  5. Adam, you don't have to explain that you're "slowly realizing" anything. We know you're not realizing anything quickly.
  6. Yul is so rational he doesn't even belong on the same planet as most of these people.
  7. Are you allowed to just grab a few long branches and carry the whole thing on them? Hell, they should have brought Tony's ladder.
  8. Next time Jeff says immunity is up for grabs, I want somebody to just grab it and run back to camp.
  9. Tony is so hyper and squirrel-brained. What do you do if a cop like him is interrogating you? Just smile, wait until he sees a shiny object, and then walk away slowly?
  10. This isn't a challenge. It's an Easter egg hunt.
  11. Xena character. Son of Meg and Joxer. I think maybe he also wrote something.
  12. Doing yet another rewatch before Season 2, I realized there are still jokes that I missed the first time. Like, I caught the first time the joke that large, beefy Bane had the beef, and of course I caught that Joker didn't like his chicken, so yadda yadda yadda. But even though the term he used to describe it being overdone is widely used, I still don't think it was accidental that they gave him a reference to rubber chicken.
  13. Maybe they're secretly filming a movie, in which Michonne lustily sniffs after him, occasionally hallucinating Virgil rewarding her with a Scooby snack. She'll find his socks, then his pants, then his murder coat... eventually she'll find him squatting in the mud nude, talking on the Loriphone, making sculptures of owls. With hats. Hey, still no worse than what we just sat through.
  14. So what do Rick's boots smell like, anyway? I would assume like zombie slime, kind of like the boots of every other tough person still alive. Or maybe he left them in bed once, so now they smell like dumpster slime.
  15. Hey, did Kate remember to give Alice back her knife? I mean, for the sake of the very surprised Arkham staff, I hope not. But if she didn't, then she needs to turn it in to the staff, because somebody there is going to have to honor Arkham tradition and get that thing into a clearly labeled cardboard box next to Joker's pie bombs and Killer Croc's tooth-cleaning birds.
  16. Kate isn't Bruce, though. Bruce trained for a decade with the specific goal of becoming Batman. Kate did go through some special ninja-esque training, but first went through traditional military training with the goal of becoming a Crow. So I don't feel like the idea that she might sometimes have to shoot to kill was always off the table for her. Yeah, I know, choking somebody with a wounded neck until the staples come loose is pretty gory, but so is blowing someone's brains out. She should be able to move past this with less difficulty than most versions of Bruce could. ETA: I'm not implying that soldiers and cops should be immune to PTSD, but this isn't really being sold as that. They're selling it as more of an existential crisis of "If I kill a murderous sociopath who kidnaps little girls and makes them into slaves just so his family don't get bored, that means I'm just as bad as him!" Bull fucking shit. I like this show enough to respect Kate enough to say that I think it's bullshit that sells the character short. I would much rather see it as "I know he was a horrible person, but I keep having nightmares about when I was choking him to death and he was begging for his life." And/or "I'd already made the decision not to kill him, but if he could make me completely lose control like that, maybe I'm not cut out to be Batwoman." A little nuance, that's all I ask. She can still be bothered by killing him, hell, it makes her a better member of the Bat-family if she is, but they're just not packaging it quite right. Oh well. By process of elimination, there's always gonna be something that's not quite as good as the rest of the script. Such is life.
  17. No, if he was into anything like that, it would be a plastic halloween Negan bat.
  18. Hardwick looks like he's renting a tiny room in the attic from an old lady who beats the ceiling with a broom whenever he makes too much noise. This is the quietest I've ever seen him.
  19. She's got the scent now. She'll track him like a bloodhound.
  20. Oh. So that was the point. Which choice you make affects what you do? So life isn't just one giant railroad plot with a few bookends per year thrown in? So... if the writers don't know that, which I am pretty sure they don't, then where the hell did this episode come from?
  21. I hate kids. So I think any conversation with one makes it easier to leave them.
  22. Well, she probably also did a whole bunch of really cool stuff this episode. You just couldn't tell, because the lighting crew are a bunch of Morlocks.
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