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Everything posted by CletusMusashi

  1. Kind of funny, with all this talk about The Monitor, that the episode started with Kara talking a dragon into turning back into a monitor.
  2. I understood the red lighting on Argo, but I'm not sure why they continued using it afterward. Did the lighting crew on this show run out of money for bulbs?
  3. I was gonna chide Kara for only warning two people, but I guess all the neighbors already knew. Clark, Lois... your neighbors are dicks.
  4. When did I miss a giant octopus? That thing was great!
  5. Even for a Harley Quinn cartoon, this was a very silly episode. I mean that in a good way, of course.
  6. I'm only two pages in to this episode thread, so sorry if I'm repeating points that have already been made, but: Noura is a progressively more hilarious train wreck. Glad she's still in the game. Karishma was also terrible. I will miss watching her annoy the others. I will say one nice thing about Dean. His mom is hot. Unlike most, I will not be upset if Lauren or Tommy win. As long as they can keep most of the others from voting them out, then they are using a successful strategy. Kind of like how I didn't fault Boston Rob for his tribe being too stupid to get rid of him. One guilty confession: I would sort of rather see Dan go to the finals and get torn into by the jury than voted out earlier and put into a position of power on the jury. The reason I feel guilty about it is that the higher you place, the more money you get paid, but I think at this point his image is more important to him than a few thousand bucks. I really don't want to see him get the privilege of lording it over people who lasted longer than him.
  7. Catherine was a pretty shifty character. I actually think that a lot of what Alice was making her confess to was pretty on the nose. Of course, Alice pretending to be offended by bad people is pretty hypocritical. But being a hypocrite does not inherently make you factually incorrect. So I wouldn't be too shaken up by Catherine's death, except for how hard it is on Mary, who is so great that I think they should probably change the title from "Batwoman" to "Mary and Her Batshit Step-Sisters." I mean, it was really awkward, how badly I wanted to reach through the screen and give that poor fictional character a hug. You know, 'cause that's what hot young socialite women with medical degrees usually want right after having to make the hardest choice of their life and watching their mother die. Some creepy old bald guy from Cleveland to pop through the fourth wall and try to squeeze the sadness out of them. I did appreciate the point that, okay, Kate is mad at Cate (I will not miss keeping those spellings straight! It's even worse than Tyrion and Tywin,) for doing one particular really bad thing, but Alice tortures and kills people almost every day and keeps getting a quazillion second chances. Maybe the big crossover event will be the heroes all getting swapped around until they are all based in towns where they do not have awkward close personal relationships with the main villains.
  8. I quite agree. Jim Rash is nailing his role as The Riddler so well that while I was posting I forgot that he was the Jim Rash version of The Riddler. Probably because he wasn't calling himself the Rid-Deanle-er or something, but, in any case, he made me seriously like his character while forgetting the actor. And I like that the rogue's gallery and their relationships with each other are already established. Ivy can seriously just call Riddler up to help her with an intervention! It reminds me a bit of that episode of TAS where they were all sitting around playing poker and telling Batman stories.
  9. They need to straighten out their episode synopsisesees. Neither Dr. psycho nor Wonder Woman was even in this. And I am fine with that, because Episode 1 was everything that the pilot should be. Cuoco's Harley is a worthy interpretation. I think she is destined to be remembered, along with Aileen Sorkin and Margot Robbie, as one of the holy trinity of great Harleys. I started out a little iffy about how rarely she used the "gangster moll" accent, but the writing and voice acting are so great that I am perfectly fine just taking this character as she is. Tudyk's Joker is reminiscent of Hamil's, but if you're gonna be inspired by someone it might as well be the best. His behavior has more flashes of semi-normalcy than Hamil did, but the more graphic nature of the art and writing make it clear that he's just as insane and brutal. Bell's Ivy is interesting in her subtlety. They've toned down the femme fatale aspect and made her more of an "emo girl all grown up now," which not only fits the character pretty well but also makes her a really good contrast to Harley. And the other big standout is the sad broken mess that is Commissioner Gordon. I'm not quite sure what they mean by Joker crippling his partner, besides it being an obvious reinterpretation of a certain Batman comic, which the Joker's hideout also alludes to. Did they mean "detective partner?" Did they mean spouse. girlfriend/boyfriend? No idea. But the end result? Sort of a cross between Harvey Bullock from TaS and Bill Dauterive from KotH? Absolutely perfect! I don't know the actor from anything else, but he's nailing it in this. I like that they have a full cast of Arkham loonies, and all the characters they we ourselves already know a version or two of are already acquainted with each other. The only character I honestly didn't find entertaining was Frank. I get that they're doing a shoutout to "Little Shop of Horrors," but could they possibly have found somebody less annoying than J.B. Smoove to voice him?
  10. She is such a miserable nutcase that she actually makes Noura look sort of competent. I'd like to see her make final 4-ish, but I don't think I want to see her as an actual finalist. Watching the entire jury make her cry and consider suicide is not my idea of a fun time, but watching her stick around and annoy everybody for most the game, then get voted out, and then come back with a truly ridiculous jury question is kind of my idea of a fun time.
  11. Sappy love stories aren't usually my weakness, yet somehow, once again, Chidi and Eleanor have found a way to tear my heart a new auricle.
  12. Well, she obviously didn't mean it. If she wanted them to be quiet that badly, she would have spent five minutes doing a screaming Rick grimes speech about it.
  13. I would respect her more if she did practice with a stick. Instead she immediately gets a tiny sword that will no doubt magically grow with her just like Coral's Hat.
  14. Besides "Talking Dead," I don't think I've ever seen a show on which the host and panelists laugh so hard and long and unconvincingly at absolutely nothing. There has got to be somebody flashing "Laugh now, monkey, because we own your soul!" cards at them. I'll miss TWD a little bit. I'll miss complaining about it a lot. I won't miss TD at all.
  15. Coco is not allowed to die. Coco is the only child whose parents had access to a "baby names" book that was not from 1930.
  16. Samantha Morton doesn't think she's playing Alpha as a villain. I would love to know where her bar is for someone to actually be a villain.
  17. I've seen this before. Just hide under a dumpster.
  18. Hey, is this a super-sized episode? I haven't seen Hardwick yelling about being on next yet.
  19. When Michonne is in bright natural lighting and has her eyes fully open, I am too stunned to even see that terrible wig any more.
  20. I think Dante and Negan both showed Alpha the same note from their doctor that allows monologuing.
  21. I actually kind of love watching these two doofuses.
  22. Oh, thank goodness. She's lucky this episode had a fight director who thinks zombies die from a neck stab.
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