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Everything posted by CletusMusashi

  1. I love when characters say or do shit and I'm like "Oh, yeah. You exist..."
  2. I tried to enjoy the opening scene, but that crappy song sucked the life out of it. I miss the acorn cookie opening.
  3. Tonight's episode is called "Silence the Whisperers." So I think the only way I could be more optimistic would be if it was called "Silence the Whisperers by Killing Them and Then Silence Negan the Same Way." But, unfortunately, it might just mean that this is the week they decide to become mimes.
  4. Considering Alpha's penchant for making long dull stand-off speeches about what a silent animal she is, I continue to be smitten with the idea of her and her group being wiped out from behind by the deaf girls. Bonus points if they also kill Negan for being an escaped murderer. I don't think Inspector Gadget would tell on them. Hell, I'm not sure he'd even see it happen. Wasn't there a plot point a week or two ago about his eyes getting into Hogwarts? I guess maybe they're gonna live in the sorting hat, kind of like Coral did?
  5. Doesn't matter. There's probably a total of about 20 fauxmbies, from what we've seen. But no matter how many of them we see killed onscreen there will eventually be 300 of them when the plot requires. Enemies are like bullets. Or allies. Or... basically any other noun. Are there as many deer as the plot requires? Are there as many helicopters as the plot requires? Fuck it. I just hope that the plot requires as many whales, dolphins, and elephants as possible. Because we know damned well that the humans, in this mythos, can not be salvaged, because their Writer-Gods are fucking idiots.
  6. The mask just makes her look like a zombie, which haven't been scary for years. But without it, she looks like she might do anything. Like turn on a lightbulb by sticking it in her mouth.
  7. I think I understand the reason Carol focuses on the deaths of characters like Sam and Henry. It's because these are tragedies that she can actually face and still remain mostly functional. It's probably a lot harder for her to look back on the deaths of Rick, Carl, Glenn, Sofia, or Neil.
  8. So much love for this episode. I'm getting ready right now to go see Zombieland 2, but this is unquestionably going to get a rewatch soon. The show does, admittedly, have a lot of slower weeks, but they're worth waiting through to get to the good parts. And this week checked so many boxes on the "things I love about this show" list. Also, can Jen start narrating all the "previouslies" on the show from now on? Her tour guide routine was awesome. I think even Buffy Summers would be like "Wow. Tough school."
  9. I'm not at the end of this thread yet, so it may have been pointed out already. Also, I don't remember off the top of my head whether or not this guess would qualify as a spoiler. But, since the Riddler mention confirms that we are coming into a Gotham City that has time to accumulate Batman's usual rogue's gallery, and she has an extreme fondness for Lewis Carroll, and DNA tests confirmed that the skull fragments found were hers, I'm gonna venture a guess that our mentor is: And that ended well...
  10. First of all, let me find where the line starts to list Mary as best character, 'cause I'm there. I do like Alice, but I was just starting to realize this week that her arc is too slow to make her the only active villain on the show. Thank you, Tommy, for solving that problem. I'm not familiar with his comic character, but this incarnation is good. The petty, self-interested douchebaggage of his character motivation is an interesting change from the usual "I was pretty, but now I have burn scars" or "I'm just a mercenary but I really seem to like cosplay for some reason" villains that tend to dominate the genre.
  11. Yeah, let's just keep obsessing over fucking Henry. Sofia who? Maybe Hallucination Henry will get run over by Ghost Lori.
  12. The only thing I could actually see during that "action scene" was Carol's glow in the dark wig.
  13. Maybe they'll all start taking Carol's pills. And if they take too many, they will hallucinate that Alpha is a glass window. At which point they will finally shoot her.
  14. And THAT is why you never stop in the middle of a zombie apocalypse to listen to Negan!
  15. How well do guns work if you've been sleeping on a wet forest floor with them for... years?
  16. Why didn't they just use some of that never-ending supply of gasoline to burn these people. Nature, right? By the way, Alpha, shut up about nature. Bears and ducks do not give each other these slow-ass speeches.
  17. Poor Negan. Why can't the convicted mass murderer just play outside in the tomato garden? I wish they'd just lock him back in his cage and then forget to feed and water him.
  18. Yes, you do have eyes. And if you stopped wearing that wig sideways, everybody would know that.
  19. How dare they show commercials for a vastly superior zombie franchise during this show?
  20. Once in a blue moon, these people can actually tell a normal coherent story. Methinks they are pushing their luck a bit with this artsy fartsy stuff.
  21. Shitting pants are in the previouslies now? Because they're such an important plot point, I guess?
  22. She's my favorite kind of awful. She doesn't have an actual handicap that makes me uncomfortable for laughing at her. She's just too full of her own loony perceptions to slow down and listen to anyone else. And she's not evil. She doesn't make me angry at the show for casting her, as many others have. She just makes me wonder who thought it was a good idea for her to apply to this show in the first place? Was it just... everybody around that needed a break from her? Can't say I blame them. But for less than one hour a week, I'm enjoying the hell out of how squirrely she is. Honestly, if she somehow managed to win the whole game, that would be hilarious.
  23. About Rob's Noura comments: I don't really think he was inconsistent. I think he was making a joke about how "perception is not reality." Noura's brain is constantly responding to shiny objects; she's just terrible at piecing complex data together correctly. About Karishma being a personal injury lawyer... are we sure she's not just a lawyer who gets injured a lot? Or perhaps a lawyer who perceives every setback she encounters as a personal injury? About Karishma being kept around as an extra vote: They need to either cater to her emotional needs constantly, make sure she's a finalist, or get rid of her before jury. Because that girl is gonna hold some grudges against everybody that she spent time with. If I were in that game, I think my dream date to the finale would be Noura. Kind of hard for a juror to stay mad at me when we're both falling over laughing at everything Noura says.
  24. I have to admit I am happy Noura's team won. I do not like her, but she is too damned funny to lose this early. And if she really lasts, can you imagine how strange her jury question will be?
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