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Everything posted by CletusMusashi

  1. On the one hand, I have no complaints at all about her running in her underwear. 37 isn't old, but I would have guessed her to be ten years younger. But on the other hand: While I do understand in this particular context her point about chaos being useful... don't quote Littlefinger. His entire schtick was bragging about how devious he was, and how he was such an outsider that he had to be devious, while constantly backstabbing every potential ally in sight while bragging to everyone else about how shifty he was. In other words, the Russell Hantz strategy. Yeah, 'cause that always ends well.
  2. I vote museum. It was entertaining as hell when Ben Stiller did it!
  3. Very strong episode. But I think they would have brainwashed Khalil to just kill the target, instead of standing around looking scary, and then making an action hero line, and then killing the target. That particular issue took me out of that particular scene a little bit.
  4. The fauxmbies will collapse on their own pretty soon, even if the protagonists completely ignore them. After all, no civilization in history has ever survived without glass windows, right?
  5. There must be something extremely recognizable about Beta under the mask. I'm calling it now: He's actually Penn Jillette, and the mask he's wearing is what's left of Teller.
  6. OK, so now a third whisperer has a name. This system will work until you have more people than alphabet letters. But what did they call her before she was Gamma? And what do they call everyone else?
  7. Poor Yvette has to go on TD after this one instead of last week's.
  8. I don't know why everybody doesn't just get as far from this crazy group as possible. Keep the using the disguise trick, sure. But it's not like they have an extradition treaty for members who end up a hundred miles away. I doubt they even have the manpower to chase you very far. Lydia was a special case, being Alpha's daughter. And not very far away.
  9. Strangely, I am still not actually bored. So I guess we're about to cut to a Negan scene. Yes it does. Whenever I run low on deodorant, I just put on a zombie mask and nobody can smell my armpits any more.
  10. Please no time jump. I want it to just start with Carol and Alpha brawling.
  11. Why is Siddiq just getting PTSD now? I mean, shouldn't everybody have had it for years already? Except for maybe Judith, because she's a magical Mary Sue child. With the flashbacks he had of Alpha, I have to wonder if before he met Coral maybe he spent some time in Whisperville. Maybe they needed a doctor. Maybe Uncle Fester had a wound that was festering. Another thing that crossed my mind today was this: When I ride a bike, my hair gets blown backward and upward and sideways until I look like Albert Einstein. So how the hell does Daryl's all stay the way it does? There must be a truly hilarious amount of deleted footage of them fixing his hair every time he gets off the motorcycle because for some reason they think "unkempt" means "brushed down in front."
  12. I just assumed she used kryptonite or red sunlight when getting her hair cut. Now for the bigger questions. Does that new costume just fuse together over her skin? Does she have to keep her glasses on in the shower? Does she have to sleep in her costume? Can she... do Kryptonians even need to use a toilet? I like my pants the old fashioned way. They go on when I tell them to, not when something else triggers them.
  13. Oh my god yes. Please, when Negan inevitably pulls the "let me out and I can help you" card successfully, and then betrays them all, and then is making a speech about how making himself Emperor of the Atomic Shitting Spacepants Zombies that Shit Atomic Shit Into Their Atomic Shitting Spacepants was all for the greater good, and none of the people who could easily shoot him are somehow able to stop waiting for the end of this completely asinine monologue, the DefSis2 will pop out of the shadows, beat him to death with two by four's, and then look around at everybody's shocked expressions, like "what?"
  14. That deer is really funny looking. Maybe the 200 people estimate came from how abnormally thick its legs were. Here's the biggest question about it, though: why the hell would any deer still be hanging out in whisperer/horde territory? Wouldn't the deer that stupid already be killed off? And wouldn't the other ones be like "Oh, I hear and smell thousands of those things that immediately eat us, maybe I'll go that other direction." I mean, those walkers really like the taste of chubby CGI deer! They converged right onto a dead one and continued to munch it while ignoring the live humans who were having an entire conversation right there in plain view.
  15. I hope Rick stays gone. Civilization is progressing far more rapidly and stably without him. What I wouldn't mind would be if Eugene built a new robot Maggie, so at least we could have some kind of closure on that character. They wouldn't even have to get Lauren back. She could be played by any actress that knows how to dance like a robot.
  16. I noticed last season that quite a few seemingly normal zombies were killed by things that canonically would not kill them. Arrows to the chest and so forth. Once the whisperers showed up I started using their existence as an explanation for any zombie kills that didn't look like zombie kills. Why would they just randomly shuffle to their death without using weapons or evasive techniques? I don't know. But crazy people acting crazy is a thing that happens. Maybe sometimes they develop a form of psychosis in which they believe themselves to actually be zombies? Hey, it's no sillier than anything else associated with these people.
  17. Was Spear Guy one of the former Saviors? I wondered about it because he was the only person calling Negan "sir." Was that an old habit, indicating that he remembers what Negan was like when he was free? Or was he saying it in that sort of ironic way that cops in real life always use it when they talk to me? "Sir, if you do not put your pants and underwear back on I am going to taze you again."
  18. Unfortunately, I think we all know exactly what Negan posts pictures of.
  19. As much I liked a subplot about them fighting a forest fire, because conserving useful resources is a far better choice than the Rick Grimes policy of "live one place until it burns down, lather, rinse, repeat," I do have a question. How were they simultaneously worried about crossing the border into Whisperville and about Oceanside burning down? I quite clearly recall Oceanside being an island. Did the Oceansiders relocate onto the mainland? Honestly, if so, dumb ass move.
  20. Like many of us, I spent several hours this evening rewatching last seasons episodes. And, while for the most part they were stupid but fun the first time I watched them, now that I've seen them a few times I was mostly bored. I suspected that by the time I saw this one I'd have had enough of the show and would go to sleep fairly early. Instead, I'm actually looking forward to watching it a second time. Parts of it were smart, parts of it were stupid, but the whole thing held my interest. Even the cringey stuff (shitting pants, Judith getting to do a solo performance in the middle of the otherwise tightly organized military formation...) was quick and silly enough to make me laugh and then go away before it wore out its welcome. And a lot of what's going on is legitimately good scripting and acting. Negan can still fuck off immediately, of course.
  21. I assume she's including blood and broth and chitlings and gelatin. And even still, yeah, small portions. But grain and vegetables and a little bit of meat is still more than just grain and vegetables. Plus, I don't put it beyond her to use a little bit of hyperbole when she's pissed off and can't murder anyone.
  22. I like Eugene standing up to Michonne. He knows his strengths, and he doesn't want the group to miss out on this opportunity. I also liked the superpowers conversation. Nice to see that there are still a few people who remember pre-ZA culture. You know what worries me, though? What if Eugene does salvage the technology? Oh, good. Now their cell phones work. Because nothing says "ability to survive" like having every single person texting "What's up?" to each other all day while driving like Lori.
  23. Oooh, maybe it's those two cosmonauts from "Gilligan's Island." They were nice. That's why they did all their evil plotting in Russian-accented English to make themselves easier to listen in on.
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