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Everything posted by Daltrey

  1. That didn't stop the show from putting Ian back with Mickey. So why should Fiona's exit be treated with any more grace? That's a fair point. I don't see Ian and Mickey being back together as a regression. Ian has been back sliding away from his best self for quite awhile now, all on his own choices. Whatever good he's managed for the homeless/LGBTQ kids, he hasn't been taking care of himself. Whether or not it started in a healthy place, and regardless of how rocky it ever got, Ian and Mickey is a solid relationship with deep roots. Ian always tried to keep mickey on the straight and narrow and Mickey always tried to keep Ian healthy once the bi-polar kicked in; they always called each other on their BS. They are both at their best with each other. Ironically, that currently happens to be in prison, lol, but at least it gives a dash of hope that they can one day be free and happy.
  2. LOL! I've always been ambivalent to Becky/Lecy as far as being attractive goes, but yeah, oddly enough, I sat up and said "whoa!' So, none us need feel alone in our shame, hahaha.
  3. I think that was probably my favorite piece of humor from the episode! That was an incredibly smart joke dealing with race relations and discrimination, bravo to whoever wrote that. Like many, I loved seeing the neighbors again too. For all the crap Roseanne Barr gets, whether deserved or not, that scene from last years revival was one of the best things about it; The sisters and the neighbors both admitting they were scared of each other, or at least to get to know each other, because of all the propaganda in the news was poignantly sad and incredibly touching; really well done all the way around.
  4. I loved it , for the simple fact that it was done with logic and reason. Darlene's line to the principal that "it's not cultural appropriation, it's cultural appreciation." was perfect. Rational thinking human beings don't generally make choices about things they want to do for themselves based on things they hate; this is especially true when picking costumes and exceptionally true in the case of children picking costumes. I don't understand how anyone, in good conscience, can just automatically claim that something is coming from a place of disrespect and is therefore inherently offensive. That's just ludicrous! I believe people have an obligation and a responsibility to be respectful when it comes to other cultures but all cultures need to be accountable and also have an obligation and responsibility to recognize the difference between when something is rooted in hate or rooted in love. The ability to be offended isn't a right, it's a privilege, and people need to use it wisely.
  5. No! That would reflect zero character growth and undo everything she's done to upgrade her lot in life, little as that may be. After the Ford fiasco I'd hate for her take away to be that she's ultimately a loser and fated to end up with a loser, so why not the devil she knows? I'd rather her be alone than say fuck it and give up; that's never been her characters arc, nor has it really been for any of the kids. They've always striven for better in some way, shape or form....if not always at the same time. It would suck if her story ended back at square one, IMO.
  6. I had watched the first season back when it came out and loved it, so I was pretty happy when this dropped. I have to agree about the first episode, not nearly as good and it really was pretty gross. I waited a couple of days before going back to it and ended up binging the rest of the season that day. It does get better and where it ends up was really interesting; it takes a nice twist that I never would have guessed. It has a different tone than season one, I think, less comedic and a little more dark but I ended up really enjoying it. It's too bad Netflix has cancelled it in their slow move to having only fully owned content. Apparently the producers are shopping it around, hopefully they find a home.
  7. Yeah, I like his interpretation as well and I think it makes sense to play him that way based on everything we know about his situation. I just don't find him so amazingly riveting that my eyeballs are intensely glued to my screen whenever he is on it. He is decent and, considering the writing he has done a good job, but there's probably a hundred other actors who could do just as well.
  8. Yeah, I thought that was really well done too! Was it just me though, or did they have the wrong arm in a sling when Oliver was being marched past the cells on his way to level 2? I'm almost positive he dislocated the left but it was his right arm in the sling. WINNER!!!! Lmao, that was too good. Holy shit! I can't believe I didn't realize they are one and the same! I totally see it now and feel foolish, lol. Like many, I've really turned the corner on my opinion of Agent Watson as well and for what it's worth, Agent Watson>Misty Knight . Yeah, I usually like him but this type of character isn't his strength. It doesn't help that "Diaz" is horribly conceived and constructed. When he and Oliver were having their little heart to heart just before the guards came to take Ollie down to Level 2 and he said something along the lines of "you'll never survive down there.", for some reason I thought "You're the Demon!" It might be a stretch and I know I could be wrong but there has to be something more to his story than a simple case of mistaken identity and wrongful conviction...The other thought I had was maybe he's actually a figment of Oliver's imagination; a coping mechanism and/or manifestation of his conscience to keep him grounded and help him see clearly and think things through. In the first episode when Brick and the boys were giving him the beat down and the guards were in no rush to stop it, maybe it was still Oliver all along; it would explain why he was able to walk away and ignore it so easily. It's a reach and I'm probably way off, but is it possible? I'm trying to remember if anyone else has had any kind of interaction with him or if Oliver is the only one. It seems like this is an "everything and the kitchen sink" season as far as villains go. Diaz as a holdover from last year, The Longbow Hunters (I haven't read the comic origin yet but it seems like the show just wanted to make use of a well established name), The Prison "Demon", Brick and everyone The Hood/Arrow helped put away, whoever Lyla is dealing with and whatever they're up to....Even Agent Watson's FBI boss seemed shady to me. I just hope it's not a mess and all ties in well. I swear in her second episode, didn't she have a scene with a vase where it looked like she was about to make out with it? Maybe they're setting her up to be pansexual? LOL
  9. Not even! 37 fucking minutes and change to find out how the Meade robot came to exist?! What a fucking waste, this could've been done in 15 minutes, 20 tops. I've enjoyed every episode this year to varying degrees but this was so boring I nodded out and had to rewind at least four times once Michael got to Cokehead Robotics Inc.....only to have the credits roll and say "WTF, that's it?!!". I really don't get all the literal and figurative hard-ons for Cody Fern; it seems to be a lot of straight women and gay men swooning because he's pretty. Nothing wrong with that but it doesn't equal fantastically brilliant acting. He's had moments but mostly he's been a weepy, mopey whiner capable of one and a half facial expressions at best. He reminds me of Adam Driver as Kylo Ren in Star Wars, only slightly better.....or worse, I haven't decided. Regardless, this episode was a crack town alley full of dumpsters on fire that seemed to burn far longer than it actually did. The final two episodes had better miraculously bring it full circle and wrap it up well or this show is going to get kicked far down the block that is my watch-list, if not completely curb stomped into oblivion.
  10. Haha, I totally jumped and involuntarily held my breath; when I was able to to catch it I let out a nervous laugh and I believe my exact quote was "holy fuck, that was awesome!". Of course, it didn't hurt/help that I watched it just after midnight on Hallowe'en and when the knocking at the funeral home was going on something/someone started knocking against the glass railing outside my apartment, lol! No, it was Nell; that scream was exactly the same scream the "bent neck lady" gave the first time Nell saw her as a little girl, before we knew it was her dead self she'd been seeing all along. Theo's breakdown afterward and her explanation of what happened when she touched Nell was a fantastically brilliant and gut-wrenchingly heartbreaking piece of acting and storytelling; I hope they send it in for Emmy consideration because Kate Siegel deserves it. Also, I forgot to add that we've also seen ghost Nell standing straight, such as when Steve saw her in his apartment at the end of the first episode and when Hugh saw her at the funeral parlor.
  11. Right, that's what it was, I recall now. Thanks for the clarification. I remember the ladder incident but I couldn't think of why it was an issue. I'd forgotten about the bike riding scene setting up his introduction and explaining his disorder.
  12. I'm a west coast Canadian and I can remember seeing Trump on Late night talk shows and things like Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, not to mention advertisements, long before he had The Apprentice. He's always been a self promoting attention whore. Hilton may have had more hotels than Trump, or anyone for that matter, and run in famous circles but he wasn't one to stick his face into every camera he could find and run his mouth ad nauseum about whatever inane BS he thought might get him headlines. Back then, It wouldn't surprise me that people outside of North America would be less likely to actually know who he was or what he looked like but with the way media is so globalized today, it's completely plausible that a Trump-like business mogul would be world renowned. What really amused me was the idea that this Trump hating character was almost identical to him in every way but appearance.
  13. I'd actually forgotten about that....something that affected his balance, I think? I don't think they've touched on it since the first episode and it hasn't seemed to be an issue for him since, that I can recall. I don't seem to remember anything about him being cured or overcoming it either. Did I miss something or is it more sloppy writing?
  14. No, I didn't realize it was out already, I only heard about it a few weeks ago and it surprised me because he always said he had no interest in doing one. Apparently thte North American release was only last week, on the 23rd.....have to put it on my Christmas list.
  15. I wanted to say this too, but in the end I just couldn't be bothered, lol. Perhaps, maybe, the OP wasn't around back then, or is just too young to remember? :shrug:
  16. I see what you're saying. I seem to recall back in the first season FP and Alice couldn't stand each other, but then we found out Falice was a thing when they were kids? I agree them being a thing now does kind of seem like it came out of nowhere but i'm hoping this flashback episode may give it some clarity and perspective. I've full on embraced the crazy though, so I kind of wish the "adult" actors were going to play themselves as teenagers, I think it would be hilarious! You're right about Alice though, she's always been an awful person. If I had to guess, I'd say the love is more for Madchen Amick and her portrayal, rather than the actual character. Kind of like the way you love to hate a good villain. Anyway, sorry again that you're not able to enjoy it.
  17. I don't know if it's a retcon, exactly, but they're definitely trying to draw some parallels between certain parents and their kids. It was blatantly obvious the way some of the scenes were being juxtaposed in this episode. It's too bad you're not enjoying the show the way you'd like, I wish that you could; it sucks when a favorite show goes off the rails. You should check out Alex Meyers on YouTube. He's made a bunch of videos on the show and how crazy it's gone. They're pretty funny and might provide some comfort. hopefully you can find a way to stick around. :)
  18. Same. And Bill was awesome. I wish she could have been a bridge companion as well. Frankly, I was surprised how eager and almost desperate The Doctor seemed to have these three join her, considering Bill's ultimate fate. She seemed to be acting purposely apprehensive and sad about leaving in the hope that they would feel bad and ask to join her. I always thought it felt more authentic to have the new companion/s accidentally along for the ride and then The Doctor takes them home, only for them to miss the sense of wonder and adventure and become excited when invited or begging to tag along when The Doctor returns. Part of it, I guess, is that they've flipped the script; These people have earthly reasons that they want to escape from, whereas companions are usually driven by a desire to see more of the far flung reaches of time and space that they got a little taste of. I suppose the new companions reasons for leaving will probably be the reasons they end up going home as well......if they make it, lol. Haha, thanks! Best singer and the greatest band, ever!
  19. This is the root of everything that was wrong with this episode. That line was fairly innocuous, as delivered at the start by a tertiary character, in that it's not something one would find shocking or unexpected in this day and age. What followed in it's wake however, was a pretty heavy hammering of virtue signalling and political correctness that severely impacted how the story played out. Too much of it was completely unnecessary; Yaz's mom and sister being overly concerned with if she' s dating either of these new friends and if so, which one, Yaz correcting her Dad's "police woman" to "police Officer" - would any viewer really have batted an eye if this line didn't exist? - Najia saying "Do you have any idea how annoying it is when my husband's right?". Having the main characters engage in discussions of sexual preference, gender equality and political ideology while supposedly trying to find the cause of and solution to the spider problem resulted in some hackneyed exposition in the last few minutes that failed to fully explain anything. The Doctor has them trap the spiders in the panic room and collect canisters of essential oils to....do what, exactly? That plot point devolves into a ridiculous dissertation that using a gun to put a dying creature out of it's misery is a much worse fate than letting it slowly suffer in suffocation. I'm no pro gun nut by any stretch but that was just stupid. Smash cut to "Hey, Doctor, um.....can we come with?". When it was announced that Jody was taking over I was intrigued and totally on board. I thought, "this could be cool, there's already a precedent for it with the master and it's sci-fi, so there's no logical reason to argue against regenerating as a female; It should be interesting and fun to see how The Doctor reacts and adapts to this seemingly new development". I stand by my initial reaction and I think Jody is killing it but if Chibnall continues to sacrifice great storytelling for overt feminist messaging and characters or dialogue espousing most men as ignorant, stupid or misogynistic then give me Moffat and Capaldi any day of the week. I can't imagine most other fans would appreciate being preached to either. The first three episodes were really good, hopefully that remains the trend and not the exception. All said and done, I'm really looking forward to getting off earth next week!
  20. Haha! The true horror in that is Gordon Ramsey being a survivor, lol.
  21. Wutta ya talkin about, that sounds friggin' awesome, LOL!!! ;)
  22. This was basically my point. Christmas has become so commercialized and secular as a holiday that it has basically transcended religion to be all inclusive. As a supposed time of joy and hope, I just don't understand the nihilism some feel toward it. That said, I don't want or need this to be a Doctor Who Christmas special either, but nor am I expecting it to be.
  23. Spoiler tagged, even though it doesn't really give away any major plot details.
  24. Christmas is for everyone, if you choose to participate. What is "Christmas crap" and how can it foul anything? It says "a healthy dose of Christmas spirit."; Peace on earth and good will to man sound familiar? I doubt they're going to try and hammer religion down anyone's throat and it's highly unlikely there will be angels and wise-men doing battle with Santa Clause. Even if you have no connection to it's religious roots, it's celebrated the world over as a time of forgiveness and renewal, for people to come together, despite their differences. The world needs that now more than ever, the way it's becoming so politically divided. If the show can reflect that and use this finale to send a positive message, then why shouldn't they? I don't see the point in getting upset and assuming it's going to be bad.
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