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Everything posted by FnkyChkn34

  1. Funny you say that, because I must have missed that description completely in the book. I always thought Ian was blond, and I always wondered how he fit in with the Native Americans as a blond. Thanks for sharing!
  2. But we do have Burgess and Sergeant Platt, so it's not entirely male as it is. I don't doubt that they'll bring in another female at some point, but I would hope it's not right away. IMO, they need to let Dawson be Lindsay's "replacement."
  3. Can't Sansa release her from that oath? If she's poised to move on to bigger and better things...
  4. You don't think she's proving herself to Jon as well? What if he becomes King?
  5. I had no idea where to put this question, but here seems as good as any place... What is the status of Benjen's "life"? I read the wikia page on him, and it says he's "Alive (undead)" but then says he was killed and saved by the Children stabbing him in the chest with dragonglass? When watching last season, I just thought he was a wight. But he does not seem to be a wight, as he wasn't a corpse raised by the White Walkers. He also told Bran he can't pass through the Wall because of its magic spells, so he's not really "alive." Soo... yeah.
  6. But I thought they were following the Night King, which WWs did but wights don't? Ha, I really need to learn the difference better...
  7. I had to zoom in - thankfully that is not all hair, like it looked initially. That's just weird lighting in/on the photo.
  8. Agree regarding Sam and Jorah. As for WW, then are we to assume that the giant we saw that looked like Wun Wun was a living baby giant? Definitely not Wun Wun. Weren't there horses too? I clearly need to re-read the books. I don't think the show does a great job of explaining.
  9. I'll admit to being a wee bit dense - I thought the opening scene was a flashback at first. It didn't hit me that it was Arya until she started to make the speech about killing a pregnant woman, and then I knew right away that the wine was poison (before they started keeling over).
  10. Thanks! Follow up - do wights need to be killed? They aren't really evil, but I guess they should be killed before they can be turned in to White Walkers?
  11. Question please - there are White Walkers, and there are wights. Which one are you referring to when you say "zombies"?
  12. I thought it was oddly tense for a different reason though, because I knew exactly who Ed Sheeran is... I was wondering will they or won't they kill Ed Sheeran!? Would he get the true Game of Thrones treatment?? But otherwise, it was a bit out of place, but not because of Ed's cameo. It just didn't seem relevant to anything to me, but hopefully that will change later in the season.
  13. I agree, especially because Sam said something like, "oh, Stannis already told me this..."
  14. I didn't really like how this episode was choppy - it kept flitting back and forth between not only locations (which is usually fine), but days and time (which got confusing if I wasn't always paying attention). Otherwise, it was decent and I'm still looking forward to the rest of the season.
  15. Interesting. Is that in the book? I thought it was Geneva and Jamie.
  16. When all else fails, I consult A Wiki of Ice and Fire - http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Wall :-) This says the wall is mostly ice, some stone and earth. It has spells woven into it, and appears blue or gray depending on the time of day and weather. This says that the highest portion is actually near Greyguard? Which I've never heard of...
  17. I'm not sure it was ever said who/what cured her, but why wouldn't it be common knowledge? I'm sure word has spread that she had it and survived, even if they didn't know how.
  18. The Wall is actually made of ice, isn't it? Not to be picky, but it might matter. And since the Wildlings could climb it (with relative ease), I think Jon guesses that the Night King can too. Plus, they may have other special "powers" or magic that no one knows about yet.
  19. I did! They didn't get many votes at all... Oh well, maybe next year.
  20. And what happened to Ned's great sword? It was melted down into 2 swords, I remember that, but who has them? Jaime?
  21. I agree with the last part. I think Sansa is salty because (for all she knows) Robb, Bran, and Rickon are dead, yet her bastard brother is running *her* castle.
  22. Two reasons, I think, one mostly fact and the second one my opinion. 1, that's what guys his age do these days, especially if they are in good shape and go to the gym. 2, it looks better; furry body hair is gross. :-)
  23. Actually, what you just listed here are more reasons why I don't care for the character - it's all too improbable. She has the best luck ever, in a country where everyone else just gets screwed over six ways to Sunday.
  24. ...double checking that we're in the book talk thread... Yep. So she's a mere child. I meant mature as two-fold - as she actually grows up, and as she becomes wiser. Her plot on the Freys has shown both this season, but previously she's shown to be very immature. For example, in the first season - running around the castle chasing cats, not listening to anyone in authority and defying her father, whining, etc. OK, she was a child... but then more recently, I didn't like her arc at the House of Black and White; she again just showed her petulance and claimed she wanted to train, but didn't obey or listen to Jaqen very well. So for her to demonstrate maturity to me, she'd have to actually listen to and take advice from someone older and wiser than her, and start making smart choices. She might even realize that there's more to life than her revenge/avenge plot? Maybe that isn't possible if she remains rogue and alone though, so I guess that's why I don't hold out much hope that I'll ever really like her much. ETA: Full disclosure, I watch her scenes but not nearly as closely as most other characters' scenes, and definitely didn't watch them on a re-watch. So I might've missed a lot about her, but even from the books, I don't care about her. Is what it is.
  25. Sansa has always just been fluff and filler to me. I think I basically ignored her until last season. I might warm up to her more now that she's interacting with Jon and putting Littlefinger in his place. Arya? Meh. Maybe she'll grow on me as well as she finally matures, but I won't hold my breath. :-)
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