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Everything posted by FnkyChkn34

  1. Umm... she needed to wear a bra. The black jumpsuit was the only one of her three outfits that I liked. The all denim look? No, not good on anyone. And the beige outfit would have been fine had she worn proper, uh, support garments.
  2. I don't really see that, but even if he does, he kind of has a right to. Until recently, Jon was looked down upon for his entire life - he's a bastard, he doesn't fit in, he would inherit nothing, Cat hated him, etc., etc. Then at the Wall, he gets some respect only to be betrayed and murdered by his own men. Hasn't he been a kicked puppy? But he's coming in to his own now, and I see the wolf. That started when he punished his attackers and left the Wall. I predict that he'll go toe to toe with Dany just fine.
  3. Completely agree, and he even then handed the messages from the ravens to his bannermen for them to read themselves. Would anyone else actually pass around the piece of paper itself? Of course not.
  4. But the Unsullied aren't from Westeros, so... yeah.
  5. Haven't there been rumors for many seasons that Dany has dragons? So this isn't really news to anyone, it's just confirming what they already suspected.
  6. The Nathan James was in dry dock... again? I thought that was the ending to season 2. At the end of season 3, she's in port, and Capt. Chandler walks away. The new president appears to be back in control of the US, but I'm sure that "control" is not the right word to use...
  7. Exactly, he's told the showrunners the basic ending, so he's letting them fill in the details.
  8. I'm not so sure Dany intends on starving the commoners who live in King's Landing. Maybe she sets up places where they can come get food from her and her armies; what she does do is keep all food and supplies from Cersei and Lannisters?
  9. Well, if they did that, then Tyrion wouldn't have a one-liner to quip.
  10. Thank you, that was also my point. You elaborated much better than I did.
  11. Until something happens to Davos, and Jon makes him Hand of the King (for example). Just because Sam's father didn't want him doesn't mean no one else will.
  12. Do we know if Sam really even wants to be a maester? He's doing it because he was ordered to by Jon, but Jon is no longer the Commander of the Night's Watch. Maybe Sam will just be the rebellious student, learning all he can as fast as he can, and then get the hell out. He's got Gilly and a kid, and Jon is King of the North. He can just go meet up with Jon and never become a maester; it's not like Jon will punish him for abandoning the Wall and breaking his oath.
  13. Maybe there is and we just don't know it yet. Afterall, we know that only 3 "kingdoms" support her, and one is her own.
  14. But that bag of money can buy her whatever she wants. From others who have traveled, we know that inns and pubs exist.
  15. Maybe this is just my general dislike for Arya coming through, but once someone else pointed out that she kept wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, that was ALL I noticed on my re-watch. Yes, she's a slob. She has no manners. What is that supposed to convey? She's as wild as her direwolf? Or that she's just a pig?
  16. I was disappointed to see that Ghost didn't go with him. Would that have been so hard to include?
  17. I just referred to him as Capt. Chandler rather than saying Tom Chandler. He doesn't have to be an official member of the US Navy to "rejoin the team" in the sense I mean, either. (They had Tex, afterall - so not everyone has to be military.) But I just meant I don't think he stays alone for long, and we'll see him join back up with the rest of the cast for whatever mission they go on. Maybe at this point they have all quit the Navy and they are rogue vigilantes. But the appearance of Danny and Wolf in the crowd at the fight says to me that they were sent to go find Tom and bring him back.
  18. Honestly, not really, because they could just decide that they want to follow her anyway.
  19. Another comment on Davos - I think we need to remember that he was an illiterate pirate/smuggler. He has street smarts and great intuition, but he has no book learnin'. The knowledge of dragonglass and it's potential uses isn't really anything a smuggler would need to know; he'd just know if people were paying a high price for it or not and not necessarily where to mine it or what people use it for after they get it.
  20. The lords of the other houses proclaimed Jon as King in the North. So at this point, wouldn't Bran just be the rightful Lord of Winterfell? The north didn't seem to care that Jon is a bastard, they are following him because they want to. I get the impression that it isn't just right there on the beaches or in the gardens - it must be mined from underground. Therefore, maybe not many people know at all if they aren't currently actively mining it.
  21. No, Euron took Yara, mama Sand Snake, and the one daughter, Tyene. The other two daughters are dead, and the bodies we saw on the bow of the ship were them.
  22. Well, ignoring her wouldn't make for entertaining television, but moreover, I don't think that anyone just ignores anyone in Westeros. That would be very out of character.
  23. This is the way I see it. It does pass muster though in a way, because Tarly et al. would have to use their own troops and forces to forcefully take it from her if they disagreed that she's the queen. They clearly didn't want to do that.
  24. Sam had some good lines, and the scenes were very well acted. His story might not be all action, adventure, and fight scenes, but it's all necessary and I don't find it boring either.
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