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Everything posted by FnkyChkn34

  1. But isn't that Sam's character? He was sent to the Citadel to learn everything he can and be a maester. So of course he's determined to gain access to everything he can and help Jon in every possible way with all the knowledge he can. I'm sorry, but I don't understand your complaint here.
  2. Robb and Jon are practically the same age, only months apart, IIRC.
  3. Sorry, but you just named 9, and the Iron Islands are not a Kingdom. The great houses are: 1. Stark of Winterfell, rulers of The North 2. Tully of Riverrun, rulers of The Riverlands 3. Arryn of the Eyrie, rulers of The Vale 4. Lannister of Casterly Rock, rulers of The Westernlands 5. Baratheon of Storm's End, rulers of The Stormlands 6. Tyrell of Highgarden, rulers of The Reach 7. Martell of Sunspear, rulers of Dorne The North, The Vale, The Stormlands, and Dorne are definitely not allies of Cersei's anymore, and I think The Reach is questionable.
  4. A few bodyguards... but 3 dragons. Dragons who flew out and scouted the island and castle in advance. Only 20 men wouldn't stand a chance.
  5. Anyone in Westeros with half a brain will put two and two together to realize that they were all poisoned by a Stark or someone supporting the Starks. No one has to know it was Arya specifically for them to want revenge on the Starks. Who cares if no one believes them that Walder Frey removed his face and was Arya - the women will still pass the message that "the North remembers" and "winter came" for them.
  6. I never said Joffrey's murders were justice in any way, shape, or form; I didn't claim anything. Sorry, but you did, and it made no sense to me, so I didn't address it. All I said was that he did his killings in the time of war, which has been the entire series. Is there not still a war going on? And it started in season 1, so... but never anything about Joffrey dispensing "justice" on innocent people. That's murder. Joffrey may have been king at the time, but he was a king who murdered. None of those people did anything wrong for which they needed justice. But yet everyone is defending Arya by saying she dispensed "justice" because Frey wasn't innocent; well, that's murder too, because she had no authority to dispense justice. She's a vigilante.
  7. Well, they sure take Oaths seriously, so why wouldn't they take laws seriously (assuming there are some, like what happens when you break an oath...). Joffrey did his killings in the time of war, and I've already explained my opinion on the difference. Timing matters. Robert appeared to have established "law and order" in the country for many years between the time of his rebellion and this new war. So that's why I say that there were laws and people authorized to carry out those laws. And she does have an impressive body count; she became a murderer because she hates murderers. Yep. ::eyeroll:: (She's even worse in the books, in my opinion.) I guess I didn't pay enough attention. Is it Valyrian steel? (Sorry if I can't spell.) If so, Jon's going to need that.
  8. I was thinking that too - where are all the women and children? His army appeared to only be men. Do they use a sword? I thought it was the fire that was special? Melissandre didn't need the sword for Jon.
  9. I must have totally blocked this out from last season. Bran was marked by the Night King? And Bran knows for sure what he did and what that means?
  10. In the beginning of the series, there was a justice system. Albeit primitive, it was there. Ned Stark had the authority in the North, and he did so with the Night's Watch when he punished the deserter. The status of any laws is up in the air now that the country is at war, but they at least used to exist. Arya has no power; she's not a queen or ruler. Her power only stems from the fact that she can put on other people's faces and therefore hide and trick them. That's not "power" at least in the sense that I was ever referring to; she has no legal authority. IMO, Arya is a hypocrite. She has this list of people she wants revenge on because they murdered someone in her family. But now she's a murderer. So she's just like the people she hates. Um... ok. Just not a favorite character of mine for many reasons - her vigilante justice is only one.
  11. We also needed the scene with Jorah. But I agree about the chamber pots...
  12. I don't understand what you mean? I'm not really advocating for anything. I'm acknowledging that while Westeros does have laws, it's in turmoil right now and the kings/queens in charge are fighting a war rather than punishing people for crimes. And just to be clear, I don't entirely dislike what Arya did, because I liked Robb. But, she's now a mass murderer. She has no authority to dispense justice, so all she did was a revenge killing. She's no better than who she killed, and shouldn't be hailed as some hero, in my opinion.
  13. Nope, probably not. But that still doesn't mean that it's up to Arya to dispense justice. Now who is going to seek revenge on her and call it justice? Long, downward spiral, but I guess that's what makes the show. ETA: And don't get me wrong, it's not that I ever thought that anyone would enforce the laws and punish Frey accordingly. It's just that I still don't think it's up to Arya to do it, and what she did is still murder and makes her no better than him. Again, that spiral...
  14. Dany's childhood home is Dragonstone, where Stannis lived and ruled from after the Rebellion and Robert became king. It's only been abandoned since Stannis left and went north to help Jon at the Wall. Yes, I think if anyone can find a cure, it's the maesters at the Citadel. Afterall, someone cured Shireen of grayscale, so there's hope out there for him.
  15. Exactly. Shouldn't Arya learn from others' mistakes, especially when she's criticizing those mistakes, and not make them herself? Another reason why I don't think she's all that smart. Impulsive and street smart, but not exactly intelligent.
  16. Of course, but a revenge killing is still murder. Westeros has some laws; pretty sure that still counts as murder there. (But, like I mentioned before, I'm biased because I'm not an Arya fan. So it's ok to agree to disagree.)
  17. I think Sam said he didn't believe Stannis?
  18. One argument on the flip side is that it's not up to her. She doesn't have any power or authority to dole out justice - so she's just as bad as they are and a mass murderer.
  19. That's Arya's problem - she doesn't think. She's not very intelligent, in my opinion.
  20. To most fans, Arya can do no wrong. I think she's a homicidal psychopath, and one of my least favorite characters. So yeah, I hear you. But I'm clearly in the minority.
  21. The story I heard is that Ed Sheeran was on the show because Maisie Williams wanted him on the show. He's her favorite singer and she asked if he could have a cameo, or something like that. I didn't know of the Kit connection, but that makes sense too. Dragonstone is an island. I'm not sure that it's further south, I think it's actually just a little north of King's Landing. But, water.
  22. This. I was just about to ask to confirm - in the books, Jamie is over Cersei and wants nothing to do with her anymore, right?
  23. So does The Hound go join up with Jon/Sansa/Tormund, or do they continue as rogue independents? As boring as Bran and Meera are, they are integral to the plot, and I thought we'd see more of them. Is Dolorous Edd now the Commander of the Night's Watch? He'll send them to Winterfell, right? Euron might be bat-shit crazy, but he's hot. I'm interested in what he's going to do.
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