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Everything posted by FnkyChkn34

  1. Pretty sure that the majority of us did not like Upton. Not that I truly disliked her, but more like she was just unnecessary. I totally agree that she didn't need to be promoted, as I said above.
  2. Do you mean Dany, not Cersei? I agree that no one will actually fire Tyrion, but I was just stating my preference if that would actually happen.
  3. If she does that, then I think he'd join up with Jon and Davos in a heartbeat. And I wouldn't mind seeing that.
  4. The show is so well done overall though, that I can still overlook something as simple as "time passed, people traveled." It does make sense. I re-watched it last night (coincidentally was just on when I hit the power button - imagine that!) and I picked up on something Tyrion said. When they were discussing Euron's attack and the status of their armada and what to do next, Tyrion said (paraphrased), "We don't know where Euron is now. We don't know if he's split up his fleet and is in more than one place." So I think that's the writers' way of saying that Euron split up his ships.
  5. Sorry that is your reaction; it doesn't bother me. I don't think those things are what we should be focusing on.
  6. I think the dragons could get close enough to wights to burn them?
  7. Right, I know. ;-) (And to clarify again, I'm not saying anyone is wrong if they don't want to adopt my theory. That's perfectly fine! Just don't tell me it's factually impossible or that I am "wrong," because it's a logical possibility based on what we know.) ETA: But also, if the show aired every single minute detail, including how people travel and days where they are just twiddling their thumbs while sailing on a ship, then we'd probably be able to read the published books before the show finished. :-) They just can't show everything.
  8. Well, exactly. That's what everything has to be unless it's specifically shown on the show. Someone asked, and this is my opinion as a response. Take it or leave it, but it logically makes sense. I'm not trying to tout it as "fact" but I will defend it as a perfectly reasonable explanation. Please don't get me wrong when I respond to someone who says "no, that's impossible." No, it's not impossible, it's actually highly probable, and I'm just explaining why. Who knows what "really" happened.
  9. Not sure what you mean - we saw Jaime with Cersei in KL long after Euron left (or at least that we saw a Euron scene). Remember, they spent the night together? (Ick.) Ships can travel much faster than armies of men and horses, who must stop to eat, sleep, etc. I also don't think you can assume a straight line - there are roads and forests and rivers and bridges, etc. Sorry, but I buy it, especially because we can reasonably believe that Euron left KL well before Jaime, and Euron is supposed to have the best and swiftest fleet of ships in Westeros. He can sail at great speeds 24/7 whereas Jaime walked and had to regularly stop. ETA: If you look at any one of the maps that shows Westeros (all are pretty consistent with each other), Euron has to travel about 5 times as far as Jaime. Could Euron travel 5 times as fast as Jaime (plus had a headstart)? You betcha.
  10. Well, in thinking about it further, how long did it take Jaime to get to Highgarden on horseback? Not like he got there overnight either. And he and Euron were in Kings Landing at the same time; Euron probably left a day or more before Jaime did as well. So arguably, they did have a good bit of time to get where they were going.
  11. Easy, actually. He split right after the ambush. He would have still be right on the Unsullied's heels anyway, assuming they left Dragonstone at the same time as Yara. He just had to have taken a different ship to KL with Yara and the Sand Snakes. Or, he has two (or more) that are that big and grand.
  12. I also thought it was dark and gloomy - and why did I think it was always raining? As for Jon, he was desperate. He had to go; he didn't have much of a choice (in his mind). I think he's smarter than most fans give him credit for, but I did like how Tyrion had to give him a little lesson. "Just tell me what you want!"
  13. I'm sorry that I'm asking this, but this topic is 76 pages long and I can't find the original post or reference... How do we know for sure that the Wall falls? Does anyone have a link or something? Thanks!
  14. Exactly. Euron and a ship or two headed to KL, while all of the rest went to Casterly Rock. That makes sense to me.
  15. Of course he's both. And maybe I'm reading the comments wrong, but I feel like a lot of people are trying to say he's not a Stark at all, and therefore not "ice" at all. I'm merely pointing out that maybe we should also consider nurture vs. nature - in the patriarchal society, he isn't really a Stark, but he was *raised* as a Stark.
  16. Ha, of course there are some positive comments. :-) I'm glad you liked it too! But when even the thread topic names are so snarky and condescending, I guess I just get a whole bad vibe from here.
  17. It might be wrong, but I'm still right there with you. I kinda like the guy, but have no idea why; I shouldn't.
  18. I guess I'm thinking of the show, where Peter Dinklage is 48 years old. And Jon and Arya don't know that they aren't siblings, so it's still too messed up IMO. Even if they find out they are just cousins, they were still raised by Ned as siblings. I really would dislike that if that's where GRRM takes it. (Probably also because I like Jon and Tyrion, but Arya is my least favorite character. I wouldn't want either one with her.)
  19. So reading through this forum, I guess my unpopular opinion is... That I actually liked the show! So many comments here are all complaining about everything and everyone! But I loved this show, and I miss it. Thankfully, I've been watching it on Hulu again lately.
  20. Eric Dane co-hosted the last hour of the The Today Show this morning, and they asked him about season 4. They showed a little clip of a man coming to find him in Greece and telling him that the world needs him again. Then back around the chit chat table, one of the ladies asked him about his beard - or lack thereof. He said yeah, I'm back in the Navy now, and they like everyone clean shaven. So at the very least, he's back in the Navy by season 5. But he's also been clean shaven for a long time.
  21. Wait, what? Gross. Not only is Jon her brother, but she's a mere child - way too young for either man.
  22. Re: the meeting of Ice and Fire. Jon may say "he's not a Stark" because that's not his last name, but it still doesn't mean he isn't the "ice." He was raised in the North, he was Lord Commander of the ice wall, he's been beyond the wall and saw a lot that went on there, he lived with Wildlings and united the Wildlings under his control, etc. - and at the very least, he *IS* still half a Stark.
  23. How could they do that without riders? The dragons can't talk or relay information in any way. And Missandei gave the reason why Dany can't ride them.
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