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Everything posted by FnkyChkn34

  1. Interesting. Funny, I was going a different route, like a Brady recast or maybe Mike Horton... Thanks!
  2. I just learned that Tyler Christopher is coming to Salem? I never watch GH, but I hear that he's a good actor (won some Emmys) and he's super easy on the eyes. I like this casting announcement. Any idea who he'll play?
  3. He made some comment about being drunk for most of his time after killing Tywin, but said it like it was the past tense. I was also only talking about this season - I'm sure we've seen all of them eat in past seasons. This is interesting. Eating and sleeping may not have much to do with anything - we need to see if they bleed.
  4. Samesies. I vaguely remember something, but not details or when it happened.
  5. Doesn't matter her reasons or what drove her there - she's still a sociopath. Sure, we can make excuses for her, but she is what she is. All my opinion, of course, and she's also my least favorite main character.
  6. Winterfell was shown as a smoldering pile of ashes in the opening credits, so I'm pretty sure it was destroyed on the show as well.
  7. Have we seen any of them eat or sleep? Haven't seen Sansa, Dany, Tyrion, etc. eat or sleep. We saw Arya (disgustingly) eat a pie, and Cersei drinks wine. Otherwise, I don't think any of them are shown eating or sleeping. What are GRRM's words?
  8. Then all the Stark children but Sansa have died? Interesting theory. I agree with you about Bran (Meera basically said so for us), but I don't agree about Arya. IMO, she's still very much alive - as a homicidal sociopath. ETA: By the way, I also don't agree with the people who say that Jon is a zombie. He's been brought back from the dead, but he's far from a zombie. He's proven that he still has a soul.
  9. This is one of the reasons why I think Arya is a sociopath. She doesn't have the same human emotions as a normal person should. Yeah, I couldn't remember. Thanks. So they probably threw out everything the Boltons brought in.
  10. When did Winterfell catch fire? Maybe it was all inadvertently destroyed anyway.
  11. We had angst for only about 5 minutes, immediately when he said he was leaving. She told Eli that she'd stop him; apparently she was successful. I don't mind that stuff happens off camera, especially something as stupid as Hope stopping Rafe from getting on a plane.
  12. I don't have a problem with her using them in a battle, like she did. And I certainly would like to see her use them against the Army of the Dead (or whatever it's name du jour is). But Jon and Tyrion's complaint was that she wanted to use them on the entire Red Keep, which would inevitably kill hundred or thousands of innocent civilians. If a dragon could have the pinpoint accuracy like you describe, then I'm all for that too. I just don't get the impression that it would be that simple.
  13. A dragon is a bomb or a weapon that no one else has. So yes, it's still a good analogy. It doesn't matter that there is no "nuclear" fallout; it's still a weapon of mass destruction that only one side can/will use. I never switched from using a dragon in battle to using a dragon to burn down a city, either. Dany wanted to use a dragon to burn down a city; yes, she said the Red Keep, but you don't think the collateral damage wouldn't be most of the rest of the city, too? Sorry, but it would be. And your original comment was implying that Jon is no better because he killed Northerners in a battle. "Good to know that Jon can kill but Dany can't." Jon had a battle; Dany wanted to demolish a city. My point is - Jon is not the same as Dany because they were entirely different circumstances. Dany killed Lannisters in a battle, and Jon didn't chastise her for that. He (and everyone else) disagreed with torching King's Landing.
  14. I don't think that was Jon's point. A battle is a battle, and they all know that's just where they are now - they're at war. But a battle can be won by either side; Jon had just as good of a chance of dying (again) as anyone else did. They were all foot soldiers or mounted cavalry. None of them were on flying dragons. Whomever said it was Dany was about to use the nuclear option made a good analogy. If Dany just burns down KL with a dragon, it would be like dropping a nuclear bomb on it, or blowing it up with wildfire. That's not the same as an evenly fought battle. I'm not sure I'm saying exactly what I want to say, but hopefully people understand my point.
  15. Umm... what did the Starks do? They didn't poison Jon Arryn. They didn't push Bran out the window. They didn't attack Bran with a dagger. They didn't start Robert's Rebellion. They didn't kill Robert. They didn't create Cersei. So... uh, how did the Starks start anything? Lyanna and Rhaegar eloped and had a baby? Ok, but since absolutely no one knew, that wasn't a catalyst for anything. But if you do want to blame the Starks for something, don't exclude Arya. She's a homicidal psychopath who has murdered a countless number of people, including the entire Frey family.
  16. I think the whole show and all of the stories are narrated really well. I may cringe a time or two, but I don't think I've ever changed the channel or closed my eyes. And let's face it, I'm in it for shirtless Sam Heughan. The more I see of him (pun definitely intended), the better. It's an adult show; adult content doesn't bother me. Bring on the sex and violence - it's all just fictional anyway. No actors were actually flogged or harmed, and no babies were made, in the making of this show. ;)
  17. That's probably true, and I'm not trying to imply that he's the bad guy either. But the fact is, he's gone, everyone thinks he's dead, and they had to move on with their lives. He can't come swooping in and expect them to have put their lives on hold for years and still be waiting for him as if he just ran to the corner market 10 minutes ago. He can't say he's been betrayed; he wasn't there.
  18. Well... there's still a great argument to be made that LF started it all too, and I don't think he's innocent by any stretch of the imagination.
  19. I hear that Ciara has been recast, so I think you are right and she'll be back, but I don't know for certain. I agree with you that the most recent version of Phillip was fine. A little over-tanned, maybe, but fine. I don't think he was on the show long enough to be given a chance. He got in a huge argument with Victor, who basically disowned him. Then I think Victor was trying to apologize but Phillip wasn't having it and left. I think he's currently in Chicago?
  20. You know. . . I'm on the fence. . . ;-P She's annoying, she's whiny, she acts entitled for no reason, she's a criminal who kidnaps and murders and I don't care if she did her time or not, I don't have to forgive her if I don't want to, and she dresses like a slut. There, I said it. I prefer not to use that word, but c'mon... none of her clothes are attractive and she looks like she's going to work the corner every day/night. None of this is a knock on the actress - I know nothing about her. This is a criticism of the character, writers, and costume department.
  21. I'm pretty sure that's one of the great debates, isn't it? Who started "it all"? IMO, the better argument is that Jaime started "it all" by pushing Bran out of the window, and then whoever tried to finish him with the dagger. Ned beheading the Night's Watch deserter really had nothing to do with the rest of the story until now. Even if Ned had done as you suggested, as long as Jaime still pushed Bran, and someone still attacked Bran with the dagger, none of Ned's efforts would have been worth anything; everyone would have been too busy fighting themselves and no one would have united against the WW anyway.
  22. I see what you're saying. I guess I didn't really consider season 1 to have a double flogging either, considering it was a flashback - does that make sense? I know they showed it, but it didn't take place in either of the two main time periods that the actual story was taking place. Season 1 had a bit more hope to it because he's recovered from the flogging and it's in the past. The last 1 or 2 episodes were awful, but that carried over into season 2, IMO.
  23. Exactly, because where the heck has he been??
  24. Ditto to all of this as well. You and me, let's stick together... Ha! :-)
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