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Everything posted by Destiny74

  1. Last week sometime she was hot topicing and mentioned that she did not want to do this show for 25 years. The way she talked, it sounded like the was over the show, after ten years she is about done. I can't remember the day but I remember thinking that may be why she's screwing everything up. She's done and doesn't care if she gets kicked off. If that's the case she should come out in blackface on Halloween or something really awful like that. That'd get her cancelled super fast.
  2. She did get reemed here last season for the Sgt. Pepper outfit she wore. ?
  3. I like Sir Charles and always have. I don't know why, I just do. The Manscaping guys were hilarious and knew their stuff. All the men I know are decidedly non-metrosexual so I'm not a client but I liked them. I thought the accents were just to class up the presentation, at first. I expected them to bust out with American non-accents when the presentation was over. The Cave Shake people were ridiculous. I'm not keto so I don't get it. 500 Cal's for a shake seems awfully high, as does $8 per shake. What?!?! I like the concept of the nose thing. But I would never, ever spend $8 on something like that. Sorry. Not even $4. Bring it down to the price of a tube of chapstick or carmex and maybe. The shirts seem great. I'd maybe buy one for the hubby for Christmas or something. And I think the Vietnamese guy is a real go getter. He's worked hard and I hope this does well for him.
  4. This is me. I liked the kids, the story, and their hustle but I don't like cutting boards I have to baby. I don't want to worry about oiling my boards so I use plastic that I can stick in the dishwasher. If they make a version of this later on, I'd be happy to look into it.
  5. I thought the baby carrier accessory was brilliant. I would've bought one after hauling my kids around in their carriers. But, then again, I developed tennis elbow with my last one. Not to mention there is a whole lot of baby crap people buy when they are expecting. Baby wipe warmers, pacifiers with stuffies attached, three different strollers for different occasions? (Yep, I had them all, except the wipe warmers). I see a grab and go for the applesauce but Mott's already has that, If you like applesauce. I hate when breasts are referred to Ta Tas. Aggrivates me.
  6. Was it just me or, during that interview did Thom seem very uncomfortable? When he and Carson were joking and talking his body language seemed open but when Wendy asked a question or started talking he closed up? He would cross his arms as soon as she started talking. I don't know? Maybe I was seeing something that wasn't there.
  7. Her lame ass story about her son walking in on her and Sr. She loves that story and it leaves me mortified! She seems to shill it everywhere, she's very proud of it.
  8. No. She said she'd be ok with him not going to school if he "had a plan". So she wouldn't possibly bankroll his self discovery phase.?? Seriously. That's a plan, isn't it? Take a year and "find myself". Or get a nice, cushy position at Mommy's show as a PA (but one who never has to do the grunt work). I don't want to disparage the kid because he's not his Mom but kids of famous people tend to have it easy. They have something to fall back on when they are uncomfortable in a new situation. Personally, I think a kid, any kid, if they decided to go away to college in the first place, needs to give it at least a year. Try new things. Make friends. Don't mention you're Wendy Williams "little Kev". Being homesick is ok, it's normal, but to throw in the towel after two months? Give it a chance.
  9. I thought Jamal deserved to be in the bottom simply because his plate looked like the Norwegian flag and not at all like a clown. The red balls for noses he forgot would've helped a lot. Lindsey's looked yummy but the skeleton was a phone in. I liked the banana but it was not particularly spooky or clownish. Michelle's looked the best. I know she was going for flames with the pie shape but the way it was plated looked like a clown collar. Still effective. I wish she'd have cooked the pies longer so they were crisp, then she would've won. Steven. Curd too tart? It must've been really puckery for those judges to not like it. Also didn't look like a clown at all. I lived the balloon animals though, they were a cute addition.
  10. I always eat my cookie dough, but I'm a lover of cookie dough. I would've known early if my sugar was salt. Do they beat it out of professionals to not taste raw dough? Or lick the spatula or bowl when their done? I don't know? I just always do it by habit, then I know what the cookie or cake will likely taste like. Not to mention if I need to add more vanilla, lemon, or whatever.
  11. I've learned need to ignore timeline issues after the episode where chunk's daughter come to visit a school and the case was brought, investigated, and tried all the the course of her college visit. If the writers don't care about the timeline, I can't either. I'd go crazy with all the discrepancy issues.
  12. Nothing, on any reality show ever, takes the Cake over season 2. Frank was a raging lunatic. Betty was a horrible harpy. Cliff was a sad, easily manipulated coward. Elia was a disingenuous follower. And the prize of the season, Ilan, who was not only an a class asshole but thought he was God's gift because he cooked Spanish cuisine. What a terrible group of people. All of them, just awful human beings. Season 2 were the shows that led me to really believe that if you can't put others quirks and weird habits aside (as long as those habits don't cause you any physical harm, I'm looking at you Puck, front the Real World) you should never, ever, go on a reality show of any kind. You will be sharing living space with strangers for weeks, or months. Deal with the little things and don't let them bother you. Sure, Marcel, was an idiot and socially awkward, but he was harmless. The rapping was annoying but harmless. The ego was annoying, but harmless. Deal! Or don't sign up for it. The asshats actually let him win, because he beat all but one of them.
  13. Or they don't want to come on the show to discuss important topics like breast cancer and have to be maligned for not having size GGG boobs.
  14. Me too. I had seen him on a few shows and he seemed like a real nice guy. Just goes to show you can’t trust anyone, or anything, on tv.
  15. Just my opinion, but she is horrible (I did watch the first three seasons of Housewives). She'd be more egocentric than Wendy.
  16. So excited not only for a new season (and hopefully we'll be able to see the whole thing) but also judge Sherry Yard. I love her. She's judged a lot on FN. She always knows what she's talking about and yet gives good critics on the food. Can't wait!
  17. Actually, to make things worse, she reported on Selena Gomez just last week and mentioned the Lupus and kidney transplant. JUST LAST WEEK. ?
  18. I don't know if I would call Jeremy scummy. I think he was just trying to save his Superfan status (which he didn't) by making excuses. Trying to make it possible for him to return another season. ? I totally believe Angelina (and the other ladies) "coupled" up in a way to shore up their games. However, due to editing, we'll never know how far that went.
  19. I thought so too. Maybe I never noticed before, but there were a lot of ladies wearing earrings. Natalie was wearing a pair too. If I was going on survivor, I'd get the cheapest posts I could. No fear of losing nice earrings, little fear of having my ear ripped during a rough challenge.
  20. I didn't predict the twist at the end of the episode but I did comment about how if I had to puke that bad, bad enough to run into the opposite sex's bathroom, the puke would've come out while struggling, or at the very least before I could say "I can't believe you shot me.". Really? Come on. Puke, at the point he was at, doesn't just stop, it comes up when it needs to. Also, he claimed he was walking home and started to feel pukey. Then why didn't he just find an alley and take care of it on the street? I lived in NOLA for a few years and I saw this on several occasions. Rather than walk into an establishment I wasn't a customer in, I would've found a dark alley or bush, or park and let it out. It's nasty, sure, but if you're THAT drunk, are you really caring about this types of things? Hole-y ass story.
  21. Destiny74

    S05.E03: Pride

    I came away from this episode thinking that Hakeem needs to put his pride aside and go see a respiratory therapist. Not that things would turn around immediately or he would ever have the function he once did but it certainly would help. Also, Andre as the prison Godfather was awesome. He's going to run his business totally differently when he gets out of jail, and I am all in to see it all. Love Cookie and her sisters. They as hilarious. Good on Becky and she's right. If Lucious had stayed in charge, she'd still be his assistant. She doing great right now and needs to keep on. Not to mention, she could still be loyal enough to let the Lyons know if something evil is coming their way. I bet she has some conscience crisis later in the season regarding telling the Lyons that Empire is going to pull a dirty. Don't care about Jamal and the boyfriend. Fast forwarded. Hope I didn't miss anything important.
  22. I am under the impression that he's in school in Chicago. It could be misinformation on Wendy's part, I don't know. Maybe he's using mom and dad's frenquent flyer miles to come home?
  23. She was harping on Chris Hemsworth and giving him advice on keeping his kids "real". Saying to have his kids get jobs at local shops during school, etc. Didn't she say a few years ago that she would totally use her place to help lil Kev get his foot in whatever door he wanted? I could've swore she said she would just fund his lazy life but she sure as hell get him whatever internships and whatever to help him out? I have no idea why lil Kev is home so often. If he was within driving distance, no biggie. I had friends at college who went home every weekend for the first semester until they learned that THAT'S when all the fun happened on campus. Anyway, most only lived like 3 hours from school. Point is, if he's homesick enough to fly home so often? That's a lot of dough. Move to a school closer to home or give college (and adulthood) a fighting chance. Either way, if you want a job, I bet your mom can get you the best one ever. Obviously in Wendy world, you can only be happy if you are having sex. Not only having sex, but you have to have had sex with multiple people (not implying group situations, just several partners throughout the years).
  24. I was just getting around to watching the Tuesday episode and I have to comment about Betthany Frankle. Full disclaimer...I cannot stand this woman. I think she's fake, rude, mean, selfish, and just down right terrible. I was under the impression that she was "on again" with Dennis when he died. I thought I had heard the word fiancee. She's the one who gave me this impression with the multitude of stories that popped up on my feeds about how badly she was taking his death, how much weight she'd lost, etc. But, a couple of weeks later she's going on vacation with her hot, young, new boyfriend? It's only been a few weeks. This woman is a branding machine and I guess she knows she needed to keep her name out there. She's so "thirsty", it bothers me that she's so fake yet there are fans who believe in her and defend her. I just think everything she says is a lie or manipulation. Oh, and Wendy obviously had to fill time during HT Tuesday. The ridiculous glasses and pointer shtick and the popper? Ugh. Yet, other days she is down right rude to her audience, telling them to pipe down and not applaud. She kinda terrible.
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