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Everything posted by Destiny74

  1. I knew nothing of Wendy at the time she did this. Man, what a tacky ass thing to do. She had no excuses or reasons when asked, point blank, why she talked about that woman and her cancer. What?!?! She knows she's wrong, she knows she did that woman dirty and yet can't find the heart or maturity to apologize? And Kevin chiming in that Wendy did MM a favor because he now has publicity for the album he dropped? What a dick. I just don't know about people like that. Wendy claims to have a good upbringing and can be proper, where was that upbringing during this time? She could've thrown that medical file in the trash, shredder, where it belonged. The real story is there are some shady ass people working for these doctors and hospitals...that who she should have attacked.
  2. I guess I am the only one who thought Padma's shoulder pads looked ridiculous. The suit was very nice until you got to the Star Trek/ Dynasty shoulders. Please do not let this be a new fashion thing. I wondered to. Ever cooking show now has blast freezers, are they not good enough? I guess production didn't think they needed them. Nini signed her own death certificate. They were in the weeds to start. She should've taken a few minutes when she realized the staff were screwing up so bad and taken them back to the kitchen, dressed them down, did a quick reteach and let them try again. She had to know how bad FOH was running but did nothing about it, other than try to wait and clean all the tables herself. I'd have been livid because their bad waiting was costing ME the TC title. Brian's suit was horrible. Too small and the lapels looked odd. He is also a "sweaty" guy. He needed some of those blotting papers. However, good on him for winning. Adrienne impressed me. Flat out not taking any crap and telling Brian and the cooks to not talk to each other, that's what the expiditor (spelling?) needs to do. They are in charge and I am glad she didn't take it. (Not that I think they meant disrespect to her...just trying to get things done their own way) Michelle didn't need to take full responsibility for the dishes not tasting right. Sure, she should have tasted everything together but, by that time, wouldn't it have been too late to fix it? As EC I guess she's responsible (in a normal restaurant) but in RW I think the originator of the dish is responsible for the overall taste and harmony of the dish.
  3. With all respect, you forgot to add, Tell us that her marriage is just fine, thank you, while flashing her huge wedding set (that she paid for).
  4. I was throwing shade about the sling being under her shirt. Thank you for a little insight, Tina. Isn't it telling that shadiness is immediately where my mind went regarding Wendy? Instead of thinking she may be totally immobilized, I wondered what she was hiding. In fact, I am still wondering what she's hiding. Something happened, whether it be a fall, stumble, or something more nefarious and she's not telling us what it is. Considering how open she normally is, it is weird and strange...and make people develop their own narratives.
  5. I agree. Thank you! I was trying to come up with reasons for the spoon.
  6. I find the mirror glaze trend as bad as fondant. It has a gelatinous qualtity that I just don't like. Looks amazing when done correctly but, nasty texture...at least to me.
  7. Maybe I missed it. Why, exactly, was Wendy wearing her sling INSIDE her sweater? She looked ridiculous. Floppy sleeve. I'm sorry she got hurt but she flat out told us she was in a sling. Did she think floppy sleeve looked better than a big, black sling? I, for one, do not think it did. Oh, and if your shoulder is hurt, do not offer your chef guest a hug then screech at her to not press on your shoulder. Just don't offer the hug. Say, "I'd hug you, but you know,y shoulder." Can't imagine anyone would be offended at that.
  8. Me too. I've caught that on a few of her bakes. The only thing I can figure is it is an identifier, the sheet pan with the spoon is hers?
  9. I was pronouncing it like DesTain for a while (in my head) until I heard her name.
  10. She's been the most consistent baker. She also did the quick switch in the cake round and passed with flying colors. Mel and Sue have been in the way a few times and I remember them running around with Deborah's mousse during her season. I agree that the hosts get a bit "handy" at times but it's not just Spice and Emma. And there hasn't been one elbow in a bread bake or broken cookie topper this season...yet.
  11. To be fair, none of the British hosts have a clue about baking either. Mel and Sue sounded more informed but they also spent six or seven seasons with Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood. They were just as clueless the first few seasons. I like Spice and Emma. Their job is to keep it light and fun. I think the writers need to work a little harder because some of the bits are lame. Bread sculptures would do me in. Forget it. Write my ticket home. No way could I do a centerpiece like Tina or Amanda (she was the winner this week, right?)
  12. Just now watching yesterday's program. 1) re: the Been Affleck story. So, the OG in the relationship gets toake all the rules for the youngin? Isn't Kevin younger than Wendy? Someone mentioned that a few posts ago, I swear. If he is, I'm sorry but I don't see her telling him where to go, when to drink, who to screw. I see it as him controlling her, having the hand. 2) no one, not just Wendy, but no one can have friends if they are in the entertainment business? Really? Maybe you should just choose your friends better. There are some awful people who charm their way into those people's lives but that's all about learning from past mistakes and discernment. Sometimes Wendy gets it right. Demi Lovato should NOT date her sober coach. That's heartbreak waiting to happen. But, Wendy is wrong, in this day and age you cannot make laws about personal lives (unless it is heinous like pedophilia or incest or the like). Really? People can date whatever garbage they want. That's why companies have HR departments to make sure the dating doesn't disrupt the business. Anyway, I'm only like 5 minutes in. I just have issue already.
  13. She had a real hang up today about telling people to handle their business off social media. Like, she said it 10 times after ever hot topic. I wonder what that was all about? Megan Markle did not bewitch Harry. She's having issues for very good reasons. 1) She's American. She hasn't spent her whole life with royals, hasn't studied them, and hasn't reveared them. This is all new to her American ass. And 2) she was a working actress. Meaning, she may be used to being a bit demanding and getting her way. Even the least "divaish" actress in Hollywood is more of a diva than the average woman. Anyway, the assistants may have less patience with her because she's a dirty American. Point being that Wendy has no idea what is happening in England, certainly no more idea that I do. Stop hating.
  14. ReBethenny Frankle is a horrible woman . I just cannot stand her. That being said, I did make it through the episode. Pimple popper. I'm just shocked they got a deal. Gag gift maybe but I would never buy one. Yumble... Did I hear correctly that the meals cost $6.99 - $7.99 per meal? That is ridiculously overpriced. I could not imagine spending $7 on my kid's dinner 6 times a week. You can make a nutritious, tasty meal for a family of four for $7. You pay the $7 for the kid to eat then you still have to make your own food. Besides, why does my kid need a special prize or toy at every meal? Seriously, this is madness. Bollywood guy is about 10 years too late. This would've made a mint right after Slumdog Millionaire came out.
  15. The GBBS did a flat out eclair showstopper on the season with Richard, the builder and Martha. Richard made an "eclair stair" to show them on and was going to use it as steps for his chickens when he was done. They did the wrapped pastries for the signature and the "Queen Aman" (I don't know how to actually spell it...it's the Breton crispy, flaky pastry done in a cupcake tin) for the technical.
  16. Repeat of her in the Fendi sweatshirt and ripped jeans today.
  17. I actually like it when they ask for more obscure bakes. It's an education for me as a viewer and makes me curious to see what is out there. Google is my friend after watching an episode of TGBBS. I'd never heard of a "tennis cake" or "princess torte" before TGBBS but they looked interesting and fun. Not to mention the components are such that any baker who would want to be on one of these shows should know how to make the parts and piece them together to produce the final product. That's the issue. Who would go on a baking competition and have NEVER made a French meringue? Whipped egg whites and sugar? Really? Even if some have been weepy and runny, I've made it. Pavlova, meringue kisses, lemon meringue pie, some mousses, and many other bakes require meringue. And fourless chocolate cake? I failed the one attempt (gooey, not baked enough) but I've tried it because I enjoy baking and was alive in the early 2000's when they were the hot new thing. I assume the people who apply to be on this show are in that same boat with me, interested in baking and an adult. But, if I was to ever apply for a show like this I would totally research and bake any and everything I could imagine because I would want to be prepared. That means boning up on bread for me because I have my two recipes that work but I know there is a ton of technique and ingredients I would need to work on. Sure, there would be obscure bakes I've never heard of but hopefully I would know the pieces and do an ok job. Also, I have no idea the difference between the sponges they reference but I'd know if I was baking on TV. Then again, that's just me.
  18. Color me giddy with this season. Of course, I wanted to like it, I was thrilled when they brought it back, and I was so excited that Sherry Yard was judging. So far...love it. I love the guy who did the Apres Ski eclairs. He's adorable.
  19. Wish I could give this more than one heart!!!!
  20. Thank you for the correct term. Not as an official challenge. The big, hulking guy on the first season made one for a cookie challenge and Duff liked it. The more I think about it, I think production told them all to make their tiramisu in the trifle bowls. They all used practically the same bowl. I've never seen it that way. I think production wanted a trifle but didn't want to call it a trifle challenge because they had a trifle challenge last season (or the season before, didn't they?).
  21. They did the donuts last season, I think. I know I've seen a "jelly donut" (insert actual Jewish word here) challenge.
  22. She's been feeding him all season. I think it's adorable. Not to mention the host doesn't seem to get to taste the dishes, at least on camera. Why was Dan's ruglach with the colored "icing strings" not decorated but Sarah's was? I mean, they both had decor of some sort on the ruglach and then also plate decor. I guess they liked the Star of David better? Those were not tiramisu, at least not any tiramisu I've ever eaten. Larome was beeming when he picked coffee, I would be too! Now, if he had only gotten vanilla. And his maple gelee was genius but not tiramisu like at all.
  23. If I lived before electricity I would never be a baker. Creaming butter by hand? No thank you. Oh, and whipping cream or egg whites to stiff peaks? I just can't with my wimpy arms.
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