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Everything posted by Destiny74

  1. I think you nailed it here. She's going to spend the rest of her life trying to make Kelvin jealous. And, other then her money, Kelvin has proven to not give a rats ass about her.
  2. Seeing the pictures of her "dippin it an doin it" lately I still have to shake my head. Why would someone who makes so much damn money wear janky, dry, straw looking wigs in real life? I just don't get it. Some are nice and straight and shiny and then she wears the sad, pathetic ones? Mystery to me.
  3. Because in her eyes, any man is better than no man. She's said it before on the show. It's sad. Pathetic and sad. Maybe she should try and reestablish those real friends, the non famous ones, that she dumped.
  4. I have a question. I understand an athlete and their drive to succeed in their sport but after you tear your ACL once, ok, recover and try again. Tearing the ACL in the other knee, maybe, but after tearing her ACL a third time (twice in the same knee), why would any coach, parent, or doctor allow her to continue to compete? Then she tears her ACL yet a third time? That sounds like a mental issue. Is it just me?
  5. Ok. This is my question. Wendy went and found out the information about Taylor and her father after Taylor left Axe Cap, right? So any privilege of doctor/patient confidentiality is void after Taylor left Axe Cap. I mean, if Wendy was Taylor's doctor, didn't that go out the window when Wendy was no longer being paid to be her doctor? Sure it's sneaky and we can discuss the morality of the situation bit as soon as Taylor left Axe Cap, she was no longer an employee and was no longer a patient of Wendy's unless she was paying Wendy out of her own pocket for the sessions. If I decide to befriend my shrink after I am no longer paying for their services, isn't it just two people talking? I guess not.
  6. The last time there was a "battery" on the show it gave Terra fuel against Christy for three seasons. Ugh.
  7. That guy is the audience producer but Wendy has called him the audience warm up guy before. I don't think he's there instead of Suzanne.
  8. These women need to lay off Ja and Tonya. I mean, Tonya is a woman and knows exactly what she's getting into. They are both grown people who also know each other. Maybe it's hotter for them to pretend he's cheating and she's the "other woman". Whatever their deal, they are GROWN PEOPLE AND DO NOT NEED BABYSITTERS. It really uninteresting anyway. Elena's script says she needs to poop all over everybody's everything this season. That is all. All the sudden Christy has a passion for fashion? Where'd that come from? It's not like she's been sooooo monumentally busy the last eight years that she couldn't design. Yeah, passion is an over used word on these shows. "Passion is what I am into right now, if I hit even the slightest bump in the road, my passion will fall to the wayside." In real life, Christy has filed a restraining order on Todd becasue he's abused her. Ok. Not doubting that. Except that woman could run away from her hobbling husband no problem. I don't get it.
  9. I actually applauded when Juicy told Emily that she had the rights to The Cheeks' song. I laughed and laughed. Ooooooo weeeee. That was a good time. Let's see Emily figure out that her money won't buy her out of this situation. Juicy and Minnie are terrible managers. First, Juicy needs to dismiss Emily. That girl has no sense what so ever. She can keep Bri, if Bri has any "talent" other than kissing Emily's butt. Second, those two GROWN ASS WOMEN need to act like professionals when out in public. If I were St. Execs I would've told them both to kick rocks and never taken a call from either again. Third, why hasn't Minnie been insisting that the Twinz write some music. It's been a hot minute since the concert where they performed. It's not like it's a surprise that, if they are serious about there (ahem...🙄) "passion" for music, they need more than one dumb ass song. Then they blame Minnie for not telling them to work on their "passion". Ugh. I sure hope St. Execs are enjoying a whole mess of fame from this hot mess of a show. And to keep dangling the tour in front of these dumbasses is kinda cruel. They were never in the running for that slot. Hell, half the acts can't perform past August because they are mega pregg or will actually have custody of their three kids again. Dumb, dumb, dumb. I fast forwarded through all the wedding talk. Oh, and the podcast crap too. I just couldn't do it...I'm not strong enough this week. 🤪
  10. St. Elsewhere-esque ending... Bran wakes up at home, Winterfell, after his push from Jaime, revealing the entire show has been either A) his dream or B) some sort of precog from his 3ER ability. That would really piss people off.
  11. At the very least, Conant is wearing a suit that fits him this season ...so far.
  12. Really? You think it was sexist? The judges couldn't taste elderflower, they thought the buttercream was greasy and, while I liked the decoration more than the "lady of the night garter" decor, it didn't scream either royal or baby to me. I thought the right person went home. After seeing the Princesstorte on the GBBS I was disappointed they only had two hours to create AND that they used half sphere molds. Oh well.
  13. I think Jill didn't say anything to Sandra after her tantrum because she is feeling some sort of way about her relationship. Not that she feels she was ever compromised by it, she was just contemplating the future of it. Then Sandra comes in with her little speech and Jill began internalizing all she said instead of telling her to F off. Jill's a grown woman with years of experience who knows who she is. She wouldn't go easy on any prosecutor just because she feels a certain way about the prosecutor's boss. If she was that kind of person, she wouldn't be in the position she's holding as the chief defender, she'd never have risen through the ranks. All that to say, Fuck Sandra and Jill needs to bust her ass next episode (is there another episode?)
  14. It's totally obvious to me that Kelvin kept Wendy isolated and scared. She's only been "single" for a moment and had already gone out on the town more than she had all last year. "Dates", dinner, balls...she seems to be out every night. And not one mention of "the Killer" or the exit strategy for her new apartment. So, the way I see it is Kelvin wanted her home. Wanted her afraid to go out. If she was safely tucked in at home, he could spend more time with the Ho. If he scared Wendy enough, she wouldn't want to go out, because if she went out at night, she'd expect him to go with her, thereby foiling his plans to spend more quality time down the street with the Ho. Not that I feel sorry for her. She chose this douchebag. But, things are getting much clearer with her new found independence.
  15. Criminal charges were dropped but the family members of the two dead inmates have a civil case aganist the management of that jail.
  16. The nerve of a newbie just piling it on a superior who has been working in that system for years! Ugh. And so self righteous. Her client was guilty, she admitted her guilt to Sandra. This is why lawyers don't really want to know if their clients are guilty or not. I'd love to see Jill relegate Sandra to the crap cases that Jay gets. Let her spend a little time taking the daily cases he gets until her attitude changes.
  17. Unless she has some really great lawyers, Big Kelvin will get some sort of spousal support (and never actually marry his ho - because that would end the support). His whole "earning" potential is gone now because he only worked as Wendy's manager and EP for the show. Not that I agree with this dog of a man getting a dime of Wendy's money, but I think he will. Besides, Wendy's spouted many times about a celebrity paying his ex wife spousal support because they need to be "kept in the manner their used to", so turn about would be fair play in this case. Like I said, unless the forensics can prove he's been using family money to pay for the ho all these years...
  18. But her book characters are a boy and girl sibling group, not twin boys.
  19. I agree that Elena's sourpuss attitude sucks but if she really thinks the way she talks nothing but professional help is going to help her get over it. Terra constantly telling her that her feelings are not valid is not helping her one bit. Congrats to Terra for being good with who she is. Honestly. But was her wine venture for little people? I don't think that whatever they do has to include them being little. If Elena wants to write a children's book and not include a LP character, so be it. I mean, many authors do not write their books about who they are. Madonna wrote children's books about English kids, not kids that grew up in Detroit. The dude who wrote the Madeline series was not an ophaned little girl. However, I don't think Elena's project is a labor of love so I don't see it being a blockbuster either. She's doing it for a storyline and money.
  20. Someone is experimenting with highlighter on her cheeks. I thought the whole point of that is to blend, blend, blend? Looks totally natural, Terra. I guess last season was that horrible "pink eye" eye shadow and this year it is terrible, harsh blush. Elena is not a big fan of little people getting together? She does know what show she is on, right? I guess this is Elena's story this season, how she is uncomfortable with her height and she going to try and "act" the hell out of it. She's being deliberately dense and stupid about things, what's the difference between average and little people? Huh?!?! She's almost as bad an actress as the Tiny Twins on Atlanta. This storyline is to give Elena a reason to be on this season (since the beauty bar was a no go) and to give Terra a way to rehab herself from the last few...years. Although, yelling at someone who doesn't think the way you do because they have a totally different history is not a good look. It's the same old Terra without throwing drinks. Oh, and she was soooooooooo judging Elena. Look. I am an average height woman. I had issues at the with my own two kids making messes and being overall jerky at times as a stay at home Mom. I sent their asses to their rooms. I took away toys. Those two boys rule Jasmine if she feels the only way to get them to behave is to call Chris. She looks rundown. I'm not here to give parenting advice but she needs to buck up and get tough, at least for a little while, until those boys stop taking advantage of their mom. Little or not, kids will manipulate their parents if given the chance. Jasmine needed to tell Terra that she's was getting a chance to see her hubby so she wouldn't be at bocce. If Terra didn't understand that, she's a turd. If Jasmine and Chris really don't see each other often, they need to take advantage when they can. Oh, and I have no idea how far Jasmine is into her healing from her boob job but she needs to stop using that surgery as an excuse to not do things. I dunno. Seems like awful timing if convalescence is that tricky. Maybe she should have waited until her new home was built, her kids a little older and more self reliant, or her hubby on a new schedule and could be there a bit more? I dunno.
  21. I haven't watched the storm today, yet, but I feel like commenting. Here's how I watch Wendy. I tune in for Hot Topics everyday because that's where she's sloppiest, IMO. Then I ff through the interview if it is no one I care about, unless one of you wonderful posters have commented on something outrageous she's done. I watch Ask Wendy because sometimes she actually gives good advice and sometimes she's so out of whack with her own life she's giving advice to people she should take herself and I find that odd and funny. I never watch the stupid games at the end because they are dumb and her idea of "eye candy" is laughable most days. Then I come here and release, read others opinions, and laugh and smile for a while. So, thank you all for being a light in my day.
  22. I have to say that I liked Friday's wig. The curls and the side part. She just looks way too severe in a middle part and some of those wigs look awful.
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