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Everything posted by Destiny74

  1. Yeah, but, Wendy likes the gaudy. She thinks the bigger, the blingier, the better.
  2. First off, a lot less drama than expected. Random thoughtiness... What can go wrong at a spa? Um, that's like asking "what can go wrong while shopping" or "what can go wrong at a child's birthday party". These women have no class and will start crap anytime, anywhere. Terra needs to let Joe be in charge when she's going out. My gosh, she is a nag. Why would you purposefully procreate with someone (and then stay with them) if you can't trust them to take care of the children for one friggin afternoon? He's the freaking dad, he's not a babysitter. Terra needs to let go a little bit. I understand being scared to leave a sick child but she's no good to anyone when she's so wound up in knots. For Cripps sake, trust the man you claim to love and trust. He can call 911 as well as you. Speaking of which, my prayers are with Penny. Poor girl has had a lot to deal with. I hope they figure the stint issue soon. However, Terra needs to figure some things out, fast. With all due respect and kindness, she needs to learn to be the mom of a special needs kid. Not just a little person kid, a special needs kid. It's tough dealing with changes in your child and tough not seeing changes in your child. It's hard to have them under anesthesia and waiting hours for procedures. It's hard to have certain expectations from this procedures and be disappointed. This is her life now. Penny is not a "normal" kid. She could possibly be in and out of the hospital (and surgery) for the rest of her childhood. And Penny may or may not ever understand what's happening to her. Where Joe's surgeries could be explained to him when he was a kid, Penny may or may not ever understand, and that makes it even harder. My point? Both Terra and Joe need to attack Penny's health from a different angle (mentally, emotionally, psychologically) because they are both going to be so emotionally spent soon, they are going to explode. I hope that came across right, no snark or sassiness intended at all. Now, back to Snarky McAttitude... Mika, what is it about a relaxing spa day for your friend that screams I need to confront people. No. It's not the time or place. At least she waited til Terra left. Still, she can't handle someone really not liking her? I will say that I think p***a may be a bit harsh. I've been told that word is the equivalent of c**t, and I do hate that word. I don't think Mika's that bad, but she definitely is an asshole and not someone I want to hang with. I always laugh when Jasmine brings out the bitch. It's such and act, and a bad one at that. Speaking of Jasmine, I agree with above posters that she's spending like mad thinking the money won't run out. However, I think Chris is making good money now. Problem is, he has a wacky schedule and is not home...which we'll get to see them fighting about soon.(according to teasers). Don't be too harsh on him, Jasmine, he's making money to build your dream house. I do see the house building as either A) storyline to keep her somewhat relevant this season, or B) an intro to a stand alone series for Jasmine to build her house, like Terra's reno last season. Either way, I'm not watching a house building show. Elena couldn't get a loan? Awwww. That's a damn shame. I now have at least a little confidence in the decision making of banks. Someone there has their shit together. And I agree with the above poster that said Preston breathed a huge sigh of relief. At least HE didn't have to say no. Good on Christy. Looking good and getting her marriage back on track. Thank God. Christy and Todd's storyline last season was ridiculous and boring. Tanya is upset Terra didn't call her about Penny? Why would she? You guys are on the outs because of YOUR attitude with the wine businesses. Terra did try last year to make nice with Tanya but Tanya was not having any of it. With all due respect, reap what you sow, Tanya. You're at least half to blame for this rift in Terra and your relationship, maybe more now.
  3. Rajah's talking heads are entertaining but she's got an awful lot of bravado for being in the bottom so much. She needs to reassess her performances and try a bit harder. I want to believe she's being saved more often because Ru is trying to beat Kameron Michael's reign of having the most LSFYL. I'm on team "Scarlett won that lip synch." Yvie has a good story. I wish her the best but she has to know the toll she's putting on her body is shortening the time she'll actually be mobile and physically functioning. I think she does, she's just choosing to do "her" to the extreme while she can. Choices. I had no problem with Nina's runway. I liked that she fit the theme but went her own way. I do agree she needs a bit of proportionizing. In all, I like her. Ru needs to put Silky in a LSFYL. The girl is practically begging for it. I'm in the camp that the fewer LSFYL you do, the better. You may be great at it, but your competitor may be better. I'd be ok never LSFYL until it is in the finale and for the win. Just don't bring real butterflies to the party. 😁
  4. Preach sisters and brothers! PREACH!!!!!!! I was just thinking. Wendy says that friends have "a reason and a season" so wouldn't the same go for her horrible husband? Kelvin season is over.
  5. Sympathy. Oh poor Wendy...not. I would have sympathy that she married a complete Dogg of a man if it was the first time he cheated and if it hadn't been going on for years. Granted. I do feel sorry for women who are obviously in love with men who do not respect their wives but she is in a position to kick his ass to the curb and she is humming and hawing over it. Kelvin is a Dogg and has been for years (like 20).
  6. This a million, trillion times over. No one, I repeat, NO ONE can make someone cheat. That is totally internal.
  7. That's exactly what I was thinking. She's either trying to drum up sympathy or just basic publicity. It still amazes me how busted she always looks in these "real world" shots. She doesn't give any damns about trying to look put together or even remotely "done". And her wigs always look tragic.
  8. She may not have used it yet but I think that has more to do with Wentworth than Lauren. They have shown her glancing at Wentworth at the end of every TC waiting for a sign to use the HII. Now, it is editing, and those editors are sneaky guys, but she glances at Wentworth during Jeff's "if anyone has a HII..." speech. I don't call it bad ass to effectively keep a HII if you are always looking to someone to make that choice for you. I would maintain she would've used her HII already if not for Wentworth. It's not like I dislike Lauren. I just don't get bad ass or great gameplay from her whatsoever. It seems without Wentworth and WarDog, she'd be lost. She seems a good enough physical player, but a basic follower at strategic moves.
  9. Votes for Eric #1, 2, and 3 we're obviously Kelly, Lauren, and WarDog. I don't see why he was confused about #3. Now #4 and his reaction was just priceless. And I hope to see some pouting from the Puppetmaster next episode. Aurora's dealmaking didn't bother me. Jeff said keep going. She was feeling the pain at that point. Lauren was being taken care of and unless Jeff called a halt, you keep freaking playing. However, it bothered me because she wasn't making deals, she was being pathetic and whiny. Julie is who annoyed me. It's obvious that Lauren is not eating and feeling the effects of harsh environment. She fainted. She's ok. She's for the doc looking after her. No need for tears. It's not like Julie is in an alliance with her. She'd vote out Lauren in a second if told to do so. Can someone explain to me why people think Lauren is a "bad ass?". She seems sick, frail and unhappy at camp for even though she seems to pull it out in challenges. I don't get bad ass from her. Not to mention I am sick of her eyeing Wentworth at tribal regarding whether or not to use her idol. She seems more like Wentworth's lap dog than anything else.
  10. Ok. Here I go. Whew. I would hope like hell that Juicy has heard the Tiny Twinz sing before. The only "talent" they've shown on the show is bopping their asses on top of a bar. And I don't even think they did that very well. Now they are singers and rappers? Since when? Hell, the other two at least put their money where their mouths are and release projects on You Tube. Anyway, to offer to manage (or even just scout jobs for) the Twinz without knowing if they have any talent? Stupid. And I know they have a history, but Minnie needs to get over Juicy. Sure, Juicy has been a hag.in the past. Her whole attitude toward Minnie last season was awful but she seems to want to bury the hatchet. Minnie needs to let it lie...but keep an eye out on Juicy, just in case. Am I the only person in America who neither listens to podcasts nor gives a flying f about them? I just don't have time for MORE entertainment...my hate watching keeps me quite busy. 🤣 God I hate Emily. She was on screen for 5 minutes and I am just seething. Gee, can't wait for her to actually take camera time and prove she is still one of the most vile Reality Personalities. Vile. Money, dear, safe travels. Honestly, I am more than impressed that she's giving up on this ridiculous campaign to steal her son from his friend, family, activities, and life to join her in Atlanta. She didn't really need to move to Houston to prove her love, lots of parents love the children they cannot live close to...they figure it out. Anyway, I guess she really wanted to be in his daily life, so good on her for priorities. Wonder if we will see her visiting or at functions like the wedding later this season. Bossy Ass Twin needs to back the f off of engaged twin. People like her annoy me. When THEY have other priorities everyone needs to back off and let them out of commitments and promises but as soon as they get their shit together, you better be on board with whatever they feel needs to happen. Freaking selfish ass people. Finally, I need to believe this show is 100% scripted because it pains me too much to think that there are this many awful people in such a small grouping. I need it to be fake and I want to believe it is fake. I shall go hide my head in my pillows now...Thanks!
  11. Yes. And there are many of those vultures who will swoop in, tell her what she wants to hear, and become her man.
  12. I think she's been boozing it up for a while but I also think things got out of control for her when Little K went to school. As sad as it sounds, it seems to me he was her rock, or at least her reason, for her keeping it quiet. When he went away to school, she let it all go.
  13. I agree with what you said except I don't think he loves Sharina. I don't think he lives anyone but himself.
  14. I'm about 2/3 of the way through. Ugh. So much to snark about...
  15. I've got a bottle of red wine. I'm gonna try tonight! 😆
  16. Did anyone catch the premier? I'm about 3 minutes in and already have issues. If the twins are going to act through the season (i.e. playing a part and pretending to be people they aren't) they need to take a few acting classes. They literally suck. They just suck. They are horrible. Awful. Does reality TV have a "Razzie" award? Anyway, Andrea (the twin with the multitude of children with Baby Daddy, when he wants to be, Chris) is pissed that her sister still wants to get married. And she won't do anything to advance the Twins "career" until it done. Other twin (not Andrea) wants to be married BEFORE having kids. Let me repeat that. She is telling her sister she wants to have a marriage before kids. Maybe she has seen relationships that have done it differently that haven't worked out so well? Maybe she has had to pick up the pieces of a broken woman a few times due to this? Now...Andrea did it different. And that has worked out so well for her. I mean, the diamond of a man she decided to procreate with doesn't seem to want to be a man and stick with his family. And she's the twin giving life advice! And that's all in the first 3 minutes or so. I'll come back when I've seen the rest of this shit show. I almost forgot how much I loved to hate watch these women.
  17. Thanks to Clanstarling and Raja for the info.
  18. It's called hate watching and I love to hate a.few shows...most are reality TV programs. It makes me happy to snark, at times. 😆 I thought it was a simple assault case and I thought someone had to press charges in those cases. I am probably wrong because all I know of that is what I've seen on TV. Nathan Fillion and Joel McHale? Even a bad episode with those two is worth my time. Love them both. I don't know how promotions work in a police department but I would like to see the sargent take the captian's job. His speech after the earthquake seemed to point to him being the best man for the job. Then Bradford could take the Sargent's exam and be shift leader. Again, I have no idea what I'm talking about, in real life.
  19. I thought it was a dessert I would share between two or three people. It looked huge.
  20. I wonder if Sharina named the baby Kelvina, Kelvibelle, Kelvanna? Or maybe she named her Wendy, after Sharina's benefactor. Ooooooo...that was rough. I'm sorry. 🤐
  21. Yes. This. I was wondering why she wasn't there if she worked with her brother and basically took over when he deployed. I think she maybe should've been there instead of his best friend from college. Hope there was a good reason she was absent.
  22. Little Kev is going to start going by his middle name soon, if he doesn't already.
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