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Everything posted by Destiny74

  1. You're not the only one. I thought his cake looked just like a birch tree but there was little to no holiday in it. I also thought it was a relatively easy idea, if you knew what a birch tree looked like. I liked Chantals cake but thought it got a wee bit busy looking. Honestly, I liked the little girl's cake the best. It was festive but simple and well done. I gasped when Laromes cake was sliding around. That's what happens with such a short baking/ cooling/ decorating time. That's why the bakes are either very simple (to give more time to decorate) or very plain (more time spent on taste). Does a cake cooled in a blast chiller lose texture? I don't know, never had one. I would think it may not be as moist?
  2. That would be an interesting scoring idea. It would be nice for someone who just had an off day (or nasty syrup) to get a second chance.
  3. I'm just worried that if the Davids do pagong the Goliaths, Christian is the first one out when they reach 5. Nick would be the deciding vote and he knows how well Christian is doing in the social game. Then again, Davey is making me smile. I'd have a hard time choosing between a final two of Christian and Davey.
  4. I understand the producing and editing game. They always edit these shows hinky. I just really get annoyed when contestants harp on one thing (or are shone to), in your case it was the Canada thing. I'm sure you are probably a lovely person but the Canada references annoyed me (much like Larome mentioning his daughter so often in the first episode). I have to give you kudos for your attitude here. I'm impressed with the maturity and good nature you are taking the hits. I don't think I'd be that mature which is reason 6,430 why I could never do a reality show. And the pink hair? I just don't like it when adults have unnaturally colored hair. I think it's a kids game. But, hey, it's your hair.
  5. Jessie is growing on me. He seems to have the same ability to laugh and good on himself as Bobby did. I still miss Bobby though. No one, I repeat NO ONE, has ever used the 10 minutes with the judge prize well. They always have them make decoration. Heck, I would've have him make the crunch layer. I bet it wouldn't have been so dense. Green apple syrup in coffee? Uh, no. I think I would've gone the route of a pastry wrapped baked apple thing with coffee cream or something. The judges all dinged her on the flavors not going together. As much as I didn't like her, that was totally not her fault. And I think this was the first episode where she didn't mention Canada. Maybe that's what did her in? 😋 As soon as they brought out the biscotti I said there'd be at least four crumbles...man can I call it. Sorry, but Brazilian Baker's cookie was just a crumble all mushed back into a shape. Root beer is nasty anyway, so I felt for the one guy. But I guess his tasted good. I'd hate it...root beer...yuck!
  6. Agree totally! She's over doing the show everyday. She's got her foundation and producing to keep her busy professionally but could also relax more if she didn't have a daily gig. She's dressing more like her "real self" and screwing up facts a lot more lately which seems, to me, like she couldn't care less if the show runs through it's contract and she'd be done with a daily grind. To be honest, it shows a lack of work ethic that she claims to have. I've always thought if you have a job to do, do your very best. She is clearly not doing her best, hell, she almost threw up the other day while burping. On that note. Wendy, you need to either eat earlier in the morning or eat much lighter because it is getting really bad with the burping and hiccuping. It's kinda disgusting. Like I said, she practically puked the other day and I don't need to see that, ever.
  7. I'm not sure who the dead person is but after this episode I am thinking the killer is Bonnie's sister. The way she was talking to this personakes me think the killer was having some kind of mental break down and Bonnie was soothing but take charge. If it had been a Keating 4, ithink she'd have been much more forceful since it wasn't the first time any of them have been involved in a situation like this.
  8. Production/editing shenanigans. No way a pumpkin pie sets with three minutes in the oven. Pinkie Lee can make a good pie dough. That's nice. Oh, did you all hear? She's from Canada. Lorraine mentioned one of the crusts wasn't buttery. Yeah, some aren't. My Granny made the flakiest pie dough, because she used all lard (shortening). All butter crusts tend to not be as flaky. I choose half and half and almost get the best of both worlds. But yes, I've had some damn fine, non-buttery pie dough. Loved the Jamacian connection and their pie. Well done and the flavors sounded great. Loved the lady (name?) who made the pear stuffed gingerbread. Sounded soooooooooooooo good. I was surprised Nolan went home. His cake looked a hot mess and the mousse was soft but HE MADE CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES. I thought that should've warranted a bit of a pass. Not to mention the other guy probably won't be around much longer, he hasn't really done that well. I did appreciate that the guy figured out he made a mistake by making small cakes and calmly and rationally came up with the Charlotte Royale idea, it was ingenious. Douglas needs to be on the next season of Best Baker's.
  9. She was very off-putting on that show. She must've gotten a bad rap and came back to redeem her image because she is much nicer now.
  10. Ok. I officially LOVE Kate the Chemist. She's so excited about the chemical reaction. Television Producers, GUVE THIS WOMAN A SHOW. She could be the next Mr. Wizard.
  11. Just some random thoughts... Larome, I like you right now. But you must stop talking about your daughter every time you open your mouth. If a host talks in the middle of a timed challenge, does anyone hear him? I'm wondering if Pinkie Lee is Canadian? ? Hadn't heard. Everybody and their mother are making yule logs because that's the damn challenge. Glad super cool Smurfy Smurf went home. Now, just eliminate Pinkie Lee and I am good to go.
  12. I like Nancy's bangs to the side rather than straight down, like last year.
  13. I already trashed the video but I think the dress was blue, orange, tan, and white stripes.
  14. I got a repeat of Stripes dress from last week. What'd she talk about today?
  15. Kerry Vincent always scared me as a judge. She knows her stuff but she's a toughie.
  16. I noticed what you intended after I posted. Sorry about that.
  17. That links to a write up about last year. It even mentions Johnny as judge.
  18. At least she's not giving out starlight mints and bit o' honeys. ?
  19. Did they ask back a bunch from last year? The names ring somewhat familiar to me.
  20. That is exactly what I thought she dressed as, a sluttier Jessica Rabitt. ?Glad I am not the only one. I had to go back (I always ff the opening-boring, and I can't stand her tippy toe running to her chair!) and actually watch the opening to get her costume. If she was the Queen, why no tiara? I thought she loved tiaras? Why would big Kev divorce? He's got the best of both worlds and Wendy doesn't seem to mind his side piece. I have come to think if Wendy didn't have this show, she'd become agoraphobic and stay at home all the time.
  21. Wendy "shut that down" by flashing her huge diamond ring (that she probably bought for herself) and saying all was good in the Hunter household. NO STORY HERE TABLOIDS!!!!!! ?
  22. At least they gave them the smoking theme early enough that it could be incorporated into the cakes.
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