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Everything posted by Destiny74

  1. The guy with the glasses was a joke. I'm nowhere near the level of these home Bakers and I could've made more realistic snakes and worms. So, glad he's gone. And his glasses were so "extra", as the hip kids say, they make him look desperate for attention. I call bs on so many Bakers not knowing what a Bundt cake is. That's bull. Have they never been to any potluck, anywhere, at any time? They've never walked through the bakery department of a grocery store? They've never seen a Bundt pan and wondered enough to Google a recipe for it? No way. Professional curiosity should've made them at least interested in what kind of dessert has a whole pan named for it. The dude who did the doll cream puff? Really? That's the best you could come up with? If I were a judge, I'd be side eyeing him the rest of the competition for that failure. Zach was an ass. Drop the attitude, hon, you're the freaking judge. "Can I finish?". Uh, NO. Not if you are so off base in what you're saying. The lady specifically used marzipan so as not to get reemed out by you and yet, YOU STILL REEMED HER OUT BECAUSE YOU ARE A TOTAL ASS WHO DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!!!!! He just wanted so bad to give his little speech about fondant, he didn't even bother to see if the claw was fondant first. What a jerk. I also think he may a have touch if "little man's syndrome" and needs to be big and bad to make himself feel more important.
  2. I think Davie and Christian would have a lot in common. I want those two to be best friends. I'm surprised they haven't already bro'd out with the tech talk.
  3. I wasn't particularly impressed with the Goliath attorney (Jeremy?) until this episode. I didn't understand how an attorney could muddle his thoughts and speech so I was not impressed. I've totally turned around on him. I think he is fantastic after this week. He kindly took Natalie aside and tried to explain how her attitude and mannerisms were turning the tribe against her. He tried so hard. I felt for him. She just totally shot down anything he was saying about her terrible attitude. Yet, he stayed calm and kind the whole time. God bless him, he was maybe then only person she would've listened to and he gave it his all.
  4. That what I thought too. She'd have enough to get a transplant (if a donor liver that matches ever comes up for her) and plenty left over (about $100g) to put back for the kids. I'm assuming the gift would be taxed...meaning half goes to the govt first. I am no where near a medical professional but I thought someone can donate partial liver because it kind of "regenerates"? Had a friend who's mom was going to need to be on a list for liver and she said she'd give her part of hers when it was needed. Sadly, she passed from something totally unrelated. My knowledge only comes from what this friend told me.
  5. That's what I think too. Some sort of Battle Royale or exhibition match to fill time.
  6. I have been hate watching for a while now. I watch just so I can come on here and snark with you fine people. But I am a woman and can change my mind at any time, for any reason, or no reason at all. ?
  7. Just watched yesterday's show and I was wondering why Michael yo would ever come back on Wendy's program. Not only did she interrupt him and talk over him, to repeat points over and over again, but she flat out yelled at him. So disrespectful. She's really not a very good hostess.
  8. Depends on the cake really. Moist, flavorful cake, yeah, just a little frosting. Too dense, dry cake that I have to choke down to be polite? Load that sucker up with the buttercream.
  9. I just don't get all the denim this week. She's worn denim for three days now. Maybe this is the totally casual season?
  10. Thoughts from the last two days of episodes. No Wendy. Not everyone steals money from their mother's purse. I have never taken money from my mom's purse because she would've known and kicked my ass. Not to mention,. IT'S WAS NOT MY MONEY!!!! Who the hell is Lisa Raye and why do I care? It bugs me when she talks about people like they are superstars and I have no freaking idea who they are. Ditto for Post Malone...um, who? Then again, maybe I just am not hip to the jive nowdays. Jane and Kate we're delightful. Fun because they basically ran the interview. I believe Tamar was abused, I do not believe Ilyana slut shamed her. Not that I watch Ilyana, I just think that shit would've be called out already. Keisha Knight William doesn't need the amount of child support the court ordered but Wendy is fine with Chris Brown's baby momma getting $9,000 a month? At least Wendy wasn't on her said about getting $20,000. Gold diggers! She's always been vocal about custodial parents getting as much as they can for their kids, see Kevin Federline. Reg should watch herself. I know she's been friend with Wendy since school days but, man, Wendy really is not someone I would trust. She is constantly telling people to drop friendships, move on, reason and season. At times, I agree with her but it is reaching epidemic proportions with her. I feel sad for Wendy. I am sad for whatever happened to her in the past with her friends. She must have gotten really hurt by someone at one point (honestly, I don't care enough to read her books, so I don't know if she has told whatever story fits in this discussion). I find it funny that she won't have any friends (except Reg) for whatever backstabbing reason she has but she continues on with a man who cheated on her while she was in bed rest trying to have his baby. That just doesn't add up, in my mind. I dunno, don't know the whole story and probably never will.
  11. Yes! Seriously, it would be fun to see. Heck, I'd be happy if they would return to the original format, I think they called it Bachelor Games? We had more to watch and be interested in than people making out. I liked the challenges and people did end up hooking up. And I loved the ending where the guy ended up with all the cash. I think I was ticked at the time but now it is just hilarious. Did anyone else feel Joe's attitude changed at the reunion? I mean, he was this hang dog all season, just sniffing around Kendall and waiting for her to return to him. After her "spontaneous" trip to Chicago, I think Joe knows he has the upper hand. He gently ribbed her during their interview about getting mad. His body language was a lot looser too. He's also the next "STAR" on DWTS...he's the man now. I think he knows he's in the driver's seat and loves it. I don't see this realtionship lasting, not that I ever did, but Kendall's going to get sick of his new attitude soon and bolt. Sad to hear about Jordan and Jenna. That's a big bullet he dodged. Still sad, I think he really liked Jenna. I think he felt she needed him and he was more than happy to lead her. Some women like that in their men, he'll find another lady...one that hopefully won't post ugliness about their relationship online. I did really like that Krystal took Chris aside and told him what's what. And it helped. I never really paid too much attention to it during the season but he did chill out a day or two after starting in with her. He should thank her for that, his rep is much better now (although I still think he looks a little too dark and brooding for my taste). I'm kinda sad they had to be told their gift was a crystal goose. Duh! I got it right away and my name is neither Krystal nor Goose.
  12. No, I totally get that. And you're right, it is a valid point. I guess I just think that ANYONE getting engaged or even remotely serious about getting engaged at the tail end of this experience is laughable. Keeping dating, become exclusive, sure...but not engaged. I feel Joe may have the same feelings I do. However, Kendall may actually have thought an engagment should be coming. Your point is valid. Maybe Kendall should've talked with Joe about that specific incident if it offended/ hurt her that much. I think he was clueless about why she went cold that night. Finally, I am really sad that there are so many emotionally damaged people. They carry these pains into other realtionship and pass that emotional damage on to others. Seriously, it is really sad, heartbreaking.
  13. Ok. I agree that if a couple have dated seriously, an engagement should not be a laughing matter to one and not the other. However, these people have known each other for three drips. Two couples have come out this show, two! I would not get engaged to a man I met three weeks ago while on a secluded vacation on a Mexican beach run by an outfit that claims to try and find twwwwuee wuuuuv for people. Especially if that outfit had such a lousy track record. Do I like you, yeah. Would I like to continue seeing you, yeah. Would I like to try and see if this connection is valid in the real world with problems like work, friends, and family? Sure. Wanna get engaged under these circumstances? Hell no. I think getting engaged at the tail end of this experience is kinda laughable. Call me a cynic.
  14. I have loved Grant for years. I find him adorable. However, I really need him to show well next year. I can't with the antics from the sidelines...it's a bit too much. If he was doing well on the courses, he might be somewhat more focused and not as goofy on the sides. He was always a cheerleader for his friends but never quite so visible as this year.
  15. Someone needs to tell these people (the women in particular) that they are not actresses. Kendall's fake crying was embarrassing, you need to produce tears to pull that crap off. Then we get Krystal and her "sexy" voice and way-too-over the top smiles for the rest of the show. Did she think she was auditioning for Basic Instinct, the TV show or something? Ughhhh. I feel bad for Joe, I do. But he should've known what kind of woman Kendall was when she dumped him for Leo the Magnificent. He should've never taken her back. I guess it's better to find out now, here, in Paradise that she will flitter off with anyone she finds "hunky" the moment they smile in her general direction. He should move on and never look back with her. She got a three week vacation for free by keeping him on the line, all in all, not a bad summer's work, I suppose. Was there some back story to the Jordan/ Robbie thing? Did Robbie steal his woman once? Jordan seems like a nice guy (a little too in love with himself) but to worry that your girl is going to get swept up for the last two days of the show? Seems to me he is no where near confident in this "relationship". As an aside, he strikes me as a guy who wants an attractive woman by his side, just not as attractive as he is. He also seems to desperately want the nuclear family. Annaliese is annoyingly desperate. That is all. What's Annaliese's guy's name again? Oops, forgot. Anyway, he strikese as someone who also wants a woman who is nowhere as good looking as he is. Annaliese was fun for a week or so in Paradise but that is not a long term relationship. I'd be surprised. Kevin is a dope. He should just commit to a lifelong realtionship with himself if he's going to breakdown when it's time to nut up. Astrid handled that situation beautifully. Seriously, if Kevin can't trust when a woman like Astrid, who has been honest and straightforward this whole time, says "I love you", he needs to not date.
  16. That is good to know, that he's a nice guy for real. And, let's face it, he and his wife's children are going to have epic curls (hope he bought stock in Loreal curling gel). Speaking of which, dumb question, but I wonder how they keep from frizzing in Houston of all places? My hair poofs just hearing the word humidity.
  17. I was appalled by that dress. It was mash up of every tired, used, dumb trend in one. It was truely horrible and I can't believe she chose it, much less for wearing on her first day of season 10. She said Little Kev was in town to get more clothes. Where does he go to school that he took today off? He couldn't make it work until Thanksgiving break? He couldn't have done it over Labor Day weekend? I just don't get it.
  18. I think you nailed it here. I first saw GBBS on the Builder Richard/ Nancy/ Martha season and I think that was their fourth season. Then I went back and watched the first three seasons on You Tube (before it vanished). Sue and Mel did take some time to warm into their personas on the show. They were no where near as fun and jokey with the contestants the first seasons. Paul was very by the book and not as much fun those first seasons. Mary was always Mary and always delightful. I like the new crew. I really like Prue and Noel and Sandy is ok, but I think it may take a season or two for the newer cast to find their footing on this type of show. So far, I am enjoying them and I am more than willing to give them all the benefit of the doubt and some breathing room.
  19. I just love team Warhead, no matter what they are driving. They purely love the competition and no matter what the outcome, they are smiling and cheering if they have a good show. Never change, Team Warhead!
  20. I liked it. But then again, I came into the episode desperately WANTING to like it. This is one of my favorite shows. I think some people may have watched this first episode with a side eye (especially British viewers) because of the Sue, Mel, and Mary love. While I love them, I love the show more. Noel worried me before I watched. His look is just so not what I would imagine for GBBS. However, he was calm, comforting, fun, and rather low key. I liked him a lot. And, he was willing to "take one for the team" which I found amusing. Thumbs up. Sandy didn't make a huge impression one, yet. But, she is amusing with Noel and seems to fit it well. Prue seems extremely competent. She knows her stuff and her criticism was constructive. I like her too. As for the contestants, the dude who made the Baker's Lunch did an extraordinary job. Paul seemed shocked that he had a edible spray painter. I've wondered why it took 8 seasons for someone to bring one out. I like the lady who forgot her Kerd. And I liked her and Paul's exchange about said kerd and that she could ask Paul for help...not that he would give her any, but she could ask. I thought for sure the clutch lady was a goner. And the broken knife was heartbreaking (I gasped). All in all, so glad to have totally new and fresh episodes. Only bummer? It's on Netflix so I will probably binge watch them all right away because I have no sense and can't help myself.
  21. Stupid auto correct... Meant Jo. I have fixed it.
  22. I liked her lamp, I just wish she had stained it or something so the wood looked more finished. I liked Kheim's concept but the room looked a lot less finished because it needed the room to open the bed. Billy's shed was a little too crowded. With the bar and the stage, there wouldn't have been any room for people. I loved his voodoo dolls. And I like the flag but it should've been flying outside on a flagpole (like I see them on homes), it got lost in the corner. Jo was absolutely right about keeping the desk plain. The wall was cool. And with the floor, the paintbrushes, and the bradded ceiling, the desk needed to be plain. Not to mention, there may be crafts that need a flat, smooth surface instead of something textured like was suggested. I liked her shed the best. Amber should have said no to the wallpaper and just painted the wall. Also, AstroTurf is not something I would want to walk barefoot on and since it was a lounge space... I don't know, maybe AstroTurf is softer now than what I am thinking of. Simon was Randy tonight. Someone had snogging on his mind. ?
  23. Not only did they not take anyone out, they hardly moved at all. We're they tighter than normal? Or have the ninjas just figured out how to finess them? Sad for Eskimo Ninja, Brent, and any others who timed out on the net. Actually, did Brent time out, or fall off? Can't remember. Anyway, tough to be so close, literally seconds away and fail. I have no heart obviously, but I laughed when McGrath fell on the Spider yet again. I like him fine, but it's kinda funny that he keeps falling on the same obstacle, one that most ninja gyms have a facsimile of. I think he should have taken a deep breath instead of launching right in. Also, the Archer steps. Did the women not think they moved? Or did they not think the steps moved as much as they did? That was a damn shame. Flex has everything she needs to make it to stage 2 except speed. She needs to take the next year to build up a bit of endurance and speed and she'll be good for next year. Now, I wonder if DiGangi will also time out or fall on the last obstacle? They seem to Peter out at the same obstacles on all of their runs. Love Rahn. So glad he's "made history" because I feel the vets are getting the shaft this season. I like "Kid". I thought his responses to Christine were appropriate and respectful. I STILL LOVE DANIEL GIL AND I DON'T CARE WHO KNOWS IT. He is awesome and he seems like a super nice, friendly guy. I'd be so disappointed to hear he was ever a jerk to fans. I hope he never is.
  24. Since both blades failed at about the same point on the blade, I wondered if there was some trick in forging that would've made that point stronger? Then again, I know nothing about blade forging except what I have seen on this show. Doug was down right giddy for the second place blade during the keal test. I thought he was going to giggle. Jay enjoys his job. Whacking away at ice must be incredible to expell stress. He never seemed to go quite this hard in earlier seasons. Has there been an episode this season where a blade has NOT broken, at least at some point throughout the competition? I mean, I think there is some kind of catastrophic failure every episode at some point. I agree that Ashe was a cutie but the way he pronounced his name was killing me the whole episode. I've never heard it pronounced Ash-A.
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