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Everything posted by Destiny74

  1. I agree. DiGangi seems like a really nice guy and he does well enough in the traditional ANW comp but the head to head races? He really doesn't compete. Same with Tiana, bless her heart. She is a good Ninja, not particularly great or strong. Yeah for Labreakfast Club! Not that Jessie didn't have clout but NOW? Totally can wear that BadAss badge. She ran that team and was tough and strategic. She's a warrior. I love Jon Alexis Jr. I think he is a hoot. I'd he could work on speed, he'd be the man! The height is already a great advantage but paired with more speed? He'd be all that.
  2. Don't get me wrong, I started this season with a side eye for Scott. I have been proven wrong. He was a genial, fun host. He knows enough about baking to converse (but still not enough to advise) and I liked his back and forth with the contestants. I still think his wardrobe was heinous. I knew Adam was going to win. His cake looked a bit kitchen sink to me and he got called out on that. Jean-Francois could keep up but I don't think his ideas are as new and fresh, he's pretty happy with status quo flavors. Lasheeda did as well as she could with these two competitors. She's very personable and I liked her. I just thought she was a bit out of her league. Especially after her rather sloppy sachertorte.
  3. I always figured the Queens were told to bring some specific "types" of outfits for certain challenges. The denim challenge, the feather challenge, the super awesome hat challenge, those are specific asks that the Queens dressed for. I know they have the fabric wall and all but those looks didn't look just put together (like, say, the dollar store challenge). So to not have a red, white, or blue look? Seems hinky.
  4. Honestly, this season has shown a side of Jamison that I don't like. I get he may have issues with Charles and the way he ran the group and trash talk there might have been warranted. But he had an attitude this episode that I didn't like either.
  5. I was just a little annoyed at Asia "standing up" for Kameron when Eureka wanted to hear her lyrics. Throughout the show (edited, I know) she has shown no real relationship with Kameron while Eureka is the one who has been friendly with Kameron (I think they bonded while on smoke breaks). Let their relationship be their relationship. Not to mention, I thought Kameron was holding her own aganist Eureka. I don't really care who wins. They all have pros and cons but I still really like Eureka. She makes me laugh. But I agree with the above poster...Latrice Royale is still the big queen and has yet to be dethroned. Love Latrice!!
  6. Someone explain to me how the Chomp battle was a split decision? She was on her side or trying to manuever to get away the whole time. She didn't land any hits and only one it two times did her fire touch. Gurl power is the only thing I can think of. Chomp may have some impressive AI in it but this is a demolition comp, not an expo. I get why people are less than impressed with a bot like Tombstone because it is pretty basic and a brawler but that is what this comp is. Sorry, Zoe never impressed me, any season. I guess I am biased.
  7. Oh, and I will literally throw something at my tv if I ever see the Mermaid Ninja again. What an annoying woman. I have no problem with kids who want to dye their hair crazy colors. It is fine for others, not for me. But there is no way that little baby girl told her mom she wanted pink hair. I just have an issue with people trying to make their kids look edgy and cool. Let them decide. It irritates me. It doesn't help that the mermaid is a "Social Media Influencer" and is using her kids to get views.
  8. I could go the rest of my life without seeing Akbar booty shake. Glad Stratus made it up the 10k wall. He's had a tough go since he injured his shoulder. Although I am over his yell at the end of the run...totally over. Color me impressed that three women made it to the finals legit. Drew is a great Ninja but he seems to always be the bridesmaid, never the bride (coming so close to the 10k). I still maintain that Geoff Brittan was the FIRST ANW. He made it up the rope first and was ANW for a few minutes before Issac bested him. So I get aggrivated when they say Issac was first, and then don't mention Geoff at all. I guess I just like Geoff better.
  9. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of FN bringing back the Melting Pot concept. Palak would be great on a show like that but I'm not sure an all Indian cooking show would sustain (Aarti Party didn't...maybe because she gave it up, maybe because it didn't get the ratings, I don't know) Ethnic cooking is interesting to me but I'd like to see a show that focused on many different ethnicities but not all at once. A week of Indian, a week of Ethopian, a week of Thai...I think it would be great. Fresh. And we wouldn't get bored with the same host over and over. But, don't make it like The Kitchen and have only 5 people. Farm weeks out to different talent. Just an idea.
  10. Someone please explain Mont Blanc to me. I looked up Wikipedia and it was no help. It looked like a sweet pastry crust with a dry meringue and Chestnut frosting. Seems too dry for my taste. Is it supposed to have whipped cream in the crust and then the meringue sits on top of that? Or a pastry cream? That would moisten it up a lot. Honestly, I don't know. But I am glad this show is getting into other desserts besides cake, cookies, pies, and bread pudding.
  11. I like Jason too but between these shows and FNS I am getting fed up with FN molding people into who they think we want them to be. I mean, Jason is considerably twangy by nature but to have him over use his colloquializms is insulting as a viewer. See, everyone from Miami must love salsa dancing and mango, all Southerners use unGodly amounts of butter and lard, New Yorkers all make Sunday gravy and speak in Godfather terms, and all Californians use nothing but fresh greens and never eat anything unhealthy. It is just plain insulting.
  12. Yeah but does he realize the same people he pissed off are the ones who are in charge (or at least have some serious clout) of giving him this win? Whether or not people like Giada and Bobby (or Valerie and Tyler for that matter) they are not the ones with the final say. I am sure the network honchos actually choose who gets to be the Next FNS.
  13. Jason? How hard did they look to NOT find someone else better than him to put on this show? Food Blogger? I would rather watch paint dry. Does he have any followers, other than his family and friends? He was so annoying. I agree with the above poster, how many people were turned away so they could have a space for this guy? Easy first out though. Christian will only be able to rest on, "I vacationed in Italy as a child," for so long. Schtick is going to get old fast. Almost as fast as OOT Miami guy...but not quite. Manic Manny, that is all. I have to laugh when, in talking heads, people shoot down the others but they don't do well on the challenge themselves. I'm looking at you, Samone. I like Palak. She seems real and I like that she didn't come in with a sign and sparklers announcing that she beat Bobby. That shows some humility and restraint. Harrison is good looking but I don't trust that he can cook, yet. Good looking guy who knows a few fancy dishes to cook for date nights. We'll see. I still don't like Amy. She's a snot. Adam is still a ringer. He's already a FN hosting pro. Jamablaya lady needs to think a little harder, try a little more. MS Queen? DON'T COOK FOOD YOU CAN'T MAKE TASTE GOOD IN THE ALLOTED TIME. That's like, rule #1 for this comp. If it takes hours to slow cook or roast something, it isn't going to taste right done in 45 minutes.
  14. And what is the deal with Adam? I like him well enough, but I've liked him for the last 10 years on Cooking Channel. He's a ringer. He knows how.to present. It seems unfair. I mean, there have been contestants in the past who have been a staple on "Good Day Mayberry" or some other local show but he has YEARS of experience on FN sister station Cooking Channel. I think they are trying to make him a thing...stop trying. He had his moment. I just don't think he's "fetch"? If he loses, what a cream pie to the face of the network since they've already given him so much.
  15. I'm just watching the last two episodes and I have just now decided that I just don't like Amy. I don't like her personality, at all.
  16. I'm kinda surprised he didn't carve his into a cylinder shape. You know, to be more modern. ?
  17. Thanks. I guess her bitching about the other talk shows being on hiatus is a bunch of crap. I have no problem with theses shows taking the summer off, but to complain that others are off while you are working and then take a three week break only to come back for only a week until your long break? Seems stupid. I bet she's taking off because of Little Kevin's graduation and some trip they are going on. That is a decent reason. My issue is with her spanking other shows while not being honest about her show.
  18. I haven't watched yet. Why is she in repeats again? I thought she was live until late July?
  19. You hit the nail on the head with this all! I love Grant but I think he was more handsome with the shorter hair. I think the ones who do the best are the long and lean types. Tremaine Dortch is the only one, off the top of my head, that is really muscular and does really well. Drew, Daniel Gil, Caldiero, etc.. if they were walking down the street you wouldn't think, "Wow! That guy pumps iron.". You know what mean?
  20. Thank you!!!! I have been forgetting to comment about the horrendous red/hot pink eyeshadow Terra and Christy are wearing in the talking heads. It looks awful! I wish they wouldn't because it is super distracting.
  21. Count me as one who liked the dinosaurs. I just couldn't get past Bryce Dallas Howard's outfit. Who chose that for her? Wardrobe must hate her something fierce. Open chest, high waistline? Really one of the ugliest outfits I've seen in a long time. Did nothing for her at all. I love Chris Pratt though. I was shocked at Bull. I was even more shocked at Grant. That's gotta suck, to basically be done with the obstacle and touch the water. I was getting used to Ninja vs. Ninja so at first, the water touch didn't register with me. I'm not sure he would've gotten the 10K but he would've made it up the normal wall. I feel he may have made it if he hadn't been chatting with his family on the sidelines after every obstacle. I don't think his head was 100% in the game. Flip shocked me too. I know he would've made it up the 10K wall, he did that in one of those Ninja comps a couple if years ago. Glad to see they will all be back for finals. Sean Bryan made it through and I'm glad. I like him. Wish he'd have gotten 10K but, oh well. At least Zhanique's kid calmed down a bit from last year. He drove me nuts and honestly tainted his mom in my eyes for a while. I started liking her on N vs. N. I'm glad she'll get another shot. Glad to see some women making it to finals in league with the men, not just because they bring 5 women along. (Tianna) Sooooooooo happy that Natalie Duran bit it early on so I don't have to see another package starring her again. She'll be mugging on the sidelines for the rest of the season but I can handle that. She just drives me bonkers. Cheering for Nick Hanson. I don't care that he's the Eskimo Ninja...he is always "Mmmm Bop" to me (like all people named Hanson are). ?. Cheered for the 10K and was shocked he got it! Also shocked that Adam Rayl made 10K. Go on Concrete Ninja! Not sure about them touting him as a "Go all the way" guy this year, I guess time will tell. He is a good Ninja but never struck me as in the running for Stage 4. At least there were no death bed reinactments this episode.
  22. That's because FN is giving all it's cooking shows to any former celebrities who can boil water.
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