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Everything posted by Destiny74

  1. I haven't watched yet but there is no comparison (in my mind) between Charles's situation and Harry's. I mean really, Charles had to marry someone who wasn't his "true love" because a) the crown basically picked someone they thought they could control, hence the huge age difference, b) Camilla was already married and back in the 80s that would've been too scandalous for her to divorce to marry Charles, c) Charles was the next in line for the throne, the heir apparent. He had to marry someone the crown thought would make a good queen, that the public would fall in love with, and d) Harry is now sixth in line for the throne, and he married a commoner from (gasp) America who had already been married. Also, it's a huge and emotionally devestating idea that he would ever make it to King so who he married didn't matter quite as much as who Charles married. I don't even follow the royals and I came up with that list. And I don't have a Bureau to help me formulate ideas. Wendy needs to either stop talking about things that will make her look ignorant or bone up on a little bit of history about a situation she deems worthy to speak about. Pahhhhsha... Charles and Harry's situations that being similar? Wendy is reaching for straws. Trying to find a topic people will jump in board with. I think it's clear we, the public, are not falling for it.
  2. https://theblast.com/little-women-la-terra-jole-black-girl-moscato-cuts-ties/ So, I guess the focus group was wrong and BGM was a bad name? Can we all say a collective "DUH!"
  3. I love this! Scrummy and Victoria Sponge! I hate to use this word because it sounds riche but those names are DELIGHTFUL! I always use a tri fold. Actually I use a couple. I use a laminating technique. About three turns. My biscuits are really flaky, maybe due to this, maybe in spite if it. I don't know, but it works for me. If FN wants to hire Sherry Yard to judge all the baking comps, I am all for it. I love her. And she has amazing cred. She is fun but fair in her critiques. I know plated desserts are usually sold at restaurants where you pay beaucoup dollars for dinner but if I wanted a one bite dessert, I would hope to not pay premium. Sorry, it's the cheapy in me coming out. I know all those desserts tonight would cost a lot in the restaurant but I'd be cheesed not get only 3-4 bites for that prices. I thought nouveau cuisine went out in the 80's?
  4. Soggy bottom. Mary Berry would not he amused.? I like Adam, I really do, but making everything in a cylinder shape is going to get old soon. Sure, it's fresh the first few times. Stop now. It'll look like you are a one trick pony as far as plating is concerned. And I had to laugh when he was talking during the shortcake round about how daring and innovative he was being by mixing strawberry and basil. Come to find out 3 or 4 others were also doing that combo. That and Meyer lemon. A handful of people did Meyer lemon curd. Lime curd would've been more innovative and strawberry and lime go well together too. Max's creme brulee looked melted and sad to me. I don't as not impressed. Also, I am not a fan of mango so the fact that like, everyone, did mango kinda turned me off.
  5. Haven't watched yet but I think the only thing Elena is desperate for is a.swift kick in the butt and a storyline to make her semi-relevant.
  6. I liked Andrew and was glad he got a Best Baker star at least once. Candace still bugs me too. I found her nicer during my most recent rewatch but the way she held her mouth and pursed her lips still drove me crazy. LOVE SALASI!!!!! That is a man right there. Strong, silent and funny, not to mention good looking, drives a motorcycle in his suit to work and the man can bake! He is truely one of my all time favorites along with Richard the builder, Martha the youngin, and Kimberly the shrink.
  7. Nadya had the best line ever. After putting her souffle in the oven, " I'd rather give birth than to do that again."
  8. Wasn't Eureka in the bottom the first two weeks? Vixen started hating on her before the Dragon challenge.
  9. The golfer "had one job to do!" He screwed up so it was funny that his wife went beserker on him and his mom. Wendy? Does your husband go beserker on you when you forget someone's name? Forget what show they are on? Insult the institutions that are HBC? Should we think it's funny if he did/ does? You also have one job to do, Wendy.
  10. Yeah but Wendy and Kevin married because of love, not because of her fame, influence, or money.? Actually, I have no idea when or why Wendy and Kevin married. I just like to snark. But, to cheat on a woman who is on bed rest trying to give you a baby after multiple miscarriages just screams ASSHOLE to me. And that, Wendy has admitted before. There relationship has been f'ed up for years.
  11. Anyone still watching Knife or Death? I know it got some hate further up on the forum but it has grown on me. I like seeing what they can do with their knives. And I love it when their knife bends or breaks if they come in with a "I had this made specifically for me". Yeah, but did you have it made for this challenge? Oops. Square one. I thought the woman with the big sword was gonna biff but she made it all the way through! Just not fast enough. As for FIF... The guy last night who, if he won, was gonna fix his teeth! ?
  12. Nope. Just watched the show and you could see styrofoam in almost all the finished products. Especially with macarons. They are so delicate that they would be ripped to shreds disengaging from the form. If I were paying for one if these towers, I'd be pretty pissed if I could see the form at all. Then again, I think if they had more time they would have been able to disengage the form and cover up the holes. Seeing the form must not hav been a ding because I swear I saw the form on most, if not all, but Jean-Francois.
  13. I just watched Wendy's yesterday show. Ok, I watched the HT. I don't think the crown is scared of Meghan Markel. I didn't know about the England and the prenups (as posted earlier) but if something goes sideways, the crown will give her a stipend and send her off. I don't know what happened in Wendy's past to make her think this is all some sort of scheme. Sure, Meghan is older (by 2 years, it's not a damn lifetime Wendy!) and divorced but who's to say they aren't in love? Leave the side eye alone, Wendy, you have no idea what they feel about each other. Hell, if she were in it for a come up, wouldn't marrying a billionaire be easier and less stressful? Fewer rolling eyes? And Marlo. Wendy is obsessed with Marlo. One day she is saying the woman deserve to hold a peach and the next she's dogging her for being a kept woman. Decide. Because the only way she gained enough cred to run in the circles to get the peach was for her to be kept. And turn that eye around. Isn't your hubby basically abkept man? Sure, he's your manager but without you and your income, what would he be doing?
  14. I think her mom just tans a lot. Whether she actually TANS or just spends a lot of time in the sun. That's what it looks like to me, just someone who loves the sun, a lot.
  15. Then I think they should have started it on the Sci channel Wednesday night and then the disc channel premier on Friday. The way it is, if we want to watch on sci we wait five days.
  16. About the car loan to the daughter of the girlfriend. Ugh, these people. You gotta have balls to kick man out of his aunt's house, an aunt he is taking care of. The aunt should've kicked the girlfriend, the daughter, and the kid out when they got a restraining order. She should've called the cops immediately and has them escourted out of HER house the next morning. They weren't paying rent.
  17. Do judges really trust that a jury is as smart as that judge thinks they are? These are normal people with normal lives, most of whom do not know the law. She "trusted" that the jury would do such and such way more than I feel a judge on a death penalty case would have. The cops didn't notice the receipt or didn't seem to give a damn to follow up on it. They could've gotten the video and at least questioned the man in the video. How did a random guy's receipt end up in the SUV? This is a question I hope the cops would've wanted answered. Not to mention Bull's team had access to the evidence? They didn't catch it? Mute dude didn't smoke, dead guy didn't smoke, so why was there a receipt for cigarettes in the car? I know we, as a society, have turned rather callous. But, to see a man in an obviously expensive suit lying on the ground and not at least ask if he was ok? Not one of those people in front of the courthouse felt something was wrong? I call baloney. And for Bull, no matter how off he was feeling, to not wait for his client to return to the defense table and congratulate him and hug him was unrealistic. To just up and leave before even saying congrats? I don't buy it. Not to mention he would've had immediate help if he laid down in the courtroom. Nope. He wouldn't have gone anywhere. He would have collapsed in the courtroom.
  18. I like Eureka and her alterego. He reminds me of a very good friend I had in college. Just super smart, witty, loud and fun. It can be a lot of personality but my friend was never, ever dull.
  19. The new season is aired on Discovery last night. The new season airs on Science Channel next Wednesday night. Why are they doing that? I know they are sister stations but why would I wait until Wednesday to watch when I can see it Friday? I could understand a Wednesday and Thursday showing but they're showing them almost a week apart. Although I read that SCI has another fight not aired on DIS. I've been waiting two years for this. My son loves BB and we just watch the first two seasons on a loop. Nice to add new episodes to that loop. So glad they have Farook, Chris, and Kenny back. I actually love the color commentary. And I love when schrapnel hits right in front of them. Chris jumps higher than a scared cat! ?
  20. Her hugs look so fake. Like she thinks she needs to hug the guests but doesn't want to. Either that or she's afraid a real hug will deflate her chest.
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