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Everything posted by Destiny74

  1. That is a fantastic deal on vanilla beans.
  2. Ain’t nuttin’ wrong with cool whip! ?
  3. So andra goes out, finally, but on a dessert that just wasn’t holiday enough? I’m glad she’s gone but I think that’s crap. She should have been out for her abomination last week. bananas and cherries? Ewww. Only thing I can see with those two together is a banana split, and the cherry is only on the top. And her concoction on the stove with the cherry purée and banana slime, yuck. Are the judges just taste blind now or are the contestants just not really using enough ginger? They’ve been complaining about the lack of spice all season. At this point, I thought the bakers would be blowing them over with spices instead of not adding enough. I don’t think fresh ginger works well in baked goods, I’d be using powered or candied so the judges could finally taste it.
  4. Just from the little I have read about him, I doubt he would ever accept an actual cah payout. He knows she will still be.making money, and he would want a piece.of that pie.
  5. The stories for every, single thing these people make is ridiculous and annoying. Sometimes I make a dish because it sounds tasty or, God forbid, I want to try something new. Not everything I make evokes warm fuzzies from my childhood.
  6. The more I think about it the less likely it seems Wendy will ditch her husband. I mean, she should. His whoring around is nothing but pure embarrassment to her. But. I am positive Kevin has a piece of everything Wendy is signed to, her show, her HSN line, her speaking engagements...everything. Wendy rails about Mary J Blige's situation and that is exactly where she'll be if a divorce happens, working her tail off just to give Kevin money. She doesn't want that. She'd rather still be married to him but keep that money " in the family" than pay him outright for doing nothing. She needs to sting him. Catch him doing something illegal, not associated with her, and have him locked up. Wow, I sound as shady as she does now.
  7. Andras dish looked like vomit in a jar. Sorry, it is what I saw. Then again, I thought the blueberry cobbler and chocolate mousse could've made an interesting dessert but when the sweet potatoes were added? Nope, no way. BTW, am I the only person sick to death of "mashups". What an absurd concept. Make a good dish, not some Dr. Frankenstein crap. God love her, she is just trying to stay afloat. She is out of her league here, as I would be. I make some yummy things for friend and family but I can't plate for crap. My stuff is tasty but looks pretty homemade.
  8. Even if they did do the research, she wouldn't have gotten it right. She is so off her game lately. She gets really simple things wrong, like the Xscape show actually being on the air now. There is no excuse for her not being prepared for an interview and she never seems prepared lately. That is not her teams fault as much as it is hers.
  9. I think Damiano must have taken the criticism he got as a judge on the baking contests to heart. He was much more pleasant and didn’t coma in tha Americans cookies are too sweet this time.
  10. Wes had just shown up at the hideaway, right? If I was a kid who had to join Oliver and Company to survive, I don't think I would have told everyone there that I knocked over jewelry stores to stay with the only people that would have me. I would have kept that close to the vest until I was sure I could trust these people. And Lauren. Not that I don't like her but her shock at hearing him admit it just shows how very sheltered she was. I imagine she is going to have to do a few illegal things with her powers now that she is on the lamb. She never had to dumpster dive to survive.
  11. This, a million times! Pandering is exactly the right word for it. I am sick to death of the desire to push girls into STEM, it seems a little militant to me. I think the girls of today get it. They can do whatever they choose, they just have to apply themselves. I jokingly say that I am more worried about my two sons. Are they getting any encouragement to enter any career field for anyone but family? The snuggly ladies....ugh. I have a problem with them saying that they had hoped one of the sharks got what they were trying to do,and that all they want to do is *sniff sniff* get their stuffies in the hands of those poor children that need the help and encouragement they would provide. Um, ladies, YOUR DOLLY COST ALMOST $60. You’re not doing what you do to get those dolls into the hands of “the kids”. If you were, your price would be much lower. I’m glad the sharks passed on that one.
  12. I did get a kick out of them referring, many times, to nicknames not being Cisco approved. That was funny. Ralph was fun too. I laughed at his skeezyness. And drunk Barry was hilarious, "I'm the Flash"!!!!. What was the original plan for the bachelor party? Sit around, drink, and watch old home movies? Kinda lame, even for a tame bachelor party. The feminism was thick and choking, in my opinion. Especially with the daughter/ stripper storyline. Ugh. They were trying way too hard thus episode.
  13. Telling Megan Markel to act like a royal and then do whatever she pleases after the wedding was weird too. Wendy has interviewed Sarah Ferguson before, she knows the pressure the royal is under to have a spouse conform. Ferguson has said she still loves Andrew, she just couldn't live with the pressure from the crown any longer. That's what broken up their marriage. So, to tell MM to knowingly expect to break those rules...that's dangerous and quite vicious of Wendy. No respect for Wendy at all.
  14. Ok. So, Amanda was screwing Chase the whole time she was "in a relationship" with her "I'll Do Anything To Get 5 Minutes of TV Time " girlfriend? I may have felt bad for Amanda for a minute until I heard that. Awww, Amanda had her wittle heart broken by that chick while she was cheating on her and banging the human garbage dump that is "Hey, I'll date a little woman to get a paycheck from Lifetime" Chase? Please tell these LP Dallas writers to have some sort of continuity if they want sympathy for their storylines. Oh, and Amanda, I've never had breast augmentation surgery and have never personally known anyone who has but I can imagine there is some pain and recovery involved when THEY SPLIT YOUR BREAST OPEN, INSERT A SILICONE BUBBLE, AND SEW YOU BACK UP!!!! She thought she'd be right as rain a few days later? There is something hinky going on when Brichelle's is the voice of reason in this group. She was insane last season and now she is the only one making any damn sense?!?!?!? Her and a woman named Chee Chee?? They are the only ones making sense. Are you serious, show? Bri needs to tell Emily that she isn't her bitch, not the camera. Stand up, girl. You're being treated like a door mat by your "best friend". At least she seems to get it now, even if she won't come right out and tell Emily which way is up. I need someone to explain IVF to me in the context of this question. I thought once the embryos were "created" they could be frozen for use at a later date. Is that not true? Emily needs to have her ear surgery and recover and then impregnate herself. Maybe the time she'd have to wait, she could use for some therapy and decide that trying to recreate a lost child is a huge mistake. Maybe with some time and counseling she could be in the right headspace to be a mother to the children she is so desperately trying to have right now, and the one she currently has. I get giving Austin a hard time. He's an ass. But, he was defending his lady. However, Chase is just as bad, if not worse yet no one but Caylea is giving Amanda a hard time about being with a man who calls women vile names. Finally, Caylea and the others need to let dumbass Amanda make her mistake with Chase. They don't have to like him, but Amanda is in love ( hurl!!!!!) with his spirit. Ugh. Whata tool. She'll wake up soon enough. Let her make her mistake, let her grow and learn. Just sit back and watch the show, with some popcorn and a box of candy. ? Yes, I hate watch. And I LOVE (HATE) IT!
  15. I do too. If she wants a baby, she should be glad she can manipulate to have a healthy child, not necessarily a boy. She's sick in the head and seems to refuse to listen to therapists to try and get rid of her crazy. I would've been happier if no embryos were viable, at least in this circumstance. Bri is backing the wrong horse by standing by Emily and all her crazy. I thought she was smarter, and a better friend, than to just go along with whomever Emily is deciding to hate this week. I guess not. Tiffany is a moron. A) she is with a man child whom she is trying to change to fit her needs. He ain't changing sister, and he shouldn't if he doesn't want to. B) I get that she's interested in Loser baby daddy being arrested, I would've been too. But to claim to care about Emily but not even ask her how things were when she first saw her...sketchy looking. However, Emily is as gossipy as she is, but when the gossip is about her life, it is all the sudden terrible. If Tiffany had asked Emily about it as soon as she walking into brichelle's, it would've squashed all of Emily's power. Not too bright a game plan. Emily really needs a good ass kicking. I literally believe nothing else will prove to her that she is not the grand Dame here. That, or Bri needs to grow some balls and tell her which way is north. I think Bri is the only one she would listen to. But Bri is way too afraid, or wimpy to tell her the truth about anything. Emily's behavior at the Ren Faire was nothing but bullying. And I have to give it to Austin, at least he stuck up for his woman. Someone needed to. Emily was just being awful. What a wonderful example to set for her daughter who is bound to see that clip. That's girl Emily, teach your daughter how to be a mean, bullying piece if shit, just like you. We need more emilies in this world! ?
  16. I agree a million times. I am hating her whole " You need to change or I am going to break up with you." schtick. She knew what she was getting into by starting a relationship with Walter. Suck it up, dear. He's a grown man, love him or don't but don't think you can, or should, change him. Actually, it kind of pisses me off because she is not always right. If they are on assignment, Walter may not ask her for her advice, he may not care about her feelings. He may just need to get shit done. Maybe she should stay at home with Ralph during the assignments. Then Walter would have a lot less chance offending her when she gets butt hurt because he's more interested in saving the freaking world as opposed to kissing her ass.
  17. Christy Brinkley is a beautiful woman, always was. I hope I have the money to look half that good when I am 60.
  18. No offense taken. However... You don't think the parents you described in the first paragraph should take some blame? Blaming the parents for not properly taking care of their child is in no way taking away any of Kevin Spacey's blame. No way at all. It does not make it ok to try and rape a 14 year old boy simply because they are alone somewhere. As a parent it upsets me that this happened to this young man. Really pisses me off. It also scares the shit our of me. I do the very best I can to protect my kids but they have to live their lives. I would feel at fault if my child is ever assaulted. But I would feel guilty beyond compare if I let my kid go to a party he should not have been at, and got assaulted. That's why I wondered where the parents were, because I projected in my own situation. Either way, I would want the assailant castrated.
  19. Ok. The fainting incident was scary. I've almost fainted before, blackout, and it is scary. I hope she is ok but I have to admit, I think it is a diet thing. I think she's pushing her body too hard. About the Kevin Spacey thing. I am, in no way, defending him but I have one question that has yet to be asked. Where were this 14 year old's parents? I know he was not the average kid but he had to have parents or at least a guardian. Did they just let this kid run all over Manhattan? In the 80's? Cause that sounds safe. Especially considering he was on Broadway which meant he could've had weirdo stalkers and fans. I'll be damned if I let my 14 year old go to an adult party where there will be drinking without me tagging along. That's my question, where were this kid's parents. That being said, it doesn't mitigate the nasty, asshole-ness of Spacey. Then, today, Wendy was harping on this message and mentioned how the people on House of Cards can work with him now. Um, Wendy, wasn't your hubby accused of sexually harassing women who worked for you? Ask yourself, Wendy, how you lived and worked with Kevin after that. Ask yourself how you kissed him after that. Granted, it wasn't a teen but it was still sexual harassment. Wendy's hypocrisy is getting really thick.
  20. Wendy commented about the RHONJ cast all looking alike because they all have the caramel highlights in their hair. I thought it was hilarious because pan back to Wendy and what do you see? Caramel highlight on the ends of her wig! I noticed the next day she wore a much darker wig. i just found that amusing.
  21. My main thought was this... Does this actress not have enough money to hire a mercenary of sorts to go to Ethiopia and get her son back? I would’ve spent my last dime. Also, Bull’s one woman investigation team flys to Ethiopia and not only finds the paperwork needed but also the kid to return to America. Ok. If I can buy that, why on God’s green earth did Ms. Famous Actress’s crappy ass law firm not figure it out? They are probably a big money firm, they could afford an entire team of investigators to fly over. The actress really dropped the ball on twisting that firm’s arm. I don’t know if I would have been a good enough person to let the father go. He kidnapped my son, even when I was in the right but still willing to work with him so he could have a relationship with his son. I guess I am just a horrible person. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...
  22. I thought this too. It’s refreshing because I was feeling embarrassed for her last season. It was like she was the computer comic relief. I’m glad to see her not immediately agreeing with everthing Wendy says.
  23. I just ran through a week's worth of WW today and one thing stood out. Some guy had his house broken into while he was away but one of his "people" were there sleeping. Wendy said he shouldn't get fired because it wasn't his fault. Ok, I can see her point, but... Didn't she fire white Norman for the Black college fiasco? How in the hell was it his fault that she ran off her mouth about something she didn't know much about? Yes, she was embarrassed but why was it Norman's fault? Oh right, she needed a scape goat and he was expendable. Hypocracy much, Wendy?
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