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Everything posted by Destiny74

  1. I hate the Chopped-i-ness of tonight's episode. Who in their right mind would ever try and make a dessert with olives, not olive oil, but fat, juicy olives? I can see candying meat as a sweet/ salty thing but olives are entirely too salty and Briney. Also, mushrooms? What would you do with mushrooms? I'd trash them. Peanut Cherry Cola pie? Nice try. I get the flavor combo but I don't think it would go well in a pie. I would've gone with a macadamia nut pie. You can coconut those suckers up and make it more springy. If I knew I could do three different dishes and call it tapas, I would've done it. I think Jessica skirted the rules. It would've been relatively easy to create one dessert or finishing (fruit and cheese course) dish a piece with any if those ingredients. The challenge was making them meld into one dish.
  2. This bugs me too. I guess in Scorpion-land, you have to be two of the exact same people with the exact same interests to make a relationship work. My husband loves to tinker with his computer, I don't. I give him time to mess around with his stuff and he doesn't feel the need to sew with me. I would never go to a lecture with him, and he wouldn't ask me to because he knows I would be bored to death and IT WOULD BE A HUGE WASTE OF TIME AND RESOURCES. It's ok to have separate interests as long as both people are mature. Oh, and to insist someone who doesn't understand "little white lies" cultivate that ability is just wrong and dumb. Paige wants Walter to learn to lie to her? Ok. I'd rather my partner cultivate "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" rather than flat out lie to me. Oh, and Paige gets dragged through a swamp and the next time we see her is later that day with perfect hair and makeup?
  3. I could get behind savory herbs in dessert. Savory herbs belong in my mouth (one way or another). Flowers belong on my centerpiece or decolletage. ?
  4. I swear she is having serious memory problems. She had Sarah Ferguson on her damn show. She knows Sarah and Andrew have divorced and I promise, Wendy was not talking to a corpse. So she believes the people who believe the crown had Diana killed? I don't. I think it was a horrible accident and the fault of the damn poparazzi. Conspiracy theorist. Besides, if Diana was murdered by the crown they absolutely just made her a legend, and I don't think that's what they wanted. Anyway, Wendy needs to shut it about things she knows nothing about. Hell, the crown may hire a killer to come after her next. ?
  5. Tonya just wants her life the way she wants it. If Kerwin fit into that picture, great. He, obviously, doesn't fit anymore and now he's back in Texas where he belongs. Sorry, can't feel bad for her. Being a SAHM is tough. But being a SAHM is sacrifice. Jasmine should do things that make her feel good but I thought that was the whole reason she is on this show, that the show is something she wants to do? I think Christy (or more appropriately Autumn) should've gone on the balcony when the fight started and asked the two ladies to move somewhere else so they didn't screw up my party. Terra certainly thinks a lot of herself. Elena only wanted her to film because Terra's video went viral? Never saw the video. Don't know why it would matter. Terra seems to think that if she is on a video, it will be a hit? Then again, I am not one to watch videos on the internet unless I need to learn how to do something specific. That being said, Elena seems a bit sketchy this season. Now she is going to bring home the bacon by posting.makeup tutorials? Does that really pay well for more than a handful of people? Good luck. Brianna is gone but not forgotten. I know why she didn't return. She didn't want to answer a ton of embarrassing questions and hear various restrains of "I told you so". Hell though, I'd probably be the first to chime in. I wonder if she really said the ladies were toxic. I mean, they are, but they didn't make Matt a huge, creepy scumbag. If she did say it, she is still trying to pass the blame to anyone but herself. I hope she didn't actually say it because she was making strides by getting rid of Scummy McScummerson.
  6. Except all the Tamar Braxton stuff because, honestly, I have no idea who the woman is besides Toni's sister and the one kicked off the Talk. She's obsessed with Tamar. I think she is a part of Tamar's PR machine. They say when no one is talking about you, your career is over. Well, Wendy keeps talking about Tamar...
  7. I don't like mirror glaze. I mean, it's pretty to look at but the gelatin ruins the frosting for me. I was not impressed by the taste of the mirror cakes I have had. Jessica should've gone home. At least Andrew's looked somewhat spherical. Hers was a hot mess. She's out of her league and I think she knows it. Blue haired Baker is still somewhat annoying but she can pipe some BEAUTIFUL flowers. I'd rather not have flower flavor in my desserts. I can't recall ever eating a flower flavored dessert but I don't imagine I would like it. Maybe the orange blossom or honeysuckle. Not violet. Not rose. Not lavender. I think the scent would turn me off.
  8. Haven't watched yet but THIS, A MILLION TIMES OVER!!!!!!!!!!! He didn't save her show or anything so dramatic but he gave me a reason to tune in for a week. A reason to keep WW on my DVR. And honestly, a breath of fresh air to her show. In entertainment, if you take a break, people forget you and move on. Entertainers are a dime a dozen. Wendy should realize this and at least thank the man who kept her chair, and her time slot, warm for a while.
  9. Finally saw this episode and I have to agree with others... The "crime" is committed, the case is investigated, the case is tried and the jury comes back with their verdict all in the span of a high school girl's visit to a college she wants to attend? Come on, Show! We are not the stupid, nor can we suspended reality THAT far! I feel like the show thinks we are dumb. Honestly, I don't even care about the Chunk daughter storyline enough to even try and fudge the timeline. It added nothing except a reason to accept the case. It would've been better for them to have that last conversation on the phone or FaceTime. Ridiculous!
  10. When opening the challenge he used the words "by any means necessary." I guess that's not accurate. When yelled the neck warning I thought, "What? That is the definition of by any means necessary!" Also, was there a rule aganist slipping the hoop over your head sitting it around your waist and using your whole body to move it to the post? That's what I would've done.
  11. Was that Breckin Meyer as the First Brother? Wow. He really cleans up well.
  12. Thyme was easy. Rosemary should've been easier. I think a few of them messed up on their textures. "Awesome" baking lady is the one who doubled her recipe but forgot to double her eggs. I've done something similar but I had a 2 year old running around at the time. Also, I caught the mistake and corrected. How was the batter not too thick before she baked it?
  13. So, Penny is getting into multiple fights at school. A letter is sent home regarding her fighting and need for parent conference. Then, President Dad finds out that his daughter is not fighting because she's mad or sad but because she is protecting kids from bullies. What the WHAT?!?!?!? Are you telling me the school sent home word that this little girl is fighting but forget to add the information that she is protecting people? RIDICULOUS!!!!! I would be so pissed at that principal she wouldn't know right from left when I was done with her. First off, why didn't you give me all the information at the beginning? Next, why do you have known bullies at this very expensive, very exclusive private school? The school knew Penny was protecting kids from known bullies, my question is why didn't the school take care of the bullies themselves? Are the bullies' parents that rich, that well connected? Known bullies should be well watched and suspended or expelled if they continue their bullying. I think this school doesn't need the prestige of having the First Daughter attending. I would take my daughter out and send her elsewhere. Sorry, that whole storyline really sticks in my craw.
  14. Every time I heard his name I started singing "Mr. Wendell" by Arrested Development. Couldn't help myself.
  15. Alyssa had a FANTASTIC look on the runway. Everything worked for her. The snatched waist, the ballet neckline, the hair. Everything! She should refer back to this look and insist the PR stylists make her look this put together and awesome every week. I had no problem with Helen's eggplant. Last time I looked, eggplant was purple. Did they want her to use magenta or some awful 70's bright purple? I guess so. I loved the eggplant and good on her for pairing it with a bold, beautiful teal. I love the color combination. I liked the design, except for the short leg under the drape. It was a dumb idea. If it had been full pants, love it. No more lingerie on the runway. Who, save a Hollywood starlet, would wear that to an event? Just to have people mention bedclothes all night? No thanks. I dunno, maybe if I was a size -4. Love Anthony. I didn't mind his dress. The design didn't look completely finished, like the cutout...too small. I thought it has potential though. I'm glad Merline went home. I think she has a very interesting esthetic. It's just seems like she only had one idea, architectural. It's a good idea but I think she needs to broaden her horizons. I don't think an entire line of nothing but architectural pieces would be interesting. It would get boring pretty quickly, to me. Ken should send Anthony a Candy-Gram or an Edible Arrangement or something for giving him a well needed kick in the butt. I call BS on the judges saying Edmond used his complementary color well. A bow in the back of the dress was a good use? Personally, I don't have issue with that. I just thought the judges would have expected, and wanted a different use of the color than a simple bow in the back. I feel that other designers would've gotten ripped apart for not being original or gutsy if they had done that. Stanley looked thrilled to be able to collaborate with Issac. Good for him. Hope all goes well. I think Issac would be fun to work with.
  16. I officially can't stand Paige. She said Walter wouldn't even try to dumb down his Pictionary for her game night with her friends. Why should he. That's how he thinks. I don't think he was trying to be obtuse and difficult (at first, at least) he was just drawing what he read. Obviously his friends understood exactly what he was drawing. She tries to change him when he is with her friends, when he is with his friends, when they are alone together...all the time. I get it is her job to help him (and the rest) be more understanding to normal people, but she shouldn't always be in the clock. She's his girlfriend, not his mother. If Paige is so exasperated with Walter being on a different level than she is, she needs to let go of this relationship. Because, I'll tell ya, TRYING TO CHANGE YOUR PARTNER IS GOING TO BACKFIRE AND BLOW UP IN YOUR FACE!!!!! If Paige doesn't like him for who he is, good and bad, she needs to move on. Quit trying to change him. He's a jackass, yes, but that is who he is. Can we be honest? Walter is smarter than Paige. Sorry. He is nowhere near as savvy, but he is smarter. Suck it up Paige. You are intelligent enough but he is book smarter. To get offended when he mentions this is understandable, but it is also true. I get it, but no one is holding you hostage. Leave. Please, Paige, leave. Please!!!!!! Sorry, I just haven't liked her for a long time. I want Sly and Florence together. I will be ticked off if there is a triangle. The only good to come from a triangle is that maybe Paige will see that her boyfriend is desirable to other women just the way he is... No changing necessary.
  17. I just watched and I kept telling Bryn to use that royal icing she made as mortar for her walls. Even if it had stayed up, I think she would've gone home because she didn't have any discernable pineapple flavor in her cookies. Shame, she was good and cute too. I like Alex but I also thought he should have been gone weeks ago. Abby was doing well until about two weeks ago. I wonder if the pressure is getting to her or if her bag of tricks is empty? Linsey for the win, for me. I think she is good and she is baking things other than cookies and cake. She even mentioned she was doing something different this week. Her pies looked nice, a touch more sugar and she might have won. I just think she is super hard on herself. I hope she has some perspective if she does lose.
  18. That's the thing that always annoys me with the twists on all these type shows. They give the twists after the baked item is in the oven, for most bakers. Usually, the twists would work well incorporated into the dish but it is usually to late to do so.
  19. Rachel was a bitch. Sorry. I don't watch the Bachelor or Bachelorette but I just didn't like her. I also thought that other than Courtney and Lily and Kevin and Ashley, everyone else was at a severe disadvantage. I would think it would be so uncomfortable to make out in front of anyone, much less someone I had already had a "relationship" with. Rachel was way too critical in a contest that was a joke to begin with. Bibbiana made a "joke" about Ally needing to puke when having to kiss Josiah. Ha Ha...she's sooooooo funny. I thought it was rude and mean spirited. The poor girl felt awful. Josiah felt awful. Not to mention they were mackin pretty hard from the get go. Hell, first night. At least they stayed with each other. I mean, Ally didn't get thrown over for ASHLEY I of all people. Ugly side showing Bibi. Dean's a player. However, the contest was a joke to me from start. I think he and Lesley were trying to have fun with it. God forbid someone not want to have mouth sex in front of their ex. The comments about how Stassi was more into the kiss than Luke. I was proud of Luke. He was only going to kiss as deeply as Stassi was comfortable with so he let her lead. Good for him. If course, we know this because we see the talking heads and other scenes, the pretentious judges don't know the backstories. Claire annoys me. And the no tears crying is too much. She loves being in the Bachelor family and really plays up all they expect from her. Ugh!
  20. Oh, he give a shit. Publicity. WW story was on HLN this morning.
  21. I like the kids this season. And I think they are talented cake bakers. I was suprisingly glad Alex retried his tie dye cake and improved. I am also glad he used his leftover cake to make the sun because it was different from everyone else's. I felt bad for Julia. I thought she'd go to the end, she really did well at the beginning of the season. She also did something different with the cream puffs. I was thrilled to watch these kids make something besides cake and cookies. And, she's a sweet girl. I hope she gets her giant, pink stuffed cat soon.
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