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Everything posted by Destiny74

  1. I get that crafty can be an insult. I always found it to be a complement. However, it implies that someone can make something stunning out of relatively cheap things. Kinda like the first challenge this year...making an outfit out of dollar store goods. I imagine some Queens don't have a sugar daddy or haven't been in the biz long enough to make the bank it takes to buy the really nice, quality fixings. Crafty is actually a really good skill to hone in that situation.
  2. He's the "Dred Pirate Roberts"! Yes!
  3. I agree with what you said. If Terra wants to jump off a cliff by naming the wine she is backing something that is obviously going to cause issues, fine. My problem was how nonchalantly she told Tanya to dump her wine idea and be the face of Terra's. Ridiculous!!!! Yeah, Tanya, dump a business idea you have been working on for a while to play second fiddle to Terra. Sounds like a great life choice. Now that I am thinking about it, Terra knows this Black Girl Moscato is going to cause waves. She also knows she's going to get interviews and press to explain her terrible decision. Lastly, she thinks that having a black partner is going to exonerate her from being labled because of her awful choices. If this thing is real, she's doing it to keep her name in the tabloids. I guess she really believes that any press is good press. Gotcha number on this one, Terra.
  4. I enjoyed the episode. My one big takeaway? What was Tisha Campbell-Martin wearing? I think it is a nice enough dress (but I don't like dresses that show that much cleavage, in general) but for a younger, much more pert lady. It actually looked painful the way her breasts were pulled apart and taped into that dress.
  5. Yep. I remember thinking, "That kid is going to biff and take a header on that concrete. Someone needs to stop him before he gets hurt and ANW gets sued." I LOVED this episode!!!!!! These are the nail biters I have been hoping for all season. I was super impressed with the rookie team. They will be ones to watch during the regular season. Especially that Kyle guy and The Kid. Very impressive. I like Kevin Bull but those newbies were awesome. I love Daniel Gil but I was kinda rooting for the rookies. That last run was awesome. The Lizard almost caught Daniel there at the end. Looking forward to next week. I really like the Eskimo Ninja and Najee Richardson. Najee is a super impressive young man. He owned the "new" obstacle (the one The Creator came up with - can't remember the name) last year and was one of the few who actually passed it in Stage 2. I found it funny that Daniel Gil said the new class of Warriors coming up are ones to watch. I know he was referencing The Kid but The Lizard would fall into that category also but is 4 years older than Gil. That made me chuckle. Besides the fact that he was a newbie only 2 years ago. Now he just an old foggie.
  6. I was glad Aaron was safe. I like him. Not to mention I've had some rolls that have split. Usually they can be covered by a decoration but I figure the pre bake piping was the decoration, so that's that. I don't know what I would do with gooseberries. I'd have run up and grabbed what I really wanted, I guess. Elbows, headlocks, and body slams to get a berry I knew would taste good. I agree about the twists. They are dumb. But, they are always there. No surprise to have Random Host show up half way through and announce a twist. Does Scott Conant even bake? I liked the show last year and will tune in again but I am Leary about his baking knowledge. As long as no one tries to serve him a raw red onion....
  7. I agree with AZ Curls. Please spare yourself. Just go read the posts from last season of the show. They will give you a taste to the icky.
  8. I agree about Elena. She quits everything we've seen her try and do. Her passion is great if her success is easy. If it takes work, perseverance, and figuring a way around all the "nos" that get thrown at her it is too much and down the toilet it goes. I was afraid she was going to get Jasmine sucked into being her partner, or if she still will suck her in later this season. That is one thing I can give to Terra. She hustles. Maybe too much, forsaking anything else. But she finds an "in" and runs with it. I wonder if LW was her idea and her hustle or if she was brought into the idea and ran it all the way to EP.
  9. I was watching recordings of earlier this week and on Monday (I think) she had a segment with an entertainment reporter. I can't remember her name but the reporter needs to go back to journalism school. She reported on some rapper named Fabolous. She then talked about some exec at Nickelodeon leaving the network. Ok. Then she goes into gossip and her own speculation that he did something inappropriate (#METOO). Whoa! How about not sticking that lable on someone unless there is some proof. He may or may not be horrible but those accusations could ruin a career and a life. Oh, then she backtracked and said no one has.said anything about anything. Crap reporting. Wendy, please don't ever invite her back. I would say no, she has no friends. She dumped all of the people she was friendly with because they were "for a reason, for a season". She still has Reg. I think that is the only friend she ever mentions. She doesn't need friends. See, she has a happy marriage (?) and a wonderful child. That's all she needs besides money and fame.
  10. Autumn doesn't need a license but she does need some sort of picture ID. I don't think Christy and Todd should push this license thing. She obviously doesn't want to drive. But, if she doesn't drive and still wants to move out, she can find her own transportation. Unless she is living in a seriously urban, downtown area, she'll need to spend money and time on the bus. That could cost a pretty penny. If I were Christy I would help her get into a college and into a dorm. Without a dorm situation, I promise this girl will be moving back home before the semester ends. She has no clue what it takes to live without mom paying the bills and filling the fridge. She can't get an apartment, she has no clue. I'm shocked and suprised that Terra cancelled her book tour. Maybe she did learn something from her time on DWTS. I hope she was being truthful and not just cancelling because she knows it'll look good if she does. I just don't trust anything about Terra, she is a drama queen through and through. Jasmine shut down that could be fight at Benji's party. Good for her. More hostesses on these LW shows should learn from her. Did I mishear or did Elena say she wouldn't start anything with Terra at Benji's party because she would never do anything to ruin a child's party? Um, did she forget what she and Terra did last week at Autumn's party? Maybe she only meant parties for children under 2? Elena needs to slow down with this beauty bar idea. Good idea, I suppose, but she (much like Autumn) has no clue. She needs to do more research and learning before throwing her and her Preston's nest egg I to a business that won't work because it was never fleshed out.
  11. She was taking inspiration from her home in Washington. Wait! I thought key lime was a Florida thing? Guess I learned something today. I think that challenge in the first episode may have helped her here, I guess not. I did feel sorry for her with the licorice. I hate licorice. In fact, my father was the only person I know who liked the flavor. The production just wanted to screw with the slowest person. I find that distasteful. Who was sent home? My DVR cut out. Thanks.
  12. If he is accredited by some other organization, they should mention it in the intros. It would make me not pine for someone with real cred to take the first seat. Like I said, I actually like Ben. I just wish he was something more accredited that "Two time winner". He very well may be. If so, production needs to mention it, it's a fail on their part. Personally, I like two time winner Theo better. I like his cheesy jokes. I'm just afraid he.may be a Brooklyn hipster.
  13. I felt bad for the patrons at the first bar they went to. (They obviously signed waivers though, so not too bad). It looked like a bunch of average Joes at their corner bar and in comes these hooligan old chicks trying to re-live their youth. If you want a trashy girl's night out, go to a trashy place. To have Mika call out Elena for not being trashy and not "having fun" was lame. Not everyone enjoys dancing on a bar and doing shots from their friend's crotches. I would've been totally out of place there. Then again, I think elena was being a bit difficult. But hey, why let her ruin your good time? Like calling her out was all the sudden going to make her take off her bra and dance on the bar? Ignore her and do what you're there for. If Mika lives in NorCal, she isn't going to be a regular, is she? She was obviously asked to act just like Terra. I mean, who calls out someone they don't know and only met 5 minutes ago? Really? It's your place to police the fun of the evening when you don't even know some of the women there? It's ACTING! (In my head that is shouted out like Jon Lovitz used to do on SNL so many years ago). ?
  14. I always think they have one hell of a cast and crew barbeque!
  15. Me too. There is something about her that just gets me riled up. Ugh. But I love Grant McCartney. He seems like a genuine guy and, what a doll. I was rooting for him and Craver. It's just a shame Natalie had to win also. I'm sorry for Brandon Mears and I hope his son is ok. However, I dislike the "Towers of Power" schtick and I'm thrilled I don't have to watch their bro-ing around on this show. They tried to humanize thwmselves last ANW season and it fell on my deaf ears. Felt like they knew the bromance was annoying to the audience and had to change their characters. It felt cheap. Heck, I might not like the whole TOP thing but, if that is who you are, be it and be proud. I'd respect them more as authentic Bros rather than fake sensitive men. Seemed interesting to me that Stillings opened a gym and now has enough clientele to NOT work the gym but put his team into the business end. Most of the ninjas who open gyms are the opposite. They kill thselves to get out of the office and onto the gym floor. Hey, whatever makes him happy, it just stuck out to me. And, he's only 23? That is impressive.
  16. I agree that coal forging seems to be a specific sub-skill set but, by now, if you apply to this show and can't use a coal forge (or create Damascus) you shouldn't apply. It's like Survivor. If you can't start a fire or build a rough shelter, you haven't done your homework and you're taking someone else's place. Also, about Ben as a judge. I'm biased. He's a nice guy and all but I don't think being a two time winner is basis for being a judge. I started watching with Jason as the blade making expert. Then I watched J. On Demand. They are both master bladesmiths which gives them cred in my mind. If Ben is a master bladesmith, they don't introduce him that way. I miss Doug going to town on dummies. I hope he heals completely soon.
  17. I love the dynamic Chris Rose and Kenny Florian have. They really, truely love the carnage. I hope they return for the new season. The hostess? I prefer the season one lady, Molly. She seemed more into the bots. She made other observations besides, "Oh, that bot is pretty.". I'd like to see her again.
  18. Wouldn't it have been a good idea to take the ice meta along to the fire? Cisco could've vibed her there immediately and I imagine her power would've been somewhat helpful? I hope Matthew becomes a lasting part of the team. I'm kinda sick of them "saving" a meta just to lose them later. I still need to know The Thinker's endgame. It's driving me crazy. It was nice to have an episode where no one was in mortal danger of having their brain sucked.
  19. I was watching the reruns of season 1 and 2 yesterday and it really made me nostalgic for Bobby. He was witty but carried himself with a certain authority. And he could laugh at himself. Heck, I think I snarked in him when he was host but you don't know what you got until it's gone. Oh FN... Bring back Bobby.
  20. I also agree that Tonya is better off without Kerwin. I also think Kerwin's return was a plot device to give Tonya a reason last season. And I'd assume Kerwin got a paycheck for his appearance also. But I also maintain that Tonya doesn't want a real relationship. She wants a man who will do and be who she wants him to be. She wants to call the shots totally and that's tough when your talking about demanding from another human who has wants and needs of their own. Tonya needs to be Tonya for a while. It looks like the ladies are going to try and get her to jump back on the dating horse. No, no and no. Stay single. Please.
  21. Look, I like air fresheners and I use Gold Bond lotion religiously but I agree with everyone saying enough is enough of the plugs. They are shameless and kinda sad. I have no idea if the plugs are to make money for the show or to make money for Wendy. I wonder. Is the cash for these shameless plugs going into her pocket? I'd hope not. But if they are for the show budget, what the heck, show? You need money that badly? Why? Where is the budget for the show going? Did someone get a large raise? I'm kinda confused. I, admittly, don't know anything about where budget comes from for talk shows but I don't see Jerry Springer plugging things on his show. So, I am honestly asking if anyone knows anything about this.
  22. Wendy thinks that Sheree's boyfriend is gone when he gets out of jail? Why? He's got it good. She works, he can kick back and blame his lack of employment on his incarceration. Hell, men live off successful women all the time. Some even parley their relationship into a job, as a manager or executive producer or something. They can cheat on the woman too. But why leave the woman when the woman makes the money?
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