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Everything posted by Destiny74

  1. First off, Terra was awful as the host. I thought she was pretty mehh as host for Dallas but here, she was terrible. She spent so much time mugging for the camera and trying to get attention drawn to herself. And what is up with the Auntie Entity braid styles? She needs to soften that shit up a bit. Minnie needs to tell her mom to back off. I guess she gets some compensation when she shows up on air but I think Tammi needs to get another job and leave the shit stirring on TV to her daughter. Sam, you are a waste of airtime. You need to figure out a storyline FOR YOURSELF. Butting into Tanya's baby daddy drama makes you look stupid because you are only getting stupid Tanya's version on things. Bust out, get a job, find a man...something. Tiny Twinz. Ugh. Soooo tough when you are together but so pathetic on your own. And I absolutely CAN NOT with Andrea trying to get with Chris again. She and Tanya need to start a club for women who will not face the reality that making more babies with a man who doesn't give two shits about you will NOT make him love you. Amanda dear, make your own life. Your sad ass sister cares more about her dead beat baby daddy than your "huge" career hosting as the Tiny Twins. Go out and find your way and make her regret picking him. Monie looked really nice but she didn't look like herself. Maybe she's trying to get classy? Looks like some fireworks next week with her ex. I still maintain that she wants her son to join her in Atlanta to give her a storyline. Moving that young man would be a bad, bad move. Juicy, are you trying to win the Joe Gnoffo Drunken Idiot Award? Not that she did anything particularly embarrassing, but the constant nips (which I maintain was water or red bull) from your flask just looked dumb. And Minnie did have a point about that dress...not flattering at all. Finally, dumb ass, sad ass, conniving, Tanya. Give up trying to make Nico want you, and when he doesn't trying to make him look bad. Yes, he is a jackass and was absent for a lot of your son's life but YOU LAID DOWN WITH HIM AND CREATED ANOTHER BABY!!!! I still think that he never lied to you about who he was or what he wanted from you. I think you heard what you wanted and built a dream senario in your head about a happy family with him. Your chance at a happy family was with Vaughn but you screwed him over. Just thank God that Vaughn seems like such a good father that his is willing to put up with your crap and take care of your children. He seems like a good guy. And stop being so smug and damn self righteous about everyone else's situations. You are the absolute last person I would take advice from. Get your own shit together and stop blaming others for your incredibly poor life choices. Whew...sorry about the rant. These ladies just seem to tick one of my boxes.
  2. So Josh reinvented himself from metro sexual sushi chef to "doesn't look like he's washed his hair since he was kicked off the last competition" Dad?
  3. I really would like to believe that. I really would...
  4. She could have developmental delays totally unrelated to her dwarfism. If she does, it takes A LOT of hard work from parents and therapists to hit those milestones. Joe and Terra will really have to step it up if that is the case. Either way, I wish her well. And, in this regard, I wish Terra and Joe well too.
  5. Where to start... Joe, we aren't fooled. Drinking liquor out of a coffee cup is still drinking liquor. Tonya, pointing your finger and saying Terra threw you under the bus? Point that finger back at yourself. Your mouth got everyone pissed this season. Jasmine, it is ok to be apologetic for coming off as a total bitch at the wrong moment, we know you don't want to lose fans. But, the gift? It was a little much. Seemed like grovelling. Still. I am glad that is over and done with. Brianna, Christy has no class because she did a video that upset you? No sweetie, no class is being in the hospital, on "deaths door" with a blocked colon and NOT telling your family, who was taking care of your child, where you were so they could pay their last respects. No class is erasing an old friend out of your life for doing something you turn around and do to another friend...with no apologies. No class is erasing yet another friend from your life, the only friend you have left, because she is concerned about some messages your loser husband left for her. I don't think she knows what class is. Terra, do you not talk to your husband about anything? Did you not share the cover photos with him when you got them? Or did you really wait til the cameras were rolling? I know, that when scene was acted...badly acted. You wait to plan a "huge" birthday party for your daughter until 5 days out? Yeah, you do seem like family is a priority. Should've not called it a big party, then the thrown togetherness of the whole thing would have seemed better. Also, just sign the damn release for Christy. Or don't, I don't get a fart. Just don't be Petty about the whole thing. Lastly, you have a problem with Christy using m***** but when you had asta on the couch last week you hardly said anything about her using the word. You are so freaking transparent. Do you stand aganist the word m***** like you said you stood for no bullying (on DWtS)? Because you basically sat down when you realized your incredible hypocrisy on that one. Finally, the after show with Michelle Collins. Why are you so up Terra's ass? She's not a producer on that one. Say what is real, not what you think she wants to hear. I don't need to spend 30 minutes hearing how great Terra is...she already makes sure we know that.
  6. I'm just sick to death that they all have to have a story behind everything they cook. Yes, I want to see a personality but not everything you cook has to be because your mom made something similar or your kids won't eat veggies unless they are hidden. Sometimes, as shocking as this may seem, I like to try new things that sound tasty, not because I am longing for the pate my great grandma made. The stories become disingenuous and you know they are fake. FN needs to stop pushing these next stars to pull stories out of this butts.
  7. That's exactly what I was telling at my TV...cut his damn head off! He already lived through one "fatal" meeting with Sunny. If I were Sunny I would've chopped his head off for good measure before I checked on Veil and Henry. The stupidity!
  8. Yeah but if Amanda and Andrea aren't together, what happens to the zillions of people who "want" the tiny twins? Who will create another terrible perfume? Who will host game night on my cruise? Who will twerk in the club for money?
  9. When I need ma pills, I caint be trying to juggle the child proof top when weaving in and out of rush hour traffic. What? They want me to have an accident?!?!
  10. The "m*****" thing is something I am sure will get airtime next season. I find it to fit into the category of reclaiming the word. Some black people use the "N" word, some women using "bitch". Personally, I don't like those words but hey, if the person using them is part of that group, who am I to say it doesn't give them power over that word to reclaim it? Kevin Frazier for the win. He was respectful but also called the ladies in their shit. Terra let so much fall through the cracks it wasn't funny. I'd love to see him host again. But, how would Terra flee from being a wife and mother? DWTS is over. She needs something else to keep her from being "just a mom" like Jasmine and Elena.
  11. I think, Alapaki, you are my favorite! In real life, I would never critic someone's parenting skills, unless real harm was going to come to the kids or parents. However, this is reality TV and I think if they put it out there, it's for my entertainment. Therefore... I don't have issue with Terra doing DWTS. It's only a few months and she should be home every night. But to hop from that commitment straight into writing a book? When you are not even a writer? When the publishing company wants it done in 6 months? When is she going to find the time? I'll tell you when. Everyday, all day long, as long, as she is not filming. I know they will hire a ghost writer, but that person has to get the stories from somewhere and that take time. Not to mention the production work (what does she really do as EP) for all the LW shows, and the reunions, and the guest starting in Dallas, and the appearances at events. And she wants to renovate the home? I think she THINKS she is doing the right thing for her family. She's riding the wave right now because she knows it will crash soon and catching another sweet one may not happen. But, she will look back one day and realize what she missed. Hopefully it will not make too much of a lasting impression on her kids. Hopefully she can find some mothering time before they get too old. Kids know when they are not priority, but they may not understand why their parents sacrificed that time until they are much, much older. With all that, and how seriously Elena seems to take the position of godparent, I have no problem with Elena decision. Although, Elena sounded like the Virgin Mary when she was telling Terra that she stays at home raising her kids. Ugh! Glad you have that luxury. But for Terra to tell Elena she's not doing anything with her life is just as bad. Working moms and SAHM need to get over this divide. Some Moms have to work to make ends meet. Some are blessed to be able to stay home. Some would go insane staying at home all day. Just stop throwing shade at other women. NOT ALL MOMS ARE THE SAME! WHAT WORKS FOR ONE DOES NOT WORK FOR ALL. AND ONE FOLLOWING THEIR PATH DOES NOT MAKE THEM BETTER THAN ANOTHER. Sorry about the rant, touchy subject for me.
  12. Caylea: I felt bad for her too. Mainly because at the beginning of the reunion she said that the "real" people - her friends - were sitting on that couch with her but then the rest of the show Emily was mocking her, laughing at her, rolling her eyes at her, it was humiliating to watch. I guess in Little Women: Dallas world, Emily's money can buy her minions. That's the only reason I can imagine why Caylea didn't tell that bitch that all her money is only buying her a first class ticket to hell! I wanted Caylea to ask Emily what she thought was so pig-snorting funny. Caylea has frienemies but she is targeting her ugliness on the wrong people. She's taking all her anger at Emily out on the other ladies. That is truly selling your soul to the devil. It makes me mad that Emily got away with all her crap this season. Re: Amanda. I watched the after show with Michelle Collins on Tuesday and Caylea made it sound like they jumped straight into shooting the next season, so I would bet that Amanda's boyfriend issues are going to play out then and they didn't want to "spoil" her storyline. I imagine it would have something to do with him shacking up with Amanda (not getting his own place) and him not being happy in Dallas. We will see. That is, if I can stand another season of Emily running her mouth and not getting throat punched for the shit she pulls. I think I dislike Emily ALMOST as much as I dislike Terra. Shocking!
  13. What a joke of a finale reunion. The whole stolen mini bar idea was grazed over but they spent forever on Tiffani and her Ohio Sponge. Crazy Emily telling Caylea that she isn't ready for a child. No, she isn't but neither are you. Neither one of you are mature enough to put someone else first. Uggh. Pot calling the kettle black, Emily! I had to laugh when Emily and Bri wanted to critic everyone else's relationships. Emily, your man was downright mean when you told him you were pregnant and throughout your pregnancy. And Bri, dear, you seem like a sweet gal but you are staying with a man who won't marry you or, for that matter, even be committed to you. You girls need to clean your own houses before you go giving advice to others. Terra wasn't a bad host but she certainly wasn't good. I prefer that Kevin fellow. And to say you didn't know anything that was going on with Emily and asta? You either were totally blind or totally stupid. If you're going to "invest" in a company, do some research. Especially since it would've been a snap since you are EP All in all, a major disappointment. Waste of my DVR.
  14. I think that just because someone has a terrible disease or (God forbid) dies, it does not make them a nice person or necessarily excuse their bad behavior. I don't speak "ill of the dead" but if someone pointedly asks me if I like them or think they have treated me well, I will tell the truth, in as nicely a way I can. Just because Terra had a cancer scare does not excuse her presumptions or terrible fit throwing at the twins baptism party. And it does not make her a good friend during her DWTS time. Elena needs to stuck to her gun regarding this if she truly felt that way to begin with. Her fight with Terra at the beginning of the episode was real and how she felt. She doesn't owe Terra an apology for her feelings regarding Terra's tantrum. She had a right to be miffed.
  15. So, Terra was so concerned that Jasmine and Tanya were worried about her test results that she waited to set up a playday at bumper boats instead of calling them immediately when she processed the news herself? Wow, her concern and care for her friends is staggering.
  16. Disclaimer: my toddler only let me watch the first ten minutes but I need to get this out. Tanya needs to keep other people's news from spewing out if her mouth. First, she tells Terra that Elena wants her to be her kids godmother when Elena told Tanya she was having doubts about Terra's friendship and parenting skills. Tanya started that whole baptism fit Terra threw by blabbing. Now she tells Elena that Terra has a breast issue that is cancerous. Not that it MAY be cancerous, but that it was cancerous. Was she exaggerating because she didn't hear correctly (or heard what she wanted) or because she wanted to make it more so Elena would come crawling back for Terra's friendship? Either way, keep it to yourself Tanya. IT IS NOT YOUR NEWS!!!
  17. Isn't the body she is in still married with kids? Or did they take care if that and I just missed it?
  18. No amount of money is going to replace the feelings Andre is going to have when he Googles his mom one day. He knows she's not around now and obviously misses her (the fits he throws when she leaves TX or he goes back after a visit) but to hear such blatant favoritism towards his sister is going to cut deep. I feel bad for that kid. Kool-Aid man, LOL. I totally can't unsee that now. Tubal ligation. Yes! And serious therapy for her and her kids. That's in one thing I give Terra. I think she will tell her kids they can do anything even though they are little. Tanya is just going to break down everytime her kids have any issue instead of being tough and fighting. Not only that but now Tanya wants us, the viewers, to believe she is over Nico and he's the bad guy. I think he is a turd but I also think she knew he was a turd from the get go. After making TWO babies with him, she just now gets that he's no really interested in her? Idiot! Now he's a bad guy for doing and being who he always told her he was? He's the bad guy because he didn't change for her? Idiot! You're the bad guy for laying down with him after he proved to you he was a dick father. Idiot! Bri is going to be in the same situation unless she gets some self confidence and moves on from a romantic relationship with Wooda (Dallas). Can't really feel sorry for these girls, I learned in my youth that I would rather be alone than with a man who didn't love and cherish the awesomeness that I am! ?
  19. So, Asta created what Emily wanted and Emily liked two of the six versions of the graffiti logos. Everything was fine between them. THEN Terra said they were low class and cheap and all if the sudden they weren't good enough for Emily or even what she asked for in the first place. This girl (Emily) is a real piece of work. When she was on LWA there was no mention of a trust fund or any indication that she had any money at all, other than the pocket change being "a cheek" brought in. Now, with the trust money (wherever that came from and I am actually really interested in knowing about that) she thinks her sh#t don't stink. She's riding high on her cash and she delusionally thinks it makes her a more important person. Nope, still as low class as ever, now she just has enough money to hire an attorney so she can steal ideas from her "friend" and scare her into not taking action against her. Back to the hot mess dubbed Mini Bar. So Terra wants some kind of classy, high end martini bar and Emily wants a jumpin' hip hop bar. Didn't Terra ask to see a business plan? Did she read it? Does she know Emily? Does she think the Emily she knows would want to open a classy, snobby martini bar? Is she stupid? Did she just jump into this so she could be on LWD with some kind if purpose? Is she just an attention whore? Ok, I know the answer to that last one. Answers, please! Another real question. Emily paid Asta a fee and 5% stake for her logo work. That leaves 95%. She also said that Terra is a 50% owner (because Emily wanted Terra's name on the project). So, does Emily now have 45% ownership? For doing absolutely nothing, Terra gets a full 50%? Or did Emily give Terra 47.5% making them equal shareholders? Because if Terra has more stake, I can see why her opinion means more than Emily's but if they are equal, that means Emily is just a sniveling coward who can see straight because her nose is so far up Terra's butt. I really want to know. Emily had no backbone when Terra was ripping her bar, and her whole idea about entertainment in said bar, up and down. Truthfully it made Terra look like a judgemental snob. She doesn't know the crowd in Dallas and I would say it is quite different from the scene in LA. And she said the place looked cheap and trashy and ratched. Um, dear delusional Terra, did you not see the outfit you were wearing on your show a couple of weeks ago? The red "jumpsuit" you wore to the Sex Health Fair? That getup was the definition of trashy, cheap, and ratched. I dunno. They both piss me off. I hate watch both if them. Good to see Caylea get her shit together. Hope she does well with the makeup. Tiffani and the Ohio Sponge...I just don't understand. At least he has a job now but is it a job in Ohio or Dallas? Is he moving back in full time? If so, why not get engaged? You can be engaged for years. She said she knew she was going to marry him, just not right now. Why not? If he is moving in, it is not like you are going to be sowing your oats while he is living with you. What's the point? Other than the fact that he is barely legal enough to buy a lottery ticket by himself... Last thought. Amanda and her boyfriend are so cute but if he moves to Dallas I hope they don't live together immediately. They should both have places for like 6 months - a year. They should ease into the relationship again, not go straight to playing house. Not to mention the mess that could happen if he is not happy in Dallas and leaves her to return to Arizona. Another long one. Sorry about that. And once again, I am obnoxious!
  20. YES! LOL...reading my mind! Did the hospital not offer classes in caring for a newborn? Or was he to "in control" to admit he has no idea what he is doing. Thank goodness they have a nanny. I think the only way Christy's family could afford that new house was to pool in with Mom and Dad. Christy helps with Dad and they all help pay the mortgage (or rent). With the prices in CA, I would think they are living together because no one can afford to live in such a large home on their own. I dunno, could be wrong. Not to mention, at the time Christy and Todd we're doing those fertilization treatments and the adoption stuff which cost quite a but of loot. That being said, mom needs to back off and follow some simple rules that seem to be just common courtesy. I'd take issue and have serious words with my mom regarding the Autumn situation.
  21. Andrea needs to take acting lessons because the fake crying is terrible. Andre is one day going to see these episodes where his mother is crying and carrying on about missing Aubry but never mentioning him. Oh, she misses Aubry sooooo much. Um, you have another child in Texas you hardly see but can't even say you miss Aubry AND Andre soooo much? Sam needs her own storyline. She's dead weight. Tanya needs help, like professional help.
  22. I thought it was sad the other day when Jenna Elfman was on and Wendy didn't even know she had two boys instead of girls. Does she not research? Or at least read the basic research her interns do for her? Hell, they even had pictures of the boys so someone there knew. It makes her look uninformed, uninterested in her guests and just plain lazy.
  23. If you are supposed to be named as godmother to a child, you are included in the baptism ceremony (this can be done by proxy if the godparent cannot be at the baptism). Explain to me how Terra thought she was still going to be godmother to Elena's boys when the baptism had already happened and they were already at the party? Terra told Elena that she was dumb if she didn't know why Terra was upset (and whining, and making everything all about her AGAIN) but the same, and more, could be said for Terra for not knowing what a godmother's role is during the actual baptism ceremony. She could have done some research, asked Elena what is necessary, realized that Elena is not that close a friend anymore and being named the godmother was a long shot, or a million other things to ward off her tantrum at the party. I think naming someone as a godparent is just a nice thing to say and do for a lot of people but for Preston and Elena (and Jasmine and Chris, obviously) it is a much more serious matter. Godparents, in the religious a sense, help raise the child in the church and promise to care for the child if anything should happen to the parents. Terra knew Elena was still miffed at her and I think she knew that Elena still felt Terra was putting her career ahead of her family. Of course they wouldn't want Terra to raise her children if something untimely happened. THIS WAS JUST ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF TERRA MAKING EVERYTHING ALL ABOUT HERSELF. That being said, Elena had a smirky little smile on her face when Terra said, "Really?" She thought it was cute I funny. I know, I know...scripted reality. But the whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth. Is Joe trying to look like a complete douche at all times now? The huge chain, not wanting Christy to be in the same room as his kids, drinking like a fish, giving Terra a hard time leaving when she is obviously trying to storm out and make a scene? Dude really needs help. Either with an alcohol problem or his desperate need for attention. I wish Christy would say one last thing to Brianna...that she screwed up and knows they'll never be friends again BUT that she is over it and Brianna is not as important to Christy's life as she so delusionally think she is. I swear Brianna thinks Christy has nothing better to do than sit and conjure up ways to destroy Brianna. Wake up sister...you are not that important to people's lives. You are not her rising sun. Thanks to your hypocrisy, Christy seems done trying to get you to forgive her and be friends again. Thank heavens for small favors. I can't believe I am actually on Christy's side. Thanks for letting me vent. ?. One last thing, am I the only one who wouldn't go telling everyone that I might have cancer? I would wait until the doctors knew for certain. I just wouldn't want everyone worrying and fretting until there was a real diagnosis. My husband would be the only one who knew there might be a problem. I dunno, that's what happened when I had a weird mam that needed further investigation. And Michelle Collins said one the after show that Terra is cancer free, so that's good. I might have a problem with TV Terra but would never wish cancer in anyone. Wow! That was long and I am obnoxious!
  24. I watched last night's episode this morning and I could not believe what I heard. When Terra and Brianna were meeting at the beginning of the episode, Brianna had the guts to say that her situation with Terra's manager was TOTALLY different than Christy's with Brianna's PR person. HOW SO!? Brianna claimed she was just chatting with Roy. I call major BS on that one. If Brianna had asked Roy if he could represent her and he had said sure, let's meet, she would have broken her back JUMPING at that chance. Deep down she credits Roy with Terra's new-found success and wants some of that herself. Steamed me up because I cannot stand that she was so awful to Christy about the PR thing but it is totally fine if she does it to Terra. That, and those horrible, salty looks from Terra when Christy showed up to the tequila party. Suck it up Buttercup. Christy is still on the show (for now) and a lot of your viewing audience is getting sick of her being excluded (or MIA due to health issues that no one on the show ever seems to care about) from everything. Personally, I think the whole fight and subsequent police report we're Christy's way of creating a storyline for herself to secure her job on the show. Not the best idea, but I see why she felt the need to manufacture something. Terra, as a producer, should realize this and lighten up. She didn't get arrested. She wasn't handcuffed and taken to jail in the back of a police car. She wasn't strip searched before donning the Orange and put in lockup. NOTHING HAPPENED TO HER OR HER FAMILY AND NOTHING WAS GOING TO HAPPEN TO HER OR HER FAMILY. She took it way to personally and needs to grow up and move on. Not for nothing but I think her whole overreaction in that situation is HER way of keeping herself relevant on the show and giving her a storyline too. Terra and Brianna being horrible, vile creatures to Christy is doing nothing but getting Christy tons of sympathy from the viewers...Maybe that's been the plan all along? Ugh ugh ugh. Last night's episode killed me. Sorry for the long rant, thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
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