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Everything posted by Destiny74

  1. I think they are doing exterior next week. Should be interesting. I think Drew could be in for a big shock. I think it will cost a ton to give his place curb appeal.
  2. I totally agree. Jonathan's visions aren't necessarily bad...they are just not suited to a beach house. Too dark. But I did like the driftwood he used. That brought in the beachy a bit. My only issue with Drew's room was the walk in closet. Again, if I am renting this house out for weekly visitors, who needs a closet that big. Then again, it would've been useless space. It's not like they could've created another room upstairs or anything. It would've just made the sitting area larger. Anyway, I was glad Drew won. I think this whole season for me will probably go to Drew simply because he seems to be keeping to the beach theme whereas Jonathan wants to modernize and darken everything. We'll see.
  3. I dunno. Free trip to Alaska courtesy of Lifetime TV? Especially when I (Christy) am totally in the right and everyone knows it? I'd probably go. Terra did look like a demon with her hair tonight. ??. She really needs to knock off all these ridiculous hairstyles.
  4. It must've been that 20 minutes of lucidity between his benders.
  5. Why do I feel like Terra is going to come out with... "My doctor saw signs of bipolar( or some other psychological disorder) and did some tests on me. I'm bipolar free!!!!!". {lifts arms in victory stance} Seriously though, she just can not stand for people who are supposed to be kissing her butt to give her any flak at all. These are supposed to be her minions, they aren't supposed to think she ever does anything wrong.
  6. I agree. Who in their right mind would enter a competition so team oriented if they couldn't work with a team? Someone there to cause drama, not discover their long hidden grit. There are other reality shows to try and get a spot on that actively encourage people to backstab and turn on their teammates (not that it is not entertaining, it just isn't what THIS show is supposed to be about.)
  7. Thank you. I swear I didn't hear it but didn't know for sure. Again, I think the lady may be a bit overstressed in this environment if she really is agoraphobic and may be hearing what is not really said to her.
  8. Yes to all this except the flipping kid. He is obviously high energy and I kept saying that he's gonna miss one of those and his mom is going to have to go straight from the course to the ER. One of those adults should have reigned him in a bit. I'll tell you who was adorable. Those two little Trucks boys. Telling Kristine their dad couldn't fall because he is scared of water...too hilarious...too cute.
  9. I don't like Sherman's attitude. The fact that he plainly said he doesn't work on teams is enough to not pick him. A lot of last year's competition was teamwork, or being encouraging to your team. I get that the Marine felt she could help him, and I hope she does, but there are three other people on the team who need a fourth. I honestly don't know who to believe in the argument between Sherman and Agorophobic Mom. I didn't hear the word bitch from him, even in the replay, but we also saw the edited version of their fight. However, she seems like the kind of lady who hears what she wants to hear. Did anyone hear him call her a bitch? Besides, to tell him she didn't accept his apology and then, two minutes later, hug all over him seemed weird to me. Guess I am leaning toward believing Sherman. That'll be an interesting team to watch. With the theme of the season being people who need grit, or to get their grit back, it seemed cruel to eliminate one before the comp even started. Heather had a good attitude but I would still be hurt. The three Cadre are going to be butt hurt because the drill sergeant "stacked" his team? Looked like a schoolyard pick from the editing which means everyone had a chance to pick the bigger, in shape guys. If they didn't, seems too bad for them. I probably would've done the same thing. Although I think Crying Girl is going to get on his last nerve. Love John Cena again. He is real, caring, and yet still honest with the contestants. Is he married to that wrestling twin yet?
  10. Like a hundred times. Give those two a Travel Channel show!
  11. Agreed. Totally different person. I liked her with the quirks.
  12. I'll admit that I am a junky for Grant McCartney. He is super adorable and always seems to be having fun. I also like the Eskimo Ninja last year and glad to see him return, and do so well. So, the piece where Grant went to Alaska. Probably one of my favorite pieces since I've watched to show. I giggled, I laughed. Super cute bromance!
  13. I agree totally. It bugged me that wildcards we're not necessarily given to those who almost made it, but to a bunch of women who, with all due respect, weren't going to do well on the final course. Those slots should have been give to whomever lost city finals because of timing.
  14. Didn't she have some kind of breakthrough last season in a stitch? Like she came out of one and could, all if the sudden, be normal?
  15. Oh, but Sunsheyen, you forgot Tanya's lucrative career peddling tea over her facebook page. She must be a multi-millionaire by now. ?
  16. Suzanne is trying too hard with his "Mama" thing. She's fumbled while saying it every time. I think it is who she wants to brand herself as, not who she is. It is aggrivating to me. If a person has a natural affinity for acting, they can portray themselves as someone they're not. She is not an actor. Oh, and the whining about not being heard? Happens every season on every cooking show when they do a team challenge. Stick up for yourself, make yourself heard or suck it up. Those guys ran right over her, but she allowed it. Mini Martha and her lavender. I'm surprised it worked, sounded like it was going to overwhelm the dish. She obviously has skills but I still don't like her. The Bama Boy and his Bananas Foster? I have never had Bananas Foster cooked down so far that it looked like poo. Sorry, it looked awful. Very upappetizing. I thought for sure when those two clowns left the bag at the store it was going to be Suzanne's most necessary item. Glad it wasn't. Then I was certain Rusty was going to blame Suzanne and her phone call for throwing him off and that was why he forgot the bag. Glad that didn't happen either. I want to like Rusty but he was very unlikeable this week. I may have missed something, help me out please. Why would Matthew describe his pound cake as ooey gooey? Pound cake is never ooey and gooey. It can be moist, but not gooey. Did he make a mistake in baking it so he thought it came out gooey? I was cooking dinner while watching so I probably missed something.
  17. I thought so too. LOL. I appreciated the vibrant blue dress and then Whammo! There was the red one. I like Jason. I liked Jason on HBC. Toya's hair is fun but NOT for the kitchen. I can just imagine the amount that would fall into her cooking. Nancy, you story is great but you can't just tell us who you are. You have to save time to tell about your food too. There is a fine line and she can't quite get it. I liked Rusty and Cory but I like big, lumberjack guys. The Alabama entertainer with the Beiber hair, he didn't get skewered nearly as much as he deserved for cooking corn on the cob. He didn't even make the ailoi. He needs to step it up. I didn't like Mini Martha Stewart. Not only is her name dropping obnoxious, I think she is VERY calculating. She seems sneaky to me.
  18. The Bonnie and Clyde thing really irritated me, still does. Why would someone want to aspire to be THAT couple? They were criminals and killers. "Ohhhhhh honey, let's be just like that. Let's be so in love that we both go down in a blaze of glory because we are two stupid, ignorant, amoral people." Hell, just aspire to be Hitler and Eva Braun then. They were horrible people who were supposed to be so in love they died together too. Ughhhhh. The stupidity.
  19. Production has worked so hard to make Christy look like the bad guy for years and now she actually has my sympathy. I hate how Terra is constantly so childish about Christy. Grow up. Christy had surgery with serious complications and Terra is still eye rolling when Christy's recovery is brought up. But it is totally ok for Terra to claim to be "cancer free" when she never had cancer. Who's the real drama queen. I think Christy is a nice woman (now) who is doing her best to get her own life back in order. She lost her best friend over some stupid ass shit, was totally villified last season for getting mad that someone she was having words with threw water on her and escalated a situation, lost most of her screen time which equates to her livelihood, and then had complications during surgery she is still trying to recover from. And Terra and Brianna are still acting like Christy has nothing better to do than plot their demise. She needs to toughen up. She tried to be mature when telling Terra why she wasn't going to sign the book release (not being able to trust Terra at all) and Terra turned it into a name calling fight. She needs to tell Terra that she's not taking her shit anymore. She also needs to tell Brianna that she could care less about Brianna and Matt's marriage or family crisis. Brianna still seems to think she is relevant in Christy's life, and Christy needs to spin the truth on that one ASAP. In fact, Christy is the only one not giving Brianna shit about her life. All in all, I didn't want to like Christy but I have found myself having a lot of sympathy for her.
  20. I missed episode 1 but just watched episode 2. I, personally, wouldn't want to rent a beach house for a week that was too modern. I go to the beach to be comfy and feel like I am at the beach. Jonathan's kitchen was way too modern/ city living. I liked Drew's beachier kitchen, I thought he should have won. Not to mention, I just really didn't like the light wood with the black in Jonathan's place. I guess I just don't like black in a kitchen, too dark.
  21. I agree. She knew her shtick came across as bitchy the first time she was on. If she was really concerned about the way she was portrayed, she would have worked on showing the "sweet" side. She wants to be seen as the sarcastic bitch.
  22. Where are they showing Team Ninja Warrior? I'd like to watch it but hadn't heard about it.
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