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Everything posted by Destiny74

  1. Christian seems to know HIS food, if you know what I mean. He was thrown during the Thai challenge. But, he has energy and seems fun. The only real downside is he needs to clean up. Jess doesn't aggrivate me as much as she does some other people but I would never tune in to watch her. It's true, she doesn't feel authentic. Manny is my winner. I like him. I like the food he cooks, even if it is food I can make without watching him demo it on a show. Bacon jam yummy, but I could make it without his help. I've watched FN forever. Since the Melting Pot and Cooking Live days. It's changed dramatically. I don't think any of these "tips" they are riding these people so hard to give are new or fresh. I know to peel ginger with a spoon, heard it for years (even though I am not a fan of fresh ginger and just recently used that tip for the first time). I know to tent a skillet with foil if I want something steamed. I've seen the lid of Dutch oven and pots used to bake on. These are not new to anyone who has cooked regularly or watched FN for more than a week. If they are going to insist the contestants give tips, make them give us new tips. Finally, Amy. Glad to see her go. Couldn't stand her last season, during star salvation, or this season. And then she chose to show her butt last week and act like a toddler. Is it just me or did she not render her duck fat? I am not a fan of duck and have never cooked it at home, but that ring of fat on the duck in her salad looked bright white and really thick, like no rendering had been done. Didn't look appetizing, but, like I said, I dislike duck.
  2. Never noticed that before. Gotta rewatch!
  3. The pants exclaimation made me rewind. I didn't think it was possible I heard that correctly...pants!?!? But I did and I LOVE IT!!!!! Stub my toe...PANTS! Cake crumbles when icing it...PANTS! Molten chocolate puddings fall off the tray onto my super cute turquoise Converse...PANTS, PANTS, DOUBLE PANTS!!!!
  4. They kept panning to Josh's clock because it was 5:00 (cannonball time). That's the only reason I saw. Handwriting analysis was hilarious. 14 year old girl! The town has two calendars printed, one if Mickey sees his breath, one if not. ? "Lady Driver!" is still funny. I love this show. So glad they brought it back. If they can figure out how to do umteen seasons of Murder She Wrote, they can keep this going for a little while, for me.
  5. I was cringing too. That was tough to watch.
  6. "You're the Forged in Fire Champion but we decided to keep the money this time. What do you say?" Man, I love this show and I love these guys. Shame about the Damascus blade the dude had to trash. It was beautiful.
  7. I love Daniel Gil. I just do. Please don't take this the wrong way but I am disappointed that no woman besides Barclay passed the balance obstacle. I was shocked. From my comfy couch, the Broken Bridge looks slightly easier to complete than the Tuning Forks. Those forks forked (!) up people because they were already turned before the ninja started on them. At least the Broken Bridge was set in position to start. Anyway, a finalist who only got through three obstacles? Sounds wrong. Matthew Day doesn't look 19. He looks 25 with that beard. He's a cutie but doesn't look his age. Then again, he can probably buy beer. All the vet WWWA still aggrivate me. Sad that Jon Stewart won't be advancing. Matt and Akbar going nuts over all the finishers trying to be the fastest. Yeah, until Daniel Gil comes up and kicks all butt. Knew he would get the fastest time, no problem.
  8. She's acting as if she's never watched a reality TV competition. We all lament and mourn when we think someone should've gone home over someone else. I'm willing to bet she has had thought and words about someone she liked on a competition that went home too early. I'm sure she's been a "dick" before. Maybe not on public forum, but in her mind and in her personal life for sure. Hypocrite.
  9. I haven't watched FNS this week but I had to comment to thank you for writing this. FN is grooming people and one of their favorite "stories" is the cool Mom or Mom feeding her kids different foods. The problem is, FN seems to think that Mom= automatically great person we all want to watch ad nauseum. Mom's can be a$$holes too. I know, I see them all the time at classes and practices. Amy is not a watchable character. It wouldn't matter if she had 1 kid or 10, she's too smart a$$, too know-it-all, too nasty. Having given birth doesn't make me want to see past her obvious flaws, sorry. FN is shooting themselves in the foot trying to make Amy "happen". They really should cut thier losses and try and find someone, uh, nicer.
  10. I think John probably did use a plastic bandage (tm...?). I think his cut was deeper than originally thought and then was taken out to have it looked at. I can't imagine that much blood was just a simple cut. The "male judge" didn't really come into play until series 5 (I think...now they've got me all turned around with the numbering). Nancy was talking to Sue or Mel and spaced Paul's name and called him the male judge. From then on it stuck. I think Paul even uses it as his Twitter handle or something like that. It was actually a really funny gaff. Strudel dough. Um, no thank you. What an overly delicate thing to mess with. Kinda like when they had to make their own filo dough during a later season. Too fussy for me. I'd have lost my mind if it tore or broke! As much as GBBS makes me want to try my hand at certain things, it makes me want to steer clear of so many others. ?. Years ago, in high school, I made "crossiants" but my family used margarine instead of butter so that's what I used. They tasted fine but came out more like cresent rolls than croissants. Those, I'd like to try again. I like the people in this series. I like Cathryn, Brendan, James, John, and Sarah Jane the most. But, there are no real "loves" for me. Love is saved for Martha, Builder Richard, Glen, Tamal, Naydia, and, of course, Selasi ?.
  11. I agree. He should've waited until her liquid diet stage was over. However, is he not supposed to eat? He would've been called an ass for cooking anything because Christy is freaking hungry and wants to eat real food but can't. He could've fried up liver and onions and he still would've been the bad guy. He could've made a salad and she would've been pissed. She's struggling and he's her whipping boy. Problem is, he is sick of being her whipping boy, he's sick of always being to blame for whatever is pissing her off. When she was waring with Terra he was in the clear. Now that Terra isn't her enemy, she needs someone to blame for everything...enter Todd. Then again, it could all be for ratings. ?
  12. I would switch Rockstar and Sam simply because the pot banging incident. That's crazy. It doesn't just annoy the person you are trying to annoy, it eventually pisses everyone off.
  13. Christy didn't get the memo that true, lasting weight loss also includes a little thing called will power. If smelling burgers is going to make her cheat once she gets to eat real food, the weight's not going to go down. Losing weight is freaking hard and takes a mind change, not just a smaller stomach. Then again, all the drama could just be for the cameras. ?
  14. I finally realized who Scotty reminds me of. His name is Andy Daly and he's the dude on the CarMax commercials. I've seen him in other things too, but most recently the commercials.
  15. Autumn absolutely runs her mom. Claiming she's so mature and responsible. Christy needs give Autumn 30 days to find another living situation. I can't imagine letting my daughter, who lives in my house, eats my food, and expects me to tote her around town, talk to me like that. If Autumn makes living in that house so awful at times, Christy needs to escort her out. It's Christy's home and she shouldn't feel scared to spend time there. But, Autumn has her mother running scared and Christy would never intentionally make her uncomfortable. Christy and Autumn look very washed out in those pictures. Thet looked fine, happy, but really pale. I hope the actual head shots come out better. Elena asking Jasmine for help hiring for the beauty bar! F that! Jasmine is a better person than I am. You didn't want her expertise enough to share a decent percentage of the business but now you want my help hiring people? Uh, no. I so like the guy they chose. He seems to know about the business and seems super nice. Hope he's ready for Elena to drop the whole business on his back soon. She doesn't want to work, she wants to come in periodically and make some decisions about new product and cash her checks. Hope he's ready. Tonya is a boss with her friends but let's business contractors screw her over? All the home renovation shows are doing away with bathtubs. They are saying that no one wants tubs anymore. I think people want bathtubs! They may not luxuriate often but they want the opportunity to do so when they feel like it. In 10 years a bunch of people are going to be pulling out all these showers to put tubs back in. Sure, showers are cool but I think every home also needs a tub. How do you bathe a 2 year old? No tub time to play? Sounds sad. Way to suck the life out of the date Tonya. Terra was right that she showed up all stank. She had no intention of enjoying anything about that evening. I would be mortified if I were Elena, and so apologetic to Preston's friend. Chemistry or not, you were rude and dismissive to that poor guy, Tonya, you suck. Love Tonya gown for the launch party. Love. And regarding Jaa. She doesn't mind being the other woman if she doesn't know for sure that she is the other woman. That's why she won't confront Jaa about his lady. Once she knows she's the OW, she has to make a decision, one she doesn't want to make. Terra can hardly contain her stank face that whole night. Then her fake sipping the wine? Terrible, and so obvious. I don't really like red wine. I don't order it. And if Tonya's blend was that punchy, I wouldn't pretend to drink it. That's why there are tons of wines, people have different tastes. Mika's liking it? But pouring it in Jasmine's glass? Doesn't seem like she did. Todd and Christy. Todd is passive aggressive. Christy is neurotic and a nag. They have both aquired coping mechanisms to deal with the other. They need real counseling, not just an afternoon chat with a counselor. Todd's not as jerky as Christy would have us believe (although cooking burgers when she couldn't eat was kind of a jerk thing to do). I really think Christy is taking her frustrations about Autumn out on Todd. Those are piled on along with her frustrations about Todd. Then she feels bad about her body. He's her scape goat. Then again, I'm pretty sure it is all made up for tv.
  16. I just saw Mon and Tues episodes today and I am concerned. Wendy pays a wigmaster, right? I like the wig on Monday. The longer caramel with the loose waves. Shiny, nice coloring, looks younger, smooth. The Tuesday wig is the one I hate. The shorter blonder wig. The ends look frayed and fried. The waves are almost like she undid her braid from the night before but didn't comb through her hair. I just hate that wig! It looks cheap, dry, and sad. I wish she'd stop wearing it but she breaks it out about once a week. Sorry. I just cringe when I see that wig and someone's getting paid to make Wendy look like a crazy homeless woman.
  17. I have to wonder how much digging Chris was allowed to do when he got voted out. Does he know that very few people were buying into the Swaggy C crap? Does he know how pretentious and annoying it is to nickname yourself and then speak about yourself in the third person? I don't know? Is he even allowed to look at the internet yet? I really have no clue about when and where the houseguests are released. That being said, he seems to have a narcissistic personality about Swaggy C. Swaggy can do no wrong, everyone loves Swaggy. No matter what he read, he would explain it away as internet trolls or losers, not that the people watching didn't like his bravado. I'm glad he's gone. Now, Scotty, just put Kaitlyn up for eviction and let's get the most annoying ones out of the house. Then other personalities can come out and begin to aggrivate us. Tyler is playing the best game but I am afraid he's gonna get caught and be eliminated too.
  18. I love this episode. I like the idea of a hidden picture cake but I never want to try and make one. It looks really detailed and tedious to do. Natasha's cake was lovely from the outside but applying pressure to her not quite done cake stack just did her in. Those not quite done sponges just congealed when pressure was applied. And I too was not a fan of James's sunset cake. Cathryn may look kinda like Candice but is totally not annoying like Candice. And she is not as self depreciating and hang dog as Ruby. That's what always bugged me about Ruby, she would crap all over her bakes BEFORE the judges even got a chance to taste them. Then they would both be really kind because she was so hard on herself. That bugged me. Cathryn is no where near that. She might second guess some of her choices after the Hollywood side eye but she never comes to the table whining about how terrible her bakes are. I love Sarah-Jane. She's adorable. And I like the med student (James) and I like Brendan.
  19. Work with my logic here... So, gnomes are offensive to little people. Well the name Black Girl Moscato was offensive to Tonya (as a black woman) and Terra defended that forever. Terra's black friend came up with the name BGM so, in Terra's eyes, it was ok. It's not possible that BGM coming from a white woman was offensive because the idea came from a black woman. Ok, Terra's little person friend, Mika, wants to be on a team called the gnomes, same difference. Should the word gnomes be offensive to other little people since it was a little person who initially wanted to use the name? Can a little person like gnomes? I guess it's ok to be offensive as long as Terra can A) justify it, and B)Terra is not personally offended by the word. Also, gnome is an offensive word but dwarf isn't? That I don't get. Terra has, I am almost positive, shed real tears over Penny and her issues. However, the fake crying gets old. It's ok to be stoic and heartfelt but not weepy when discussing an issue with your child that they have been going through for a while. Her attempt at crying just makes her look ridiculous and shows her terrible acting skills. I guess she thinks if she doesn't cry for the audience, she won't look concerned over her child's issues. Whatever. I like Jasmine but she really needs to fight her own battles and let others fight their own battles. She's getting all fisticuffs about the gnome outfit when it wasn't even about her. Christy is a bug girl and we have seen in last seven seasons that she can fight for herself. Elena was a non-intity this week. Tonya needs to drop the whole "she better not do (such and such) or I'm going to (whoop butt)" because she ain't as tough as she speaks. If she really were going to whoop butt, she'd have whooped Mika butt two weeks ago.
  20. Who? Do tell, please? I DVR the show to watch while on the treadmill. If course, I miss the last half hour or so do to special breaking news. I know I can watch it on NBC on demand but I can't FF and I don't know if I want to rewatch the first 3/4 of the show. I probably will...I am weak. I love Jake Murray and I loved his package. Dropping through the front door defeated...that was hilarious. I love his haircut. I love that he "lost 35 pounds". ?. He's a cut up and if I was getting married I would sooooo hire him just to meet him. Only thing better would've been him winning 10k. I like the bug Guy. Bugs don't bother me. Not that I am going to eat a spider though. Akbar can have my share. I've always liked Lance. I am glad his family found a good doctor to work with. I wish the best for the lady who was in a wheelchair last year who ran this year. I wish the best for her and her daughters. However, I side eye her miraculous recovery. Good on her, though. Hope she continues to improve. Those rings just screwed a whole bunch of people. They were tough last year but deadly to the runs this year. We will see them again, I am sure.
  21. Lol . Wait. I need a tissue. That's the best sob story I think I've heard. ?. Actually, better then some of the made up/fantasized stories we've heard this season. ?
  22. Good for Jerry. At least someone appreciated the week he worked for Wendy, since we know Wendy didn't.
  23. Why was I offended that both Jess and Katie totally ignored the "ooey gooey" show title? I just think Giada and Bobby should have had the choice to put both of them in the bottom for totally skirting the challenge. If the producers are not going to ping contestants for not following the brief, they need to not have cutsey little themes. Rebecca would've gone home much faster. Between the ooey gooey fail and Jess's fruit soup for a Mummy, only a few tried to fit into the given guidelines.for these challenges. I guess they're trying to create spin masters rather than the chefs. Palak's crunch was everything. Still crunchy after sitting while waiting for judging. Yummy. Fran Drescher looked good. It's strange to see her with not-huge hair and normal makeup after her years as The Nanny. I thought she made some good points too. I finally figured Katie. I would bet she was a pagent gal earlier in life. Her huge smile at the beginning when they all walked out just shouted Ms. Mississippi Pagent. Not that that's bad, it just finally clicked in my head.
  24. I agree. I thought Katie was false from the first episode, trying too hard to be sweet, almost like she was cast to play the southern Belle...? After her fit about the chicken thighs, she can go. Maybe be faster next time. Maybe ask why Manny should compromise his dish with breasts just for you to have what you want. Maybe think of another dish that you could make with breasts. Maybe suck it up? Did she really think we, the viewers, would side with her on this? Is that why she brought it up three or four times? Be faster! Realize it is a competition and no one is going to give you anything. Would she give Manny the thighs if she had gotten there first? No freaking way! She really annoyed me. Much more so than Jess and her grasp on the English language.
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