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Everything posted by Destiny74

  1. Thank you! Yes! Why would they even let a witch have candles and the ability to murmur? I'd have tied her up and taped her mouth shut. Then again, why send Lydia to kill Cressida by herself. Shouldn't she at least have had a couple of guards to go with her? Sloppy.
  2. My mom wasn't depression era but she had the same mindset. And jeans with holes, while cool when I was a teenager, was a no no.
  3. Oh, I forgot about yesterday's show. Ahhhhhh hemmmm. No, Wendy, EVERYONE did not lie to their parents while in college about what was due, our grades, extra money needed. Some of us were VERY appreciative of the education our parents scraped and scratched to provide for us. Some of us knew how hard our parents worked for their money and were not about to waste any of their money. Just like a few months ago when she mentioned that EVERYONE took money from their mother's purses when we were younger. Who is this damn woman? If you stole from your parents when you were young, at least feel bad about it. Come on!
  4. Just got around to this. I seem to have to steel myself up before being able to watch now days. When Elena says that her family and kids are her whole life, she should put a little emotion in it and maybe then I would believe it. God forbid someone live in a small town. God forbid someone LIKE living in a small town. God forbid someone not want to live in the overcrowded cesspool of LA. Believe what you will but I don't believe on ghosts. Never experienced any "ghostly" happenings. Sorry. These women are looking for issues. Elena is the only one with any sense. Did I just say that?!?!?!? Then she says she didn't get much sleep cause of Jasmine and didnt want to shoot but wanted to chill. Um, ok. But she's chilling, with Jasmine? Wouldn't you want to get away from her for a while? She just wanted to do what she wanted to do. Good ole' selfish Elena. Do the activities or don't but don't be a pain in the ass, whiny ass bit&$. Jasmine and Elena just can't help themselves. They are miserable people. Mika has done nothing but set up activities to show her "friends" her hometown. Am I going crazy? Because now I am defending Mika. 😜. Yeah, Elena is a selfish nitwit. They need be fair and give her the same leper treatment that Christy got two seasons ago. She needs to become the pariah that no one wants to be around. She's been too salty for too long (this isn't the first time she's acted childish because she didn't get her way). Makes me feel bad for Preston, he's stuck with her. And poor guy's trying to keep from having more kids with her, I wonder how long he'll be able to hold out for? Who knew you could make earrings out of old CD's? Still better than the horrible red eyeshadow from last year. Thank you, production, for eliminating that. Everyone looked like they had pink eye.
  5. Yeah, Brianna doesn't want to hear "We told you so...". I don't know if they would (hopefully not) but I think Brianna is fairly embarrassed and humiliated being tricked by this asshat, who no one else was fooled by. She doesn't want to hear it.
  6. Last time I remember overalls being cool was when 90210 was new and The Fresh Prince was rapping with DJ Jazzy Jeff.
  7. Not that I disagree with you but that was not a small church by any means.
  8. I don't understand the Spare thing. I get it for people who have online banking and such but how do people without banking accounts use the app? I mean, no one would give someone a cash advance if they had no banking account, am I wrong? It just seems overly complex. Not to mention that there are ATMs everywhere and a fee is a fee (most ATMs around here charge $3.50, but my bank refunds a certain of fees every month.) Any insite would be great. Thanks.
  9. Thanks for the info, Druzy. Fine read. A couple if things stick out. A) Lake hoping that dirt dug up during the divorce will not become tabloid fodder. Oh come on, the whole reason we all have any interest in all this crap is to find the truth, the dirt. If Wendy won't tell us crap, maybe the paperwork will? B) Did anyone ever believe there was any issues with the baby? Wendy didn't birth her. Wendy don't want the baby, and no one on Earth would think she had any claim. Why would that dumb ass question have been asked? C) and most interesting (to me). The last point in the interview. Will all the money that Kelvin spent on his ho have any effect on how the marital possessions are split up? This is the one I really want to know. I can't imagine Kelvin used only his money for the ho, I wonder how much of Wendy's money was spent on cars, homes, and vacations for her?
  10. What I noticed was her audience started laughing and reacting to her huge goof regarding Travis Scott/ Outcast/Kylie Jenner and she got all offended. I can't remember exactly but she said something along the lines of, "oh, you don't think this is a big deal?" Getting all offended. I wonder if her producers whispered to her? Because she never apologized for ripping into the co-hosts nor did she fess up to her mistake (until she made the same mistake a few minutes later). My point? She's still damned sloppy. Easier to watch because she seems happier and lighter, but still a hot mess with her details.
  11. Like the flapper hats? That's what I thought she was going for until she added the curlique on the top. That's what took it from looking vaguely like a hat to not at all, for me. No one ever told me?!!!!!! 😆
  12. I just knew that there were Latina/ Latino bakers from Miami who didn't feel the overwhelming urge to use mango or guava in everything they bake...and then excuse it away as "Latinos LOVE these flavors and always use them.". She's a refreshing change from some of the other bakers in other championships. As much as her bake was beautiful, I didn't think it looked like a hat at all. And I think I must be the only person to not like the consistency of mirror glaze. I'd rather have fondant I can pick off. But...it was super beautiful and she did an outstanding job. Count me as one who will not miss Marqessa. She got a lot of screen time for producing very little "wow". Also, I am not a huge fan of marshmallow. I don't like peeps. S'mores are ok once in a great while. So, the first challenge didn't excite me but I do understand why it was there. I like Corey but he lost me when he said his marshmallow dessert was inspired by Fruity Pebbles, perhaps the nastiest cereal ever created (except maybe Grape Nuts, because I like having teeth and chewing on gravel is bad for your dental health).
  13. If he's been wanting a divorce from Wendy all he had to do was ass it up to an extreme. Public scrutiny is the only reason (in MHO) why she's divorcing him now. If he'd totally moved out and moved on earlier, she would've had to do this earlier. I agree there are two sides here but I also think he didn't really want a divorce because it means the cash cow is drying up. I have no idea about his contracts but his job as EP is gone and soon his job as manager will be dissolved also. They'd still be living a lie if it were up to him.
  14. Tonya knows exactly what kind of relationship she has with Ja. She just doesn't want to discuss that she is the "other woman". The other ladies need to back off. They do not need to protect her from the big, bad, man who is stringing her along. He's not. Tonya knows. She knows it all. She's just getting what she needs. And when she decides she needs more from Jan and he won't give it to her, she'll be right back to where she was a year ago. If Autumn wants to be treated like an adult, she needs to start acting like one. Does she have a job? Going to school? Her and Christy were doing real estate last season but are they still doing that? Then again, Christy needs to stop treating Autumn like a child. If she started treating her like an adult, maybe Autumn would start acting like an adult? I hope that 19 year old went out and had her own party with her friends. I mean, I know she knows the LPLA ladies but I can't imagine that party was as fun for her as a night out dancing would be with her friends. Ahhh, the temptation of being paid to be on TV! Terra with the high pitched whine/cry (twice tonight). It is too much. Doesn't work to portray any emotion, especially when there are no tears to accompany said screech. I was very glad to hear that Penny's shunt was working. Very glad.
  15. All while Busted Kelvin and his ho are out spending her money on fancy dinners, luxury cars, and apartments. This divorce is going to last forever. It'll be at least a year before everything is divided up and spousal support (from Wendy to Kelvin) is finalized.
  16. As much as I snark on WW, I am glad she finally womaned up and filef for divorce from her scuz of a husband. Kudos for finally having enough! However, I saw the article Chenoa referenced above and I am hoping she sticks with it. He's broken all the rules she set down for Kev's cheating. I hope she kicks him to the curb. It's going to cost her, but really? How much does your dignity and self respect cost?
  17. In general I agree with you regarding respecting a woman who just gave birth but this hussy deserves no respect. As much as I don't respect WW, I have no respect for a woman who is a side piece to a jerk like Kevin for a decade...no respect at all. It's open season on this harlot.
  18. I am certainly no doctor but I think Penny's developmental delay has little to nothing to do with her little person status. Her delay really reminds me of a child I know well who is physically average but has global developmental delay. The hydrocephalus? I don't know if that is more common in LP, but I know average size babies also have that problem and need shunts.
  19. Ok. I watched yesterday's episode this morning and I cannot believe no one has mentioned this little bit... I actually stopped the treadmill to write this down, verbatim. When talking about Abby Miller's advice to Felicity Huffman... "A person is only going to take as much as you'll give them." Hand to heaven, this shit came out of WW mouth. Let me clean that up a bit. "(Kevin) is only going to take as much as (I'll) give him". She really needs to clean up her personal mess before talking about other's mess. Kev is going to take and take until she puts her damn foot down and says enough! I guess she doesn't care what she looks like? She's lost all cred as a string woman. Totally lost and gone. It will be an uphill battle to get that back, if she ever can. Ugh.
  20. I wondered this too. I would imagine some foster kids have tons of "foster siblings" they've shared homes with, does it mean Bishop would have to keep tabs on all her brothers and sisters? I would hope not. I do understand lying on the application forms. I'm sure there is a statement about everything being true etc... and she signed it. I would love her to turn down the IA and just take her lumps. I don't want the drama of her being a stoolie. Did Ben get his Ferrari back? I hope so. Although I would probably sell it and buy a crappy late model PT Cruiser or something no one would ever want to steal.
  21. I was going to post but you said basically what I was going to. She needs to work on pronunciation because the Coochella thing aggrivates me to no end. And William H. Macy and Will Hurt have little in common except they're both actors and both named William...that's just lazy reporting.
  22. I thought she didn't have girlfriends? Except "Reg" who lives in CA. BS on the promo. At 4:00 in the morning? Looking like The Cryptkeeper? I hope Walmart has a better marketing team than that.
  23. Sorry for the double post. I was trying to edit. Durrrrrrrr.
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