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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Boy number 5: Kaden (it feels inevitable) Boy number 6: Kameron. Boy number 7: Karate. Girl number 5: Chelsee Girl number 6: Cereal (misspelled from Cyrielle, but Tori was homeschooled by morons, so doesn't realize it) Girl number 7: Caylee
  2. Ofsmuggar makes it pretty clear that as the fundie equivalent of Kate Middleton, she looks way down on Meghan Markle that Rodriguii scum.
  3. In all fairness to Fundie Stripper Barbie, the Duggars probably weren't telling people it was over CSAM possession. If they told anybody at all, it was probably some BS about the evil heathens sending law enforcement after the innocent, hard-working Duggar men. Or "some financial misunderstanding," at the very most.
  4. It's all coming back to me. What a sad, pathetic wedding. I remember feeling sorry for Nurie even though she probably doesn't know any different.
  5. Oh, I know. From unfortunate experience. However, I do think Michelle is definitely out of shape, not surprisingly considering 21 years of almost constant pregnancies. Her abs probably vacated the premises 25 years ago. Not to mention the notorious missing back muscle. Um, the cabbage what? I apparently never saw it or have blocked it from my memory,* for self-preservation. Please to provide photo. *All I remember of that wedding is Nathan wearing a white tuxedo that looked to be made from the same material at Nurie's dress. Probably was, in fact. Buy used and save the difference, live debt-free, blah blah blah.
  6. I've seen photos of Kelly where she looks very large. I think one in particular was on this forum. I think she disguises it better and is less busty so she doesn't look as big in the chest.
  7. It is creepy and alarming, but considering how naive and sheltered most fundies are, I wouldn't say Kelton was a man at 18. Biologically yes, but certainly not intellectually or emotionally. He was probably Josie's peer in terms of emotional maturity. Still creepy and alarming. I would have major issues if I had an eighteen-year-old son who wanted to date a fourteen-year-old. I know a couple who started dating when she was fifteen and he was 27. I want to ask how the HELL that was allowed. What were her parents thinking and did his bother to explain he could go to prison for it? That it was creepy and disgusting at bare minimum?
  8. I doubt Dumb and Dumber have the intellect to realize their shilling days are numbered. They probably expect to be the lifelong equivalent of fundie Real Housewives (Househusbands?) and spend their days being paid for being fabulous.
  9. That's fucking disgusting. Their house must stink. I kind of want to bleach my entire house now, and it's just the cats and me here. It never gets that bad even when I work 60+ hours a week, and I have (legit) medical issues too. There's no excuse for Carlin and Evan to be such pigs. I agree about Alyssa.
  10. Carl Philip, not Carl Frederick. He's never done it for me, and neither has Felipe. YMMV! Topic: It was my interpretation that Freddy D had a feeding tube and oxygen, and spent a week or two in the hospital. So not a lengthy hospital stay by Josie standards, but lengthy compared to most full-term babies.
  11. There are a Rick and Dick in my father's adoptive family -- Richard and Frederick. I grew up thinking they were twins, but they're non-twin brothers. Topic: Freddy seems to be home from the baby factory now. Queue the speculation about his extended hospital stay.
  12. Last seizure concussion. That sounds as stupid as Carlin herself.
  13. Carlin saying that doctors "don't do anything" reminds me of the people I know IRL who are out for attention. Factitious disorder people.
  14. So they admitted she didn't actually "pass out" or "have an episode" or whatever they're saying now?
  15. True, but I would bet that the J'slaves had better reading skills from reading and teaching their younger siblings. The least proficient readers in the family are likely the lost girls, Josie, and the youngest howlers.
  16. This can't be said often enough. Scripted, staged, edited. Not reality. I would bet that if Smuggar ever read to his sisters, it was to be condescending. The girls are probably better readers than Smuggar.
  17. CP Haakon of Norway is nerdy-hot too. Alas, he and Frederik are both married. Topic: Any more word on Fred Dillard? I hope he and Jill are doing ok and at home.
  18. Anti-seizure meds have side effects, like any other medication (I speak from experience with anti-seizure meds). It doesn't mean Evan the Moron needs to stay home all the time. I doubt they don't have her EEG results yet. I think they're selling a bill of goods. Yes, I am a cynic.
  19. Say older, please -- not old. Topic: I guess the Caldwells haven't found another Daddy Warbucks who will marry another daughter. Joe and Kendra are doomed.
  20. I think the snout makes him look more like Sam. That Duggar snout is strong! Seriously, he's an adorable baby and I'm relieved that Jill opted for medical care instead of a week laboring at home followed by an emergency surgery. I've said it before -- who would have thought that JILL would be the most progressive Duggar?
  21. I think the only real question now is what will be his excuse.
  22. Where did the Caldwells live before Kendra married Joe Cash Cow?
  23. That would require introspection, brains, and the willingness to give a shit about someone besides themselves. I think her episodes were fake, or at minimum, mostly fake.
  24. Definitely not. I just ordered more KN95s. Topic: Anybody else wonder if the Bateseses had to pay people to show up for their sale? Or how long it'll be before Evan the Moron announces that he's going to "work for himself" or be a house husband or some dumb thing that does not involve being an electrician?
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