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Everything posted by Pondlass1

  1. I'm probably alone in liking the shaved sides. It suits him. But no worries - he'll be a hairy mountain man in a month. His hair grows fast.
  2. I haven't watched Arrow in years, but it's more a super hero type series, isn't it? More 8PM appropriate than Supernatural which can be dark and unnerving (or used to be). I'm not getting their reasoning. Still, pretty much every network show is swirling the ratings toilet bowl. People are no longer tied to watching live... and they're not! We record and FF through the ads. I don't know... maybe it'll mean more product placement or somehow disabling functions so we can't FF. But Nielsen ratings don't mean that much any more IMO.
  3. Penultimate - 1.70 and 0.7 Finale - 1.75 and 0.8 *I also dream in colour. ;) The show has evolved from emotionally dark, gritty and intimidating to a more lightweight adventure series with hokey bad guys. I guess that's why it's staying at 8pm. Shame.
  4. My eyes are sore from all the eye rolling they did last night. These writers write for the immediate shock & awe aspect they show complete disregard to characterization, canon or what makes sense. My biggest gripe is all the coming & going in that bloody bunker. Poor silly Abaddon spent a whole season trying to get the key. Grand Central Station has nothing on this place. Everyone and their dog just waltzes in. Sam and Dean seem to have lost all knowledge of sigils and warding devices. Ok - I realize BMOL are human - but didn't we just see a sigil that trapped Dean... a human? Why can't they use that? And, honestly, that giant sized mic was right out of an Austin Powers spy comedy -- as was the ridiculous James Bond cliffhanger. "We won't shoot you although you're standing right in front of us. We'll walk away so you can concoct some fangled dangled escape with a pine cone and elastic bands". I don't know how they're going to redeem this mess in just 2 episodes. We won't shed a tear when Mary dies. And I'm done with baby, baby daddy and Crowley stupidity. Oh it's soooooo frustrating.... what have they done to my show? Sam and Dean.... where ARE you?
  5. Last weeks episode didn't wow me either. Not keen on being bonked on the head with obvious attempts at parallels. You want brotherly bond, I want sexy badass Dean - no one is being serviced this season ☹️
  6. I’m new to this site, but you guys do make me smile sometimes. You can buy a lot of things – but you can’t buy chemistry. Whoever cast Jensen and Jared in these roles (and apparently there were no other contenders) should be given a gold star. Cuz it works. Chemistry in truckloads. We totally buy these guys as brothers – and they’ve even become brothers off-screen. The relationship between the brothers Winchester set amid a supernatural backdrop has evolved into one of the most complex and fascinating on TV today. It's the greatest love story of all. More so than any TV romantic pairing I’d say. And then there are us divided fans. Half see through a Dean lens. The other half view through their Sam lens. And never the twain shall meet. We pretty much argue about nothing else. Dean is a leader, Sam is a follower – that strain has followed throughout the series (but then I'm a Dean girl and wrong in the eyes of a Sam girl). Folks that purport they're for BOTH brothers... don't believe it! Anyway, this beautiful but painfully knotted brother love is the main reason the show is going into its 13th season (IMO). It certainly ain't the writing! :(
  7. Hoping for 1.75 and 0.7 I think the previous week's episode makes a difference....
  8. Who is this person on our screens and what have they done with the REAL Dean Winchester? And why isn't Jensen speaking up about it?
  9. I think sometimes we place WAY more emphasis on things than the writers. Their criteria is to entertain and build suspense - not have characters be realistic or practical. And I'm pretty certain there's little conscious thought given to how many kills, phone calls from mom, interactions with guests, etc., each brother has had. Probably writers have a fav and put them out front. Dabb should pay more attention, he's got a rabid and divided fanbase biting at his heels. Still, I have to admit Dean has lost almost all his badassery and why didn't any member of TPTB pick up on the glaring fact that if mom couldn't get hold of Dean, she'd immediately try Sam?
  10. A few seasons ago Dean would've said 'Can WE fix it?". But with this Dab & Co bunch, Sam & Dean are now 'boxed' into a rigid set of personalities and abilities. We no longer have multi-dimensional brothers making complex flawed decisions. Sam can do this, Dean can do that. And not vice versa!!! Dean hits on women, Sam frowns with resignation. Dean fixes the car, Sam fixes supernatural weapons. An so it goes... probably all the way into season 13. In fact everyone's been pretty much flattened out and made one-dimensional. Even the plots! And we have to understand that the network absolutely, positively does not care what the fans want. TV shows are nothing more than the filler that they're forced to put on during the gaps in their REAL programming: The ads. When Supernatural dies a new show will be born.
  11. 1.70 and 0.7. Fingers crossed.
  12. Ever since I got my 4K Ultra HD TV watching Dr. Phil has been even more distracting. Everyone points fingers at the plastic Robin, but honestly the amount of makeup spackled onto Dr. Phil's bald crown is mind boggling. Then we're told the next guest is a drug addict prostitute who lives on the streets and the woman waltzes out looking like a pampered movie star ready for her next close up. I don't watch Dr. Phil regularly, but I do remember years & years ago he featured two heroin addicted twins. Now, they came on stage looking sick and wrecked. I can't invest in these stories any more. I realize a certain amount of makeup is required for cameras or whatever - but why go overboard. It takes away from the situation being discussed.
  13. My theory is that every time someone (Cas mostly) fixes their cuts and wounds, that the whole body is healed too. Liver, heart, arteries, etc., all healed and made healthy again like a newborn baby's. Head injuries from numerous concussions too. All fixed with the wave of an angelic hand. Stress? I think Dean once said he handles it with 'violence and alcohol'.
  14. If things don't change we could drop to 0.3 or even 0.2 next season. This "also starring Sam and Dean" format is driving fans away in droves. ?
  15. Misha just won out over Jensen in the alpha male online contest and his fans have tweeted bitterly that Cas has hardly been around lately, so a Cas centric episode could help a bit to keep us at 0.5.
  16. 1.70 It's a Cas episode so that should help. But ratings are dropping across the board. I hope we move back to 9pm next season.
  17. I don't know why May sweeps and all the series finales are set for May. No one watches TV when weather gets better - all ratings are dropping ... Supergirl just got 0.5. TV seasons should be September to March - that's what I'd do. I don't care who dies - dying means nothing. I've been saying WTF most of this season - so I just want some 'splaining. Either that or Dean took a nap after saving the sun and it's all just a bad dream. With the writers' strike looming we might have a long wait for season 13. Hope they can get their act together.
  18. Dr. Now is straightforward and to the point with his patients. He sugar coats nothing. He's not a therapist and doesn't pretend to be. I think what set him off with Sean's mom was when she made some comment about Sean not getting proper treatment. Helping Sean get healthy is costing thousands and thousands of dollars which could be spent on patients who WANT and appreciate the help. I don't know who's paying here... but it's not Sean or his family. All the blights of the developed world - morbidly obese, drug abuse, hoarding, etc., are mental health issues. Dr. Now fixes the body. There is a lot more help needed to fix the mind. And the help is just not available or way too expensive.
  19. I follow Scarlet on twitter. I loved her videos too. From her tweets I get the impression the thrill has gone and she's moved on. She enjoys badass Dean and he's pretty much left the building.
  20. In the show Half Ton Teen the mother had lost a baby as an infant. When she had another son she kept him an infant totally dependent, changing his diaper, washing him, feeding him, etc., as a mother would a baby. There has to be a name for it in the mental health books. I feel bad for Sean. I don't think he possesses the steely determination to lose all his weight, but I hope he gets to a point where he can at least walk and have some kind of a life. Life is short and we only get one shot at it.
  21. The enablers are just as sick as the bedridden obese. If I lounged in bed all day yelling for my family to bring me food - I'd die of starvation. There's something in it for the enablers. Either welfare or the need to keep the person under control and not leaving or having a life. A person living alone would have a hard time getting to be 600+ pounds and bedridden. They could phone for food to be delivered, they could pay for a care-giver... but I doubt it happens ever. This scenario is a two-person deal. The obese and the enabler both getting something out of the deal. The by-pass surgery is the focus of this particular show. But it's such a small part of the recovery. Maybe they should shake up the format for a new season and include scenes of the obese learning to actually cook a healthy meal and any therapy follow up. Otherwise it seems kind of an empty journey and we're left wondering if they made it. There's a British series called Fat Doctor (episodes on YouTube) that's somewhat similar and quite interesting. Not only is the doctor good-looking, he actually has a personality and empathy - two things Dr. Now appears to be missing. Why they chose him as the focus for the show I'll never know. Lots of doctors out there doing this surgery. Still, every once in a while he does make me smile. Like the one time an enabler said 'she gets angry if I don't give her the food she wants' and Dr. Now replied 'What are you scared of? She can't get out of bed and hit you'.
  22. I'd love a scene of them shopping for clothes. Do they buy at Hunters Are Us shop, or whatever? Are the fake credit cards ever refused or questioned? I dunno... could be fun to see. (More fun than a lot of the drivel this season imo) Or maybe them being measured for the FBI suits? Dean could buy off the rack MAYBE... but Sam at 6'4" would definitely have to be measured with a tape measure. They've got great bodies. They keep themselves in great shape. I mean... couldn't a script have them in t-shirts just once...? The Salvatore brothers LIVED in snug fitted t-shirts.
  23. Sean's story reminded me of a TV show I watched years ago. Same situation. Overweight teenage boy and doting dangerous mother. When the boy got help and started losing weight she didn't like it. She wanted to keep him bedridden and dependent. 'How can one slice of pizza hurt?' she would say holding it out to him. That's not love. Sean's mother really irritated me how she would agree with Dr. Now - oh, yes, I know I am. So condescending because she knew she had every intention of carrying on regardless. I wish Sean the best, but not holding out much hope. Brittini was a delight. Hubby now needs to diet, tho.
  24. Significant, consequential conversations seem to be held off screen lately and we're left to figure things out for ourselves. I don't know where anybody's at. I don't know why anybody does or says anything anymore. I can only guess at motives these days. Mary and Sam have me flummoxed. I would never complain about the quality of acting. They all mostly bring it (especially Js and Ms and especially Jensen). But they're being let down by uninspired writing (and sloppy editing). It's frustrating.
  25. An optimistic 1.75 and 0.6. Although everything seems to be dropping, not just CW shows. And I've read that this episode is J2 lite, which doesn't bode well for good ratings. I think most are weary of the BMOL too.
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