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Sarah 103

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Everything posted by Sarah 103

  1. Sarah 103

    Disney Films

    "future Disney pyrotechnics display finale” is my favorite sentence that I have read on the internet today. It is the perfect description of the song.
  2. I loved seeing Wayne Brady completely mess up/ruin hoe-down. His comment about how dirty that episode was made me want to see what happened/what never made it to air.
  3. I liked Garrett in this episode. For once, he was not the one talking or most concerned about appearance or optics, instead he was by the book, which was an interesting change.
  4. When he was asked about inclusion and different types of love stories, I'm suprised the writer didn't mention the plotline with a lesbian couple that ended up being cut out of the movie.
  5. I always like it when one character pretends to be another. Harry being Elliot was wonderful. The subplot with the frogs was delightful.
  6. I got the sense that there is no Andor pre-crises, just downtime between one crises and the next. He is always in trouble or mixed up in something, but his friends like him, trust him, and know that he is not going to target or harm someone he cares about or is close to (or any local of Ferrix). Most of his targets seem to be connected to the Empire in one way or another, so the people of Ferrix are more than willing to help, out of a sense of loyalty, but not due to any political motivation.
  7. The earlier episode where Frank speaks to college/university students and was jeered/booed was Season 6.8 and the title was "Unsung Heroes." The speech was at Columbia University, while Nicky was still a student.
  8. I like tragic love stories, so it works for me. Tewkesbury knows Enola is a bit of a radical and that she wants to be detective. Enola will never be able to fit into Tewkesbury's high society life as a member of the House of Lords, and he has so much he wants to accomplish, he would never dream of giving it up for her, and they both love and respect each other so much that neither one would ever think of asking the other to make that drastic of a change. I enjoyed the second movie. After Enola was arrested, I wonderded whether Sherlock or Tewkesbury would be the one to bail her out. The movie subtlety revealed early on why Watson was not part of the first movie. These movies are prequels. Watson and Holmes have not yet met. Question: Is the idea of police officer on the take and clothing being a giveaway that he living above/beyond his means something that is era appropriate, or is it anachronism? I love the idea that it goes back over 100 years, but I am well aware it could be an anachronism. Overall, I enjoyed the movie. I hope there is a third movie.
  9. Not sure what it says about me, but out of all the characters at the funeral that turned into a battle, I was most concerned for B2EMO, and I was thrilled that he was safe and sound at the end. Same here. I would buy a single of the funeral music and the music that played after during the battle. I loved Maarva's line "Tell him I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong," because it says so much about their relationship. She knows he's a bit of screw-up who's almost always in trouble, but she still loves him unconditionally. Overall, this was a fantastic end to the season. I can't wait to see what happens next season and what happens between this point in Andor's life and the start of Rouge One.
  10. I couldn't tell you which season it was, but I know it was when Nicky was in college. The college kids did jeer and boo at him when he went to speak. The school where Frank spoke in this episode had Criminal Justice in the name. The school in the episode that aired years ago I think may have been Columbia, because that's where Nicky was a student, or it was Hudson University.
  11. Maybe it's the look of a particular era. With cars, a car from the 1950s is going to have a distinct look that is different than a car from the late 1960s, even though they may be made by different companies. Maybe we are seeing the Star Wars spaceship version of that.
  12. To be fair to Eddie, sometimes the conversational equivalent of "hey, look over there" works. What it lacks it subtly is more than made up for in effectiveness if it works. I think it was something that we as the audience have not seen. I thought it was mentioning an earlier episode, but then I realized I was thinking of an episode that was from more than three years ago.
  13. That sounds about right. In this episode, I think they said Frank was the longest serving police commissioner. My understanding of how this works is that police commissioner is officially a civilian, so someone retires from the department, and is then appointed police commissioner. We know that Henry was already police commissioner or became commissioner early in Frank's career. Henry mentioned being commissioner during the 1977 blackout/riot. We know the character fought in the Korean War, which means he probably joined the department in 1953 or 1954 at the latest.
  14. I agree with you. In the past, religion has been kept to their private lives. They to church weekly, they pray before dinner, but we have not seem them bring their religion into their public life and events. I thought they meant he has been with the department/served the department for 50 years (either as a police officer or as commissioner), because that would fit the timeline. In some episode, Frank mentioned walking a beat during the Watergate hearings, which would have been sometime between summer of 1973 and summer of 1974. If his first day on the job was November of 1972, then the timeline makes sense. I love seeing Danny and Jamie go at each other. I like it when the show explores the sibling dynamic through work issues. It was great seeing what Joe is like working an ordinary case. When you think about it, Joe is a little frightening, because it's Danny's temperament and Jamie's mind. I was disappointed with where the Frank storyline went. I thought we were going to see Henry and Sid do a horrible job of Q and A, or how badly the Q and A went would be left up to the viewer's imagination and then Frank would need to damage control.
  15. Same here. I hope B2EMO finds a new home with someone who will care about him and treat him properly. It's crazy that the Star Wars series that is supposed to be super serious for grown adults is the one with the character I would totally buy merch of. I would love a small B2EMO figure for my desk. That was one of the most enjoyable surprises of the entire series so far. Also, this fight scene was better than most of the fight scenes/space battles in the entire sequel trilogy.
  16. I had totally forgotten about computer games. Computer games were already going strong well before the intenet and would have probably continued to exist without the internet. I had a solitare addiction in 5th or 6th grade to the point where I had to delete the program. I remember some Wishbone games that I enjoyed, and something that was like a Dog Encyclopedia. I also remember playing Math Blasters (which I hated, but my parents thought it would help my math skills), and Type to Learn (because my parents knew how important typing was going to be for me).
  17. Here's my take on it. Without the internet, the computer would have been more of a bussiness/work device instead of something the vast majority of the population uses for shopping/leisure. The big exception would be digital art/graphic design/photography, because this could be a professional career or a hobby.
  18. I think they are both over 18. They had checking accounts in thier name which means they now have access to some money, and the daughter was able to hold down a job before the bank robbery.
  19. Siblings in real life do not always look similar. I have an older sibling, and we look almost nothing alike, but if you saw us with our parents, we would look like a biological family/related. I think their father died when Todd was a teenager, because they've mentioned Margaret as a single mother/widow working and trying to attend law school at the same time while Todd was in high school. I'm surprised we saw Lawerence. I thought he was going to be like Marris, Vera, or any number of characters we hear about but never see. I loved the conversations with the three siblings. It was an interesting dynamic to see play out and something I wouldn't mind seeing more of every now and then.
  20. I was young in the early/mid 1990s, but home computers were more than expensive doorstops. I remember playing games and writing essays/assignments for school while my father used spreadhseets that did advanced calculations for work. Home computers had value and were usefull well before the internet took off for the average user in the mid to late 1990s. I had this exact thought. Mandy left college and moved back to Medford well before she met Georgie. Georgie is partially responsible for the pregnancy, but he had no role in why she left college or moved back home.
  21. I get the joke and it's funny, but this is an important character moment for Luke. It shows that he is a whiny teenager and sets up the evolution of the character. He goes from a whiny teenager who's a bit selfish to a hero who saves the day.
  22. Yes! I think this may be why I had such a strong reaction fo Cassian's character development in this episode and why I felt it was such a major turning point for Cassian.
  23. It says a great deal that Mon Mothma is willing to draw the line at sacrificing her daughter. Forcing her daughter into a marriage is not something she is willing to do for the sake of the rebellion. The prison break was epic, awesome, and everything I hoped it would be. I wonder how many actually made it into the water and how many survived. When Kino said he couldn't swim, was I the only one who thought "The fall's gonna kill you." This really feels even more like the Cassian Andor we saw in Rogue One.
  24. I totally agree. They don't have enough to develop either story well. I hadn't thought about it, but you are correct. Instead of focusing on the leap and the people in the past, he is too busy focused on his relationship with Addison. I think they sort of explained this in episode. Ben had only arrived at the "school" a few weeks earlier and the others had been there for much longer. I did like the teasing about the imaginary girlfriend. It needs to be 1990s because so many of them were diagnosed as what we today would call neurodivergant, and those diagnoses became more common in the 1990s. The "school" seemed to be for those with a history of trauma and had developed poor coping mechanisms, as well as students who were neurodivergant and for whatever the public school system didn't work for them, they couldn't afford private school, and this is were thier parents decided to send them. I have many problems with this episode. Jen is barely a character I care about. I don't need her tragic backstory. She is taking valuable screentime away from the leap. During the leap, Addison told Ben to listen, but Ben didn't really listen. He lectured instead of listening to them and learning more about who they were. Because there was such limited time in the episode, he didn't have time to get to know them and really talk to them before turning into Yoda. Ian as the hologram this episode would have been more amazing than usual. With a full 40 minutes on Ben and the teenagers, this episode could have been great. We could have had scenes at the "school" when they found out about the break. We could have Ian going back and forth between the adults and the teenagers with Ian giving Ben advice about where to go and how far away the adults were. I will not be returning after the new year. I wanted to like this show. I kept hoping it would get better, but this is the show, and I'm not enjoying it.
  25. I don't care about a clear cut message. I can about good storytelling, mainly understanding the basic plot, especially what is happening and why it is happening especially how did we get from point A to point B. While I'm willing to give them some wiggle room because TVLand Logic is a real thing that exists, it has to at least make sense within TVLand logic. I have little patience for Thing X is happening solely because the plot demands it, like last week when the mayor demaded that Frank reopen a case for absolutely no logical reason. My main problem with this episode was that it wasn't clear what the Broken Toys unit was doing in the present that was so terrible and horrible that it would motivate a large group with cameras to confront Henry. It was unclear if the issue was what the unit had done in the past when Henry was commisioner or people were taking issue with what the unit was doing in the present day.
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