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Sarah 103

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Everything posted by Sarah 103

  1. This seems mean and also accurate at the same time.
  2. It's possible I misunderstood what the original question from @Kel Varnsen was about. My point was that since Will and El are attending a public school in California, it is safe to assume they are California residents. If Jonathan wanted to earn a BA or a similar degree, he could do so at a state school without paying private college/university tution. As @janie jones correctly pointed out, in that scenario, Jonathan would not be going to the same school as Nancy or even going to school near her. However, I think my original statement that there is something between the local community college and the expensive private college/university that Nancy plans to attend is still valid.
  3. The change starts at the end of season 1 when going to apologize to Nancy and Jonathan turned into him helping them fight the Demigorgon. In season 2, he was going to apologize or talk to Nancy, but instead ran into Dustin who needed Steve's help. In that episode or another episode in season 2, Steve gives Dustin advice on how to style his hair and I think some age-appropiate dating/relationship advice.
  4. YES! Lucas can direct. The problem was not having Lawrence Kasdan or someone else who understands his vision write the screenplays.
  5. That was the scene. It struck me that Karen had no problem with Mike's friends being there when Mike was on the other side of the country. She didn't make a comment something like "wouldn't you rather be someplace else?" or try to get them out of the house. She is totally cool with the fact that her place is hangout central for Mike and his friends, even when Mike isn't there.
  6. There is another category that the writers seem to be ignoring. There are state colleges/universities that are four year schools, which are more expensive than the local community college but less expensive than the private college/university Nancy will be going to. At the state college/university Jonathan would be able to earn the same type of degree as Nancy, but for a fraction of the cost. I think this is part of my problem with this plotline. This season, his plotline should be more like a 1980s action/adventure movie, but instead its a spoof of a 1980s action/adventure movie filtered through a stoner comedy.
  7. I can't remember which episode in Part 1 of Season 4 it happens, but the Hawkins team is at the Wheeler house and Mr. Wheeler is not happy the kids are there, but Karen is fine with it. Although it didn't quite work out, I think Karen was onto something. It's based on something real. She's okay with her house being hangout central because it means she know who her kids (at least her son) is friends with. She's probably learned a little bit about who thier parents are from bits and peices of conversations she's heard over the years (or knew who thier parents were because it's a small town). Until all of the madness with the Upside-Down, she didn't really have to worry about where her son was and who he was with, because there was a better than average chance he was downstairs in the basement with Will, Dustin, and Lucas playing games, reading comic books, or something equally harmless as far as she was concerned. When he was somplace else, she knew who his friends were and trusted them enough not to worry about them getting into trouble or doing something wrong.
  8. I thought it was a good idea to create a thread to discuss the parents of our kid/teen heroes.
  9. Someone online once described it as something like "Leia was expecting Mission Impossible and ended up with the Dukes of Hazzard." I do like that they made a callback to Leia being suspicious of and critical of the people rescuing her. Also, Han isn't really an Uber driver. He's more like a trucker that makes extra money by picking up hitchhikers. Based on the idea that he would object to "sketchy" the same way objects to "scruffy"? I love the idea of the "Skywalker Drama Gene" and I may be using that in the future. It's a great addition to my theory of the "Emo Skywalker Gene." I don't think this theory is as convoluted as you do. I think this one works perfectly. Owen doesn't Obi-Wan/Ben involved in Luke's life. We've seen that already in this series. It makes sense that wouldn't change. As a kid/teenager (Luke is 19 in A New Hope), he spends time with his friends, and Ben may come up as a campfire story kind of figure, but Luke has other interests. We know he's an aspiring pilot so I imagine there's racing whatever the Star Wars version of soap box derby or when he gets older something more like hot rods made from what they can get second hand.
  10. I think you may be onto something. At one point Nancy and Jonathan did have chemistry, but it seems like it faded. I guess they couldn't really handle a long-distance relationship (which is hard for adults, let alone teenagers). It's possible that maybe all Nancy and Jonathan had was shared trauma. Nancy and Steve had a relationship before all of the madness with the Upside-Down and the supernatural. The advantage is that Steve early on became aware of the madness, was and still is an active participant and is someone she can talk to about all the crazy stuff happening.
  11. YES! George Lucus has many, many talents but writing romantic dialogue is not one of them. What's crazy is that he knew this about himself in the early 1970s, which is why he had Gloria Katz and Willard Huyck (an actual married couple who I think knew each other from high school or college) work on the dialogue for Steve and Laurie in American Grafitti, because he knew he didn't understand that kind of relationship. I guess 20 years later, he thought he had gained that skill. It turned out he was wrong. I think the "we can't be together" thing would have worked better with a different more skilled writer.
  12. This brings up so many questions for me. If she knew how to escape in 1979, why did it take until 1983 for El to sucessfully escape? Was she waiting for just the right moment? Did something happen that caused her to want to escape? I am hoping these questions are answered this season or next season.
  13. I liked that the documentary showed what Julia Child was in contrast to (Spam with Pineapple and things with Jello) and what came after her. Also, I found it amusing that she loved the Dan Aykroyd sketch from SNL. I had no idea the sketch was sort of based on/had its roots in something that acutally happened.
  14. Obi-Wan's line in A New Hope about lightsabers being a weapon from a more civilized age makes so much more sense now. It was cool seeing Obi-Wan use a blaster.
  15. I think from the perspective of safety and practicality, (especially after everything they have been through already,) it makes more sense to drop off Leia first. That being said, I do love the idea of Luke and Leia seeing each from a distance for only a minute. I think Leia will somehow found a way to escape Reva.
  16. I agree with this and think this is how it should be done. If you watched Clone Wars or any of the other TV shows, it adds to the enjoyment and is a nice little bonus, but if you haven't watched the Clone Wars or any of the other TV series, it's pretty clear from the context who the character is and if you hadn't heard of him before, you aren't totally lost and confused.
  17. When I first saw the episode, I interpreted it as Will is developing later than his friends and isn't interested in girls yet.
  18. NYU has always been an expensive school, and I don't know how much money they can spend on Jonathan's college tution. NYU to me was always more of a fantasy/dream than an actual real plan for Jonathan. They didn't even have to raid her mother's closet. Nancy has plenty of outfits that she wore to her newspaper internship last year that would have worked. They'd have to cut the line about Easter Sunday Brunch, but they could still keep all the other comments about how uncomfortable the clothes are.
  19. I'm okay with this because it seems real to me. This has happened with my group of friends multiple times. Shipper On Deck is a real life thing for me, not just a TVLand thing. I also think it's funny to contrast the characters having discussions involving life or death consequences and discussions on how to save the world with discussions involving unwanted relationship advice.
  20. I feel like this is what happens every season. The different groups are investigating different aspects of the same thing without realizing it. All of the different storylines eventually tie together and there's a few scenes where they pool information and once they have all the peices, try to figure out what to do and how to defeat the seaon's big bad. It's fun watching and wondering how it will all fit together in the end.
  21. Either the episode with Eight was setting up another team to call on for a situation beyond what the Hawkins team can handle, or it's just another in a long line of failed backdoor pilots.
  22. Steve has graduated from high school. Nancy and Jonathan are seniors and I'm pretty sure Robin is a senior as well, but I may be wrong about Robin.
  23. I'll bet Steve won't be so quick to want to get out of babysitting duty next time. I hadn't thought about Steve suffering some form of physical abuse as the Stranger Things version of someone getting an arm/hand cut off in Star Wars, but you make a good point.
  24. I would say this a good summary of the situation with Robin. Will is struggling to figure out his sexuality. I'm not sure he knows what he is yet, much less being able to come out.
  25. I totally agree with you. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
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