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Sarah 103

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Everything posted by Sarah 103

  1. My guess, if they didn't know a click on the line meant the phone was bugged, is they did not grow up watching old movies, especially 1970s-1990s conspiracy thrillers. I didn't like the episode. It's my least favorite of this series. I watch to see the team being awesome, and I didn't get enough of that. It was better than The Office Job, in the original series but not by much. I did enjoy Henry being the LumberDuke.
  2. Which color? Also how many different colors were there? What I saw in her office looked pink; it made me scream "Capitol Hill Barbie," but the one she was wearing on the street when she was filming her first commercial looked red. At first I thought it was the same pantsuit and it looked like different colors in different lighting, but then we saw the yellow one at the end. I liked Jamie's storyline. I enjoyed seeing Danny and Eddie work together. Would it be possible for her to become a detective in or by the series finale? I think that may be what she wants. Someone or multiple people in the writers' room are fans of Happy Days, and I'm loving it.
  3. I am strangely okay with that because I think there are characters who are often more interesting and entertaining. Georgie, Missy, and all of the supporting characters can be fantastic and highly entertaining when giving good material to work with.
  4. My guess is that in George's mind/imagination, Brenda made the relationship seem like it was more serious and intimate than it actually was. Also, there is the male ego to consider. Of course George would assume it's him, because who else would it be? (sorry to any male readers that I may have offended.) I feel sorry for Mary looking for something to fill the time with and fill the void left by the church. It seems like George was actually trying to be helpful, listen, and offer genuinely good advice. I like Georgie's storyline. I like that he made a genuine connection with another young woman. I am curious to see where the story goes, even if it is a bit cliche. On the other hand, I am not watching this for cutting edge storytelling. I love an old-fashioned sitcom and this is very much in that style.
  5. Sarah 103

    Titanic (1997)

    Shallow end of the pool. I remember all of the girls in my grade being obsessed with Leo and at the time, and he didn't do a thing for. I think he looks much better five years later in Catch Me If You Can. I saw the movie on a big screen when it first came out and again in 2012 when it had a 3D release. If it's been awhile since you saw it on a big screen, it is an amazing experience.
  6. I think we're easily five years away from the dot com Bust in the series.
  7. She will probably get another dog and hopefully update her will to be sure that if she dies before the dog does, the new dog will go to a wonderful home where he or she will be well taken care of.
  8. My guess is that it had always been with a needle/injection and that he had never had to shoot an animal.
  9. Unless Paramount+ is desperate for content, which is a possibility.
  10. I am not sure what you mean by this. Can you please explain it?
  11. Do you think someone in the writers' room thought, you know we have a substantial older audience. Maybe we should work in a PSA about scams. I do enjoy Henry getting to be part of a storyline, and Anthony is a fun character. On paper, Joe Hill sounds like a character from a bad/cheesy soap-opera, but the character totally works and I'm not quite sure why. Eddie's current partner is probably my favorite of her post-Jamie partners. I like that he provides a contrasting worldview, without being a jerk. I also enjoy the little converations they have before the plot starts.
  12. I agree. Using Missy to spend time Mee Maw and fill the void left by his own grandmother was wrong. If that's what he wants, he needs to find other ways to do it. Good for Missy for realizing that he wanted Mee Maw, not her.
  13. I knew Vernoica was going to get out, but I didn't expect it to be this episode. I thought that was something they would save for the season finale. I love how well Vernoica knows his family. It didn't come off as creepy stalker, "I know where you live and who your family members are." To me, it came off as "remember how close we used to be and weren't those good times?" Overall, I enjoyed the episode.
  14. @DearEvette and @Llywela That's what I thought, but I couldn't quite figure out how she plugged the wristband into the computer. Of course, this may be one of those times when "roll with it, it's TVLand/techie magic" is the best and most acceptable. explanation
  15. I hope someone can clear something up for me, because I am confused on a plot point. How did Brianna get the virus on the computer? How did she connect the wristband to her computer to get the virus on the wristband, and then onto the owner's laptop? I feel like I missed something. Overall, I enjoyed this episode. It was enjoyable to see Sophie have to up her game because she was going up against someone who was her equal/the evil version of herself. Harry's subplot was wonderful. Parker was delightful and a bit offbeat.
  16. Overall, I didn't enjoy this, but Martin Short was one of the if not the best part of this particular special.
  17. He needed help in terms of being pointed in the right direction, but I would still say he figured it out on his own. He successfully pulled off "The Turkish Prisoner" con, even though he had help from the rest of the team. I liked that he made mistakes, but with a small push from Sophie was able to save the day. Is there anyone left who hasn't taken the lead on running a con? I'm pretty sure of it. She clearly has some vague idea of what Harry is involved with in term of that it helps the little guy, but is also illegal or at least in a legal gray area. I can picture her sending more clients his way, especially if she ever lost a case. I can hear her telling the client "While we're waiting for the appeal process, I told a friend who might be able to help."
  18. It's the one with Nate and Sophie handling a case on their own. It's an old country house mystery. A painting is stolen and it has to be someone in the house.
  19. I could have sworn the oldest son went to Emory, Vanderbilt, or something in the south. The younger son is still local in New York City, but living on campus at an unnamed university. Also, when talking about his family Danny mentions he has two kids, so it isn't like they retconned out of his sons.
  20. The closest they came to it was "The Frame-Up Job" in the original series. It's one of my favorite episodes.
  21. You are correct. I have no idea what happened behind the scenes. In-universe, Nicky moved to California for a job, I think it was with an environmental group, but I could be wrong.
  22. At the end of the episode, I'm surprised Erin didn't try to get out of the question "Who is the love of your life" by answering "my family" or "Nicky." Erin and Jack are turning into a real will they or won't they and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I enjoyed Frank having a good storyline that didn't frustrate me. I hope Jamie's doubts about why he is there being removed will make it easier for him to trust his boss.
  23. My comment was part of an earlier discuss about whether the proper term was patent or copyright, and that I wasn't sure that either term was actually used in the episode. My point was that the characters acknowledged there was a need for Sheldon's intellectual property to be protected so that the university and Sheldon could make money.
  24. I don't remember variations of the words "patent" or "copyright" actually being used in the episode. It was always a variation of "Sheldon's come up with an idea that could be worth something and profitable." Sheldon doesn't care about profit. He cares about the credit. His problem was that the lawyers and the university were preventing him from doing what he wanted. If Georgie is the mature, responsible one, you know this is a seriously messed up situation. I did love that Georgie was about five minutes away from trying to convince Mee-Maw and Mandy to turn it into a Christian video store because they would be able to make money from it. I think we're still a few years away (probably around five years) from the dot com boom and bust of the 1990s.
  25. I didn't like Sophie's accent. I have no idea what it was supposed to be in terms of region, class or anything else that an accent is usually used to indicate/suggest. I enjoyed the rest of the episode.
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